Android车机DIY开发之软件篇(三)编译Automotive OS错误(2)
Android车机DIY开发之软件篇(三)编译Automotive OS错误(2)
alientek@alientek:~$ emulator
INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 10728531) (CL:N/A)
INFO | Storing crashdata in: , detection is enabled for process: 1151720
INFO | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line launch with the -log-nofilter flag.
WARNING | Failed to open /home/alientek/.android/adbkey
WARNING | adbkey generation failed
[swscaler @ 0x5561d860e000] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to bgra.
WARNING | Your GPU drivers may have a bug. Switching to software rendering.
library_mode swangle_indirect gpu mode swangle_indirect
WARNING | No adb private key exists
WARNING | cannot add library /home/alientek/prebuilts/android-emulator/linux-x86_64/qemu/linux-x86_64/lib64/vulkan/ failed
INFO | added library /home/alientek/prebuilts/android-emulator/linux-x86_64/lib64/vulkan/
pc_memory_init: above 4g size: 40000000
WARNING | The emulator now requires a signed jwt token for gRPC access! Use the -grpc flag if you really want an open unprotected grpc port
INFO | Using security allow list from: /home/alientek/prebuilts/android-emulator/linux-x86_64/lib/emulator_access.json
WARNING | *** Basic token auth should only be used by android-studio ***
INFO | The active JSON Web Key Sets can be found here: /run/user/1000/avd/running/1151720/jwks/6cad94a2-1b3b-46ca-9a1c-5e05463aa823/active.jwk
INFO | Scanning /run/user/1000/avd/running/1151720/jwks/6cad94a2-1b3b-46ca-9a1c-5e05463aa823 for jwk keys.
INFO | Started GRPC server at, security: Local, auth: +token
INFO | Advertising in: /run/user/1000/avd/running/pid_1151720.ini
INFO | Setting display: 0 configuration to: 1408x792, dpi: 160x160
ERROR | Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037
ERROR | Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037
INFO | Activated packet streamer for bluetooth emulation
INFO | Loading snapshot ‘default_boot’…
WARNING | Failed to process .ini file /home/alientek/.android/emu-update-last-check.ini for reading.
WARNING | Device ‘cache’ does not have the requested snapshot ‘default_boot’
WARNING | Failed to load snapshot ‘default_boot’
WARNING | Failed to process .ini file /home/alientek/.android/emu-update-last-check.ini for reading.
INFO | Info: Sandboxing disabled by user. ((null):0, (null))
INFO | Wait for emulator (pid 1151720) 20 seconds to shutdown gracefully before kill;you can set environment variable ANDROID_EMULATOR_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL(in seconds) to change the default value (20 seconds)
确保系统已安装最新的 GPU 驱动程序。
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mesa-utils
检查 GPU 状态:
glxinfo | grep OpenGL