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Introducing Optimization

Chapter6:Introducing Optimization

声明:本篇博客笔记来源于《Neural Networks from scratch in Python》,作者的youtube


1.Coding Our First Neurons
2.Adding Hidden Layers
3.Activation Functions
4.Calculating Network Error with Loss



import numpy as np
import nnfs
from nnfs.datasets import spiral_data

# 构建两层神经元之间的关系
class Layer_Dense:
    # 初始化权重和偏置
    def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_neurons):
        # weights(2,3) 下标00代表输入层第一个神经元和隐藏层第一个神经元之间的权重
        #      0       1      2
        # 0  0.013   0.016  0.011
        # 1  0.006   0.006  0.046
        self.weights = 0.01 * np.random.randn(n_inputs, n_neurons)
        # biases(1,3)  代表隐藏层3个神经元的偏置
        #      0    1    2
        # 0  0.0   0.0  0.0
        self.biases = np.zeros((1, n_neurons))

    # 两层之间的前向传播,计算weights*inputs+biases
    def forward(self, inputs):
        # inputs(300,2) * weights(2,3) + biases(1,3) 这里将300个样本(矩阵)直接乘输入层和隐藏层之间的权重矩阵完成批量前向传播
        # outputs(300,3) 300个样本,每个样本对应三个类别的预测概率值
        self.outputs = np.dot(inputs, self.weights) + self.biases

# 隐藏层激活函数ReLU
class Activation_ReLU:
    def forward(self, inputs):
        self.outputs = np.maximum(0, inputs)

# 输出层激活函数Softmax
class Activation_Softmax:
    def forward(self, inputs):
        # 指数运算
        exp_vals = np.exp(inputs - np.max(inputs))  # 防止指数爆炸
        # 指数运算结果求和
        probability = exp_vals / np.sum(exp_vals, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        self.outputs = probability

# 计算平均损失
class Loss:
    def calculate(self, y_pred, y):
        # 计算交叉熵
        sample_losses = self.forward(y_pred, y)
        # 计算平均损失
        average_loss = np.mean(sample_losses)
        return average_loss

# 计算交叉熵
class cross_entropy(Loss):
    def forward(self, y_pred, y_true):
        # 为防止除0发生,利用clip函数将y_pred限制在10^-7~1-10^-7,即0.0000001~0.9999999
        y_pred_clipped = np.clip(y_pred, 1e-7, 1-1e-7)
        # 根据不同y_true类型进行置信度得分计算
        # 假设y_true为一维列表形式
        # 根据真实标签的下标,将预测结果中每个样本的对应类别预测值过滤出来
        samples = len(y_pred)
        if len(y_true.shape) == 1:
            # range(samples)生成下标0~299的列表,
            # 从 y_pred_clipped 中提取每个样本对应真实类别的预测值,结果是一个一维数组 correct_confidences,其中每个值是对应样本的预测置信度
            correct_confidences = y_pred_clipped[range(samples), y_true]
        elif len(y_true.shape) == 2:
            correct_confidences = np.sum(y_pred_clipped * y_true, axis=1)

        # 计算交叉熵
        negtivate_log_likelihood = -np.log(correct_confidences)
        return negtivate_log_likelihood

# 数据集
# X (300,2) y(300,)这个真实标签是len(y_true.shape)==1的类型
 X    x值       y值
 0  0.00299, 0.00964
 1  0.01288, 0.01556
 y 类别下标
 0 0
 1 0
 2 1
X, y = spiral_data(samples=100, classes=3)  # X数据,y真实标签
# 构建从输入层到隐藏层
dense1 = Layer_Dense(2, 3)
# 隐藏层激活函数
relu = Activation_ReLU()
# 构建从隐藏层到输出层
dense2 = Layer_Dense(3, 3)
# 输出层激活函数
softmax = Activation_Softmax()
# 实例化交叉熵函数
loss_function = cross_entropy()

# 初始化最低损失
lowest_loss = 9999
# 用于在更新时,保存最低损失对应网络中的权重和偏置
best_dense1_weights = dense1.weights.copy()
best_dense1_biases = dense1.biases.copy()
best_dense2_weights = dense2.weights.copy()
best_dense2_biases = dense2.biases.copy()

for iteration in range(9999):
    # 更新权重和偏置
    dense1.weights += 0.05 * np.random.randn(2, 3)
    dense1.biases += 0.05 * np.random.randn(1, 3)
    dense2.weights += 0.05 * np.random.randn(3, 3)
    dense2.biases += 0.05 * np.random.randn(1, 3)

    # 传入数据,前向传播到隐藏层
    # 传入隐藏层激活后的值
    # 计算平均损失
    loss = loss_function.calculate(softmax.outputs, y)
    # 计算精度
    prediction = np.argmax(softmax.outputs, axis=1)
    accuracy = np.mean(prediction == y)

    if loss < lowest_loss:
        # 打印迭代次数、损失、精确度
        print('New set of weights found, iteration:', iteration, 'loss:', loss, 'accuracy:', accuracy)
        # 保存当前最低损失对应的权重和偏置
        best_dense1_weights = dense1.weights.copy()
        best_dense1_biases = dense1.biases.copy()
        best_dense2_weights = dense2.weights.copy()
        best_dense2_biases = dense2.biases.copy()
        # 更新当前最低损失
        lowest_loss = loss
    # 当前损失loss大于最低损失,则将初始化的权重和偏置还原到网络中
        dense1.weights = best_dense1_weights.copy()
        dense1.biases = best_dense1_biases.copy()
        dense2.weights = best_dense2_weights.copy()
        dense2.biases = best_dense2_biases.copy()

New set of weights found, iteration: 0 loss: 1.1008677 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 1 loss: 1.0994315 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 2 loss: 1.0991217 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 3 loss: 1.0986339 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 4 loss: 1.0986199 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 5 loss: 1.0984716 accuracy: 0.36333333333333334
New set of weights found, iteration: 18 loss: 1.0983391 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 27 loss: 1.0982698 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 31 loss: 1.0982264 accuracy: 0.37333333333333335
New set of weights found, iteration: 35 loss: 1.0979562 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 36 loss: 1.0977433 accuracy: 0.3433333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 37 loss: 1.0976934 accuracy: 0.3333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 44 loss: 1.097596 accuracy: 0.3466666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 50 loss: 1.0973785 accuracy: 0.36333333333333334
New set of weights found, iteration: 51 loss: 1.0959908 accuracy: 0.3566666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 60 loss: 1.0959282 accuracy: 0.35333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 65 loss: 1.0954362 accuracy: 0.38333333333333336
New set of weights found, iteration: 67 loss: 1.093989 accuracy: 0.4166666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 71 loss: 1.0926254 accuracy: 0.37666666666666665
New set of weights found, iteration: 79 loss: 1.0921575 accuracy: 0.35333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 94 loss: 1.0918257 accuracy: 0.4166666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 101 loss: 1.0914664 accuracy: 0.38666666666666666
New set of weights found, iteration: 102 loss: 1.0909607 accuracy: 0.38333333333333336
New set of weights found, iteration: 103 loss: 1.0906307 accuracy: 0.35333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 106 loss: 1.089146 accuracy: 0.4166666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 113 loss: 1.0891142 accuracy: 0.37666666666666665
New set of weights found, iteration: 115 loss: 1.088237 accuracy: 0.36333333333333334
New set of weights found, iteration: 120 loss: 1.0880405 accuracy: 0.39
New set of weights found, iteration: 129 loss: 1.0874124 accuracy: 0.42333333333333334
New set of weights found, iteration: 140 loss: 1.087239 accuracy: 0.4266666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 157 loss: 1.0870038 accuracy: 0.42
New set of weights found, iteration: 163 loss: 1.0870035 accuracy: 0.38666666666666666
New set of weights found, iteration: 172 loss: 1.0862479 accuracy: 0.4266666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 175 loss: 1.0861241 accuracy: 0.41
New set of weights found, iteration: 179 loss: 1.0860893 accuracy: 0.3466666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 186 loss: 1.0853186 accuracy: 0.37666666666666665
New set of weights found, iteration: 190 loss: 1.0852814 accuracy: 0.42
New set of weights found, iteration: 191 loss: 1.0846506 accuracy: 0.42
New set of weights found, iteration: 203 loss: 1.0842136 accuracy: 0.42333333333333334
New set of weights found, iteration: 204 loss: 1.084184 accuracy: 0.3566666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 214 loss: 1.0837997 accuracy: 0.37666666666666665
New set of weights found, iteration: 218 loss: 1.0836842 accuracy: 0.4166666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 235 loss: 1.0836092 accuracy: 0.43333333333333335
New set of weights found, iteration: 238 loss: 1.0832268 accuracy: 0.38666666666666666
New set of weights found, iteration: 241 loss: 1.0831857 accuracy: 0.4033333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 246 loss: 1.0826017 accuracy: 0.38333333333333336
New set of weights found, iteration: 250 loss: 1.0825759 accuracy: 0.4033333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 254 loss: 1.0817988 accuracy: 0.38
New set of weights found, iteration: 282 loss: 1.0817244 accuracy: 0.38
New set of weights found, iteration: 286 loss: 1.0810702 accuracy: 0.41
New set of weights found, iteration: 288 loss: 1.0806731 accuracy: 0.37333333333333335
New set of weights found, iteration: 314 loss: 1.0806231 accuracy: 0.4066666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 340 loss: 1.080356 accuracy: 0.4
New set of weights found, iteration: 578 loss: 1.080259 accuracy: 0.4033333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 630 loss: 1.0802449 accuracy: 0.4166666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 877 loss: 1.0801865 accuracy: 0.4166666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 901 loss: 1.0801494 accuracy: 0.43
New set of weights found, iteration: 935 loss: 1.0800657 accuracy: 0.41333333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 978 loss: 1.0799247 accuracy: 0.42
New set of weights found, iteration: 1049 loss: 1.0798801 accuracy: 0.3933333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 1092 loss: 1.0797858 accuracy: 0.38666666666666666
New set of weights found, iteration: 1103 loss: 1.0795524 accuracy: 0.4033333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 1159 loss: 1.0795078 accuracy: 0.39666666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 1434 loss: 1.079379 accuracy: 0.41
New set of weights found, iteration: 1944 loss: 1.0793691 accuracy: 0.42
New set of weights found, iteration: 1967 loss: 1.0792985 accuracy: 0.4066666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 3281 loss: 1.0792687 accuracy: 0.42
New set of weights found, iteration: 4016 loss: 1.0792656 accuracy: 0.39666666666666667
New set of weights found, iteration: 4309 loss: 1.0792212 accuracy: 0.4033333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 5157 loss: 1.0791875 accuracy: 0.3933333333333333
New set of weights found, iteration: 5415 loss: 1.0790575 accuracy: 0.39




The Impact of a Parameter on the Output
C h a n g e   i n   y C h a n g e   i n   x = Δ y Δ x \frac{Change\ in\ y}{Change\ in\ x}=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} Change in xChange in y=ΔxΔy

def f(x):
    return 2*x**2
# 详细地说,无限小的delta值将近似于精确的导数;然而,delta增量值需要在数值上稳定,
# 这意味着,我们的增量不能超过Python浮点精度的限制(不能太小,因为它可能被四舍五入为0,而且,正如我们所知,除以0是“非法的”)。
# 因此,我们的解决方案被限制在估计导数和保持数值稳定之间,从而引入了这个小而明显的误差

delta = 0.0001  
x1 = 1
x2 = x1 + delta
y1 = f(x1)
y2 = f(x2)
slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
# f(x)=2x^2的导数为4x,在x=1处的导数值为4,我们通过近似切线的“割线”斜率计算结果为
4.0001999999987845 # 可见相差很小

“导数”的含义是:当x做出改变时对函数值y的影响多大,也就说导数 f ′ ( x ) = d y / d x f'(x)=dy/dx f(x)=dy/dx对影响进行了量化

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(x):
    return 2 * x ** 2

x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.0001)  # 生成从 0 到 5,步长为 0.0001 的数组 `x`
y = f(x)
plt.plot(x, y)  # 绘制函数2x^2
# 绘制切线
delta = 0.0001
x1 = 2
x2 = x1 + delta
y1 = f(x1)
y2 = f(x2)
print((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
# 切线 y=mx+b 斜率m
numerical_derivatives = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
# 切线 y=mx+b, b = y - mx
b = y2 - numerical_derivatives * x2  # 计算切线的截距

def tange_line(i):
    return numerical_derivatives * i + b  # 给定i值返回切线上的函数值

to_plot = [x1 - 0.9, x1, x1 + 0.9]  # 包含三个值的列表,切线上三个点的横坐标
plt.plot(to_plot, [tange_line(i) for i in to_plot])  # to_plot横坐标,列表内的值为纵坐标,plot函数根据三个点连接为直线
print('Approximate derivative for f(x)', f'where x = {x1} is {numerical_derivatives}')  # 打印在 `x1` 处的近似导数

(2, 8) (2.0001, 8.000800020000002)
Approximate derivative for f(x) where x = 2 is 8.000199999998785

Chapter8: Gradients, Partial Derivatives, and the Chain Rule

在第一章提到,神经网络本质上就是一个层层嵌套的复杂函数,我们要想知道每个权重和偏置如何影响损失,就需要对这个复杂函数进行层层求偏导数(多元函数的导数),也就是链式法则(Chain Rule),由复杂函数最内层(对应神经网络输出层)逐层向外,最终到最外层(对应神经网络输入层),输出结果与真实数据作损失得到损失函数。







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