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文献阅读 250104-Overconfidence in climate overshoot

Overconfidence in climate overshoot

来自 <Overconfidence in climate overshoot | Nature>


## Key Pts:

  1. 全球减排努力仍不足以实现《巴黎协定》的温度目标,这意味着需要探究将温度降低至安全水平前暂时超过目标全球变暖限制的超调路径。Although the idealized situation is that allow tem to reach a dangerous peak and deline after that, but the world experience climate overshoot is dirffernet. We need to make a systematic estimation.

  1. Three type of pathways:
  • PD(Peak and Decline pathway): pathway  that aim to reduce all GHGs and to realize net-negative CO2 emission
  • PD-OS: pathway that set a safe tem. Limit (s.a. 1.5degrees),  allow it to be exceeded with high likelihood over the near term in the conviction that warming can be reversed again at a later stage.
  • PD-EP (Enhanced Protection pathway)   : Stringent and rapid GHG emission reduction as much and as early as possible, achieving net-zero CO2 emissions as soon as possible while minimizing residual emissions, and achieving sustainable levels of net-negative CO2 emissions thereafter in order to potentially reach net-zero or net-negative GHGs.

  1. Uncertain climate response and reversal

net-negative CO2 emissions (NNCE)



  1. Regional climate change reversibility

 carbon dioxide removal (CDR)

超调路径的主张是,如果全球变暖从长远来看回到某一水平(即1.5 °C)以下,那么无法将变暖保持在理想的温度极限以下是可以接受的。

 Even if global warming is stabilized at a certain level without overshoot, the climate system continues to change as its components keep adjusting and equilibrate30, with implications for regional climate patterns. The question then becomes what additional imprints on regional climate may originate directly from the overshoot.

在 NorESM2-LM 模型中,观察到区域温度尺度与超冲下的北大西洋和邻近欧洲陆地区域的全球平均地表空气温度 (GMST) 变化发生逆转,导致暂时的区域降温和随后的区域恢复和变暖.

  1. Time-lagged and irreversible impacts

For a range of climate impacts, there is no expectation of immediate reversibility after an overshoot. This includes changes in the deep ocean, marine biogeochemistry and species abundance, land-based biomes, carbon stocks and crop yields, but also biodiversity on land36. An overshoot will also increase the probability of triggering potential Earth system tipping elements. Sea levels will continue to rise for centuries to millennia even if long-term temperatures decline.



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