- 链表
- 双向链表
- 哈希链表
- 红黑树
- 无锁环形缓冲区
- 映射
- 参考
内核版本:linux-6.6.69 longterm
linux 内核中的链表在文件include/linux/types.h
Linux内核链表使用struct list_head数据结构来描述。
// include/linux/types.h
struct list_head {
struct list_head *next, *prev;
struct list_head数据结构不包含链表节点的数据区,通常是嵌入其他数据结构。
// include/linux/list.h
#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }
#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
* INIT_LIST_HEAD - Initialize a list_head structure
* @list: list_head structure to be initialized.
* Initializes the list_head to point to itself. If it is a list header,
* the result is an empty list.
static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
WRITE_ONCE(list->next, list);
WRITE_ONCE(list->prev, list);
// include/linux/list.h
* Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries.
* This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
* the prev/next entries already!
static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *new,
struct list_head *prev,
struct list_head *next)
if (!__list_add_valid(new, prev, next))
next->prev = new;
new->next = next;
new->prev = prev;
WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, new);
* list_add - add a new entry
* @new: new entry to be added
* @head: list head to add it after
* Insert a new entry after the specified head.
* This is good for implementing stacks.
static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head)
__list_add(new, head, head->next);
* list_add_tail - add a new entry
* @new: new entry to be added
* @head: list head to add it before
* Insert a new entry before the specified head.
* This is useful for implementing queues.
static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head)
__list_add(new, head->prev, head);
// include/linux/list.h
* list_for_each - iterate over a list
* @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
* @head: the head for your list.
#define list_for_each(pos, head) \
for (pos = (head)->next; !list_is_head(pos, (head)); pos = pos->next)
// include/linux/list.h
* list_entry - get the struct for this entry
* @ptr: the &struct list_head pointer.
* @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.
* @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \
container_of(ptr, type, member)
// include/linux/container_of.h
* container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
* @ptr: the pointer to the member.
* @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
* @member: the name of the member within the struct.
* WARNING: any const qualifier of @ptr is lost.
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
void *__mptr = (void *)(ptr); \
static_assert(__same_type(*(ptr), ((type *)0)->member) || \
__same_type(*(ptr), void), \
"pointer type mismatch in container_of()"); \
((type *)(__mptr - offsetof(type, member))); })
哈希链表(Hash List)是指在对需要存储的数据进行hash时,如果产生了冲突,就使用链表的方式将产生冲突的数据进行存储。通常情况下,哈希表中元素的使用顺序是:数据存储–>数据获取–>数据删除。
Linux内核链表使用struct hlist_head数据结构来描述哈希表,使用struct hlist_node数据结构来描述链表结构。代码位于include/linux/types.h
struct hlist_head {
struct hlist_node *first;
struct hlist_node {
struct hlist_node *next, **pprev;
pprev二级指针存在的意义是因为效率。向链表中添加节点时可以直接添加到头部,但是当删除节点时,不但要记录即将删除节点的前一个节点,还需要判断删除的节点是否是头结点。如果使用pprev指针,那么在删除节点时直接使用*(del_node->pprev) = del_node->next
#define HLIST_HEAD_INIT { .first = NULL }
#define HLIST_HEAD(name) struct hlist_head name = { .first = NULL }
#define INIT_HLIST_HEAD(ptr) ((ptr)->first = NULL)
static inline void INIT_HLIST_NODE(struct hlist_node *h)
h->next = NULL;
h->pprev = NULL;
* hlist_add_head - add a new entry at the beginning of the hlist
* @n: new entry to be added
* @h: hlist head to add it after
* Insert a new entry after the specified head.
* This is good for implementing stacks.
static inline void hlist_add_head(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_head *h)
struct hlist_node *first = h->first;
WRITE_ONCE(n->next, first);
if (first)
WRITE_ONCE(first->pprev, &n->next);
WRITE_ONCE(h->first, n);
WRITE_ONCE(n->pprev, &h->first);
* hlist_add_before - add a new entry before the one specified
* @n: new entry to be added
* @next: hlist node to add it before, which must be non-NULL
static inline void hlist_add_before(struct hlist_node *n,
struct hlist_node *next)
WRITE_ONCE(n->pprev, next->pprev);
WRITE_ONCE(n->next, next);
WRITE_ONCE(next->pprev, &n->next);
WRITE_ONCE(*(n->pprev), n);
* hlist_add_behind - add a new entry after the one specified
* @n: new entry to be added
* @prev: hlist node to add it after, which must be non-NULL
static inline void hlist_add_behind(struct hlist_node *n,
struct hlist_node *prev)
WRITE_ONCE(n->next, prev->next);
WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, n);
WRITE_ONCE(n->pprev, &prev->next);
if (n->next)
WRITE_ONCE(n->next->pprev, &n->next);
static inline void __hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n)
struct hlist_node *next = n->next;
struct hlist_node **pprev = n->pprev;
WRITE_ONCE(*pprev, next);
if (next)
WRITE_ONCE(next->pprev, pprev);
* hlist_del - Delete the specified hlist_node from its list
* @n: Node to delete.
* Note that this function leaves the node in hashed state. Use
* hlist_del_init() or similar instead to unhash @n.
static inline void hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n)
n->next = LIST_POISON1;
n->pprev = LIST_POISON2;
* hlist_del_init - Delete the specified hlist_node from its list and initialize
* @n: Node to delete.
* Note that this function leaves the node in unhashed state.
static inline void hlist_del_init(struct hlist_node *n)
if (!hlist_unhashed(n)) {
* hlist_move_list - Move an hlist
* @old: hlist_head for old list.
* @new: hlist_head for new list.
* Move a list from one list head to another. Fixup the pprev
* reference of the first entry if it exists.
static inline void hlist_move_list(struct hlist_head *old,
struct hlist_head *new)
new->first = old->first;
if (new->first)
new->first->pprev = &new->first;
old->first = NULL;
#define hlist_for_each(pos, head) \
for (pos = (head)->first; pos ; pos = pos->next)
#define hlist_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr,type,member)
红黑树(Red Black Tree)被广泛应用在内核的内存管理和进程调度中,用于将排序的元素组织到树中。红黑树被广泛应用在计算机科学的各个领域中,它在速度和实现复杂度之间提供一个很好的平衡。
- 每个节点或红或黑。
- 每个叶节点是黑色的。
- 如果结点都是红色,那么两个子结点都是黑色。
- 从一个内部结点到叶结点的简单路径上,对所有叶节点来说,黑色结点的数目都是相同的。
红黑树的一个优点是,所有重要的操作(例如插入、删除、搜索)都可以在O(log n)时间内完成,n为树中元素的数目。更详细的介绍参考:
在Linux内核中,KFIFO是采用无锁环形缓冲区的实现。FIFO的全称是“First In First Out”,即先进先出的数据结构,它采用环形缓冲区的方法来实现,并提供一个无边界的字节流服务。采用环形缓冲区的好处是,当一个数据元素被消耗之后,其余数据元素不需要移动其存储位置,从而减少复制,提高效率。
* kfifo_alloc - dynamically allocates a new fifo buffer
* @fifo: pointer to the fifo
* @size: the number of elements in the fifo, this must be a power of 2
* @gfp_mask: get_free_pages mask, passed to kmalloc()
* This macro dynamically allocates a new fifo buffer.
* The number of elements will be rounded-up to a power of 2.
* The fifo will be release with kfifo_free().
* Return 0 if no error, otherwise an error code.
#define kfifo_alloc(fifo, size, gfp_mask) \
__kfifo_int_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
__is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? \
__kfifo_alloc(__kfifo, size, sizeof(*__tmp->type), gfp_mask) : \
}) \
该函数创建并分配一个大小为size的KFIFO环形缓冲区。第一个参数fifo是指向该环形缓冲区的struct kfifo数据结构;第二个参数size是指定缓冲区元素的数量;第三个参数gfp_mask表示分配KFIFO元素使用的分配掩码。
* INIT_KFIFO - Initialize a fifo declared by DECLARE_KFIFO
* @fifo: name of the declared fifo datatype
#define INIT_KFIFO(fifo) \
(void)({ \
typeof(&(fifo)) __tmp = &(fifo); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
__kfifo->in = 0; \
__kfifo->out = 0; \
__kfifo->mask = __is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? 0 : ARRAY_SIZE(__tmp->buf) - 1;\
__kfifo->esize = sizeof(*__tmp->buf); \
__kfifo->data = __is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? NULL : __tmp->buf; \
* DEFINE_KFIFO - macro to define and initialize a fifo
* @fifo: name of the declared fifo datatype
* @type: type of the fifo elements
* @size: the number of elements in the fifo, this must be a power of 2
* Note: the macro can be used for global and local fifo data type variables.
#define DEFINE_KFIFO(fifo, type, size) \
DECLARE_KFIFO(fifo, type, size) = \
(typeof(fifo)) { \
{ \
{ \
.in = 0, \
.out = 0, \
.mask = __is_kfifo_ptr(&(fifo)) ? \
0 : \
ARRAY_SIZE((fifo).buf) - 1, \
.esize = sizeof(*(fifo).buf), \
.data = __is_kfifo_ptr(&(fifo)) ? \
NULL : \
(fifo).buf, \
} \
} \
- 入列
* kfifo_in - put data into the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @buf: the data to be added
* @n: number of elements to be added
* This macro copies the given buffer into the fifo and returns the
* number of copied elements.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define kfifo_in(fifo, buf, n) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
typeof(__tmp->ptr_const) __buf = (buf); \
unsigned long __n = (n); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
(__recsize) ?\
__kfifo_in_r(__kfifo, __buf, __n, __recsize) : \
__kfifo_in(__kfifo, __buf, __n); \
- 出列
* kfifo_out - get data from the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @buf: pointer to the storage buffer
* @n: max. number of elements to get
* This macro get some data from the fifo and return the numbers of elements
* copied.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define kfifo_out(fifo, buf, n) \
__kfifo_uint_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
typeof(__tmp->ptr) __buf = (buf); \
unsigned long __n = (n); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
(__recsize) ?\
__kfifo_out_r(__kfifo, __buf, __n, __recsize) : \
__kfifo_out(__kfifo, __buf, __n); \
}) \
- 获取缓冲区大小
* kfifo_size - returns the size of the fifo in elements
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_size(fifo) ((fifo)->kfifo.mask + 1)
* kfifo_len - returns the number of used elements in the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_len(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpl = (fifo); \
__tmpl-> - __tmpl->kfifo.out; \
* kfifo_is_empty - returns true if the fifo is empty
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_is_empty(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpq = (fifo); \
__tmpq-> == __tmpq->kfifo.out; \
* kfifo_is_full - returns true if the fifo is full
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_is_full(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpq = (fifo); \
kfifo_len(__tmpq) > __tmpq->kfifo.mask; \
- 与用户空间数据交互
* kfifo_from_user - puts some data from user space into the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @from: pointer to the data to be added
* @len: the length of the data to be added
* @copied: pointer to output variable to store the number of copied bytes
* This macro copies at most @len bytes from the @from into the
* fifo, depending of the available space and returns -EFAULT/0.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define kfifo_from_user(fifo, from, len, copied) \
__kfifo_uint_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
const void __user *__from = (from); \
unsigned int __len = (len); \
unsigned int *__copied = (copied); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
(__recsize) ? \
__kfifo_from_user_r(__kfifo, __from, __len, __copied, __recsize) : \
__kfifo_from_user(__kfifo, __from, __len, __copied); \
}) \
* kfifo_to_user - copies data from the fifo into user space
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @to: where the data must be copied
* @len: the size of the destination buffer
* @copied: pointer to output variable to store the number of copied bytes
* This macro copies at most @len bytes from the fifo into the
* @to buffer and returns -EFAULT/0.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define kfifo_to_user(fifo, to, len, copied) \
__kfifo_int_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
void __user *__to = (to); \
unsigned int __len = (len); \
unsigned int *__copied = (copied); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
(__recsize) ? \
__kfifo_to_user_r(__kfifo, __to, __len, __copied, __recsize) : \
__kfifo_to_user(__kfifo, __to, __len, __copied); \
}) \
在Linux中,IDR是一个Small id to pointer translation service,用于管理整数ID,将整数和指针映射。使用的时候首先为一个数据结构的指针分配一个整数ID,接下来通过ID可以快速查找对应的指针。
数组和链表也能用于这样的转换,但是数组不能用于查询范围很大的情况,链表的迭代效率很低,因此不能用于映射量很大的情况。某些情况下可以用hash表来替代IDR,但是IDR相比于hash表来说不必预分配一个很大的数组,并且最坏情况要比hash表好。平衡二叉树能更好的控制最坏情况,但是IDR处理的情况比较特殊,只需要管理整数和指针,所以可以实现出比平衡二叉树更优的算法,不论在存储上还是在查询上都表现更好。 IDR也是一种radix tree,每个节点有256个分支,通过一些技巧性的位运算可以得到很高的查询效率。
* IDR_INIT() - Initialise an IDR.
* @name: Name of IDR.
* A freshly-initialised IDR contains no IDs.
#define IDR_INIT(name) IDR_INIT_BASE(name, 0)
* DEFINE_IDR() - Define a statically-allocated IDR.
* @name: Name of IDR.
* An IDR defined using this macro is ready for use with no additional
* initialisation required. It contains no IDs.
#define DEFINE_IDR(name) struct idr name = IDR_INIT(name)
* idr_init_base() - Initialise an IDR.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* @base: The base value for the IDR.
* This variation of idr_init() creates an IDR which will allocate IDs
* starting at %base.
static inline void idr_init_base(struct idr *idr, int base)
idr->idr_base = base;
idr->idr_next = 0;
* idr_init() - Initialise an IDR.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* Initialise a dynamically allocated IDR. To initialise a
* statically allocated IDR, use DEFINE_IDR().
static inline void idr_init(struct idr *idr)
idr_init_base(idr, 0);
* idr_remove() - Remove an ID from the IDR.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* @id: Pointer ID.
* Removes this ID from the IDR. If the ID was not previously in the IDR,
* this function returns %NULL.
* Since this function modifies the IDR, the caller should provide their
* own locking to ensure that concurrent modification of the same IDR is
* not possible.
* Return: The pointer formerly associated with this ID.
void *idr_remove(struct idr *idr, unsigned long id)
return radix_tree_delete_item(&idr->idr_rt, id - idr->idr_base, NULL);
// lib/radix-tree.c
* idr_destroy - release all internal memory from an IDR
* @idr: idr handle
* After this function is called, the IDR is empty, and may be reused or
* the data structure containing it may be freed.
* A typical clean-up sequence for objects stored in an idr tree will use
* idr_for_each() to free all objects, if necessary, then idr_destroy() to
* free the memory used to keep track of those objects.
void idr_destroy(struct idr *idr)
struct radix_tree_node *node = rcu_dereference_raw(idr->idr_rt.xa_head);
if (radix_tree_is_internal_node(node))
idr->idr_rt.xa_head = NULL;
root_tag_set(&idr->idr_rt, IDR_FREE);
// lib/radix-tree.c
* idr_preload - preload for idr_alloc()
* @gfp_mask: allocation mask to use for preloading
* Preallocate memory to use for the next call to idr_alloc(). This function
* returns with preemption disabled. It will be enabled by idr_preload_end().
void idr_preload(gfp_t gfp_mask)
if (__radix_tree_preload(gfp_mask, IDR_PRELOAD_SIZE))
// lib/idr.c
* idr_alloc() - Allocate an ID.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* @ptr: Pointer to be associated with the new ID.
* @start: The minimum ID (inclusive).
* @end: The maximum ID (exclusive).
* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.
* Allocates an unused ID in the range specified by @start and @end. If
* @end is <= 0, it is treated as one larger than %INT_MAX. This allows
* callers to use @start + N as @end as long as N is within integer range.
* The caller should provide their own locking to ensure that two
* concurrent modifications to the IDR are not possible. Read-only
* accesses to the IDR may be done under the RCU read lock or may
* exclude simultaneous writers.
* Return: The newly allocated ID, -ENOMEM if memory allocation failed,
* or -ENOSPC if no free IDs could be found.
int idr_alloc(struct idr *idr, void *ptr, int start, int end, gfp_t gfp)
u32 id = start;
int ret;
if (WARN_ON_ONCE(start < 0))
return -EINVAL;
ret = idr_alloc_u32(idr, ptr, &id, end > 0 ? end - 1 : INT_MAX, gfp);
if (ret)
return ret;
return id;
// include/linux/idr.h
* idr_preload_end - end preload section started with idr_preload()
* Each idr_preload() should be matched with an invocation of this
* function. See idr_preload() for details.
static inline void idr_preload_end(void)
// lib/idr.c
* idr_find() - Return pointer for given ID.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* @id: Pointer ID.
* Looks up the pointer associated with this ID. A %NULL pointer may
* indicate that @id is not allocated or that the %NULL pointer was
* associated with this ID.
* This function can be called under rcu_read_lock(), given that the leaf
* pointers lifetimes are correctly managed.
* Return: The pointer associated with this ID.
void *idr_find(const struct idr *idr, unsigned long id)
return radix_tree_lookup(&idr->idr_rt, id - idr->idr_base);
* idr_replace() - replace pointer for given ID.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* @ptr: New pointer to associate with the ID.
* @id: ID to change.
* Replace the pointer registered with an ID and return the old value.
* This function can be called under the RCU read lock concurrently with
* idr_alloc() and idr_remove() (as long as the ID being removed is not
* the one being replaced!).
* Returns: the old value on success. %-ENOENT indicates that @id was not
* found. %-EINVAL indicates that @ptr was not valid.
void *idr_replace(struct idr *idr, void *ptr, unsigned long id)
struct radix_tree_node *node;
void __rcu **slot = NULL;
void *entry;
id -= idr->idr_base;
entry = __radix_tree_lookup(&idr->idr_rt, id, &node, &slot);
if (!slot || radix_tree_tag_get(&idr->idr_rt, id, IDR_FREE))
return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
__radix_tree_replace(&idr->idr_rt, node, slot, ptr);
return entry;
* idr_for_each() - Iterate through all stored pointers.
* @idr: IDR handle.
* @fn: Function to be called for each pointer.
* @data: Data passed to callback function.
* The callback function will be called for each entry in @idr, passing
* the ID, the entry and @data.
* If @fn returns anything other than %0, the iteration stops and that
* value is returned from this function.
* idr_for_each() can be called concurrently with idr_alloc() and
* idr_remove() if protected by RCU. Newly added entries may not be
* seen and deleted entries may be seen, but adding and removing entries
* will not cause other entries to be skipped, nor spurious ones to be seen.
int idr_for_each(const struct idr *idr,
int (*fn)(int id, void *p, void *data), void *data)
struct radix_tree_iter iter;
void __rcu **slot;
int base = idr->idr_base;
radix_tree_for_each_slot(slot, &idr->idr_rt, &iter, 0) {
int ret;
unsigned long id = iter.index + base;
ret = fn(id, rcu_dereference_raw(*slot), data);
if (ret)
return ret;
return 0;
// include/linux/idr.h
* idr_is_empty() - Are there any IDs allocated?
* @idr: IDR handle.
* Return: %true if any IDs have been allocated from this IDR.
static inline bool idr_is_empty(const struct idr *idr)
return radix_tree_empty(&idr->idr_rt) &&
radix_tree_tagged(&idr->idr_rt, IDR_FREE);
Trees I: Radix trees
Trees II: red-black trees