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  • 对于release apk 进行360加固
    def packers360(File releaseApk) {
    println ‘packers=beginning 360 jiagu’
    def packersFile = file(app[“packersPath”])
    if (!packersFile.exists()) {
    exec {
    // 登录360加固保
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-login’, packers[“account”], packers[“password”]]
    println 'packers
    =import 360 login’
    exec {
    // 导入签名信息
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-importsign’, signing[“storeFile”],
    signing[“storePassword”], signing[“keyAlias”], signing[“keyPassword”]]
    println ‘packers=import 360 sign’
    exec {
    // 查看360加固签名信息
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-showsign’]
    println 'packers
    =show 360 sign’
    exec {
    // 初始化加固服务配置,后面可不带参数
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-config’]
    println ‘packers=init 360 services’
    exec {
    // 执行加固,然后自动签名,若不采取自动签名,需要自己通过build-tools命令自己签名
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-jiagu’, releaseApk.absolutePath, app[“packersPath”], ‘-autosign’]
    println 'packers
    =excute 360 jiagu’
    println 'packers=360 jiagu finished’
    println "packers
    =360 jiagu path ${app[“packersPath”]}"


关于自动签名,其实360在加固的时候提供了自动签名的配置选项,如果你不想将签名文件上传给360,在加固后可以自己选择手动签名,因为这涉及到安全性的问题,此版本我采取的是360自动签名,如果大家想自己手动签名,下面我给出一套方案,主要是利用 zipalignapksigner命令 他们都是位于SDK文件中的build-tools目录中,我们执行自动化签名需要gradle配置好路径。

  • 对齐未签名的apk

zipalign -v -p 4 my-app-unsigned.apk my-app-unsigned-aligned.apk

  • 使用你的私钥为apk签名

apksigner sign --ks my-release-key.jks --out my-app-release.apk my-app-unsigned-aligned.apk

  • 验证apk是否已经被签名

apksigner verify my-app-release.apk




  • 腾讯channel重新构建渠道包
    def reBuildChannel() {
    File channelFile = file(“${app[“channelPath”]}/new”)
    if (!channelFile.exists()) {
    def cmd = “java -jar ${app[“vasDollyPath”]} put -c ${”…/channel.txt"} ${outputpackersApk()} ${channelFile.absolutePath}"
    println cmd
    cmd.execute().waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
    println ‘packers===excute VasDolly reBuildChannel’



// 把敏感信息存放到自定义的properties文件中
def propertiesFile = rootProject.file(“release.properties”)
def properties = new Properties()
properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesFile))

ext {
// 签名配置
signing = [keyAlias : properties[‘RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS’],
keyPassword : properties[‘RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD’],
storeFile : properties[‘RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PATH’],
storePassword: properties[‘RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD’]

// app相关的配置
app = [
//默认release apk的文件路径,因为加固是基于release包的
releasePath : “ p r o j e c t . b u i l d D i r / o u t p u t s / a p k / r e l e a s e " , / / 对 r e l e a s e a p k 加固后产生的加固 a p k 地址 p a c k e r s P a t h : " {project.buildDir}/outputs/apk/release", //对release apk 加固后产生的加固apk地址 packersPath : " project.buildDir/outputs/apk/release",//releaseapk加固后产生的加固apk地址packersPath:"{project.buildDir}/outputs/packers”,
channelPath : “${project.buildDir}/outputs/channels”,
vasDollyPath: “…/VasDolly.jar”

// 360加固配置
packers = [account : properties[‘ACCOUNT360’], //账号
password : properties[‘PASSWORD360’], //密码
zipPath : “ p r o j e c t . r o o t D i r / j i a g u / 360 j i a g u . z i p " , / / 加固压缩包路径 u n z i p P a t h : " {project.rootDir}/jiagu/360jiagu.zip", //加固压缩包路径 unzipPath : " project.rootDir/jiagu/360jiagu.zip",//加固压缩包路径unzipPath:"{project.rootDir}/jiagu/360jiagubao/”, //加固解压路径
jarPath : “ p r o j e c t . r o o t D i r / j i a g u / 360 j i a g u b a o / j i a g u / j i a g u . j a r " , / / 执行命令的 j a r 包路径 c h a n n e l C o n f i g P a t h : " {project.rootDir}/jiagu/360jiagubao/jiagu/jiagu.jar", //执行命令的jar包路径 channelConfigPath: " project.rootDir/jiagu/360jiagubao/jiagu/jiagu.jar",//执行命令的jar包路径channelConfigPath:"{project.rootDir}/jiagu/Channel.txt”, //加固多渠道
jiagubao_mac : “https://down.360safe.com/360Jiagu/360jiagubao_mac.zip”, //加固mac下载地址
jiagubao_windows : “https://down.360safe.com/360Jiagu/360jiagubao_windows_64.zip” //加固widnows下载地址


  • gradle脚本插件的引用

apply from: “${project.rootDir}/packers.gradle”

  • 局部变量

def dest = “A”

  • 扩展属性

ext {
account = “XXXX”
password = “XXXXX”

  • 字符串相关

def name = ‘张三’
def name = “我是${‘张三’}”
def name = “”"

  • 可有可无的圆括号

// 这两种写法等价
println ‘A’

  • 闭包作为方法的最后一个参数

repositories {
println “A”
repositories() { println “A” }
repositories({println “A” })

  • task依赖

task B {
// TaskB依赖TaskA,故会先执行TaskA
dependsOn A
doLast {
println “B”

  • task排序

//taskB必须总是在 taskA 之后运行, 无论 taskA 和 taskB 是否将要运行
taskB.shouldRunAfter (taskA)

  • 文件定位

// 使用一个相对路径
File configFile = file(‘src/config.xml’)
// 使用一个绝对路径
configFile = file(configFile.absolutePath)
// 使用一个项目路径的文件对象
configFile = file(new File(‘src/config.xml’))`

  • 文件遍历

// 对文件集合进行迭代
collection.each {File file ->
println file.name

  • 文件复制重命名

copy {
from 源文件地址
into 目标目录地址
rename(“原文件名”, “新文件名字”)



  • 发布应用到fir.im托管平台 入口

方式一:fir-CLI 命令行工具上传
$ fir p path/to/application -T YOUR_FIR_TOKEN
方式二:API 上传
curl -X “POST” “http://api.bq04.com/apps”
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-d “{“type”:“android”, “bundle_id”:“xx.x”, “api_token”:“aa”}”
curl -F “key=xxxxxx”
-F “token=xxxxx”
-F “file=@aa.apk”
-F “x:name=aaaa”
-F “x:version=a.b.c”
-F “x:build=1”
-F “x:release_type=Adhoc” \ #type=ios 使用
-F “x:changelog=first”

  • 发布应用到蒲公英 入口

curl -F “file=@/tmp/example.ipa” -F “uKey=” -F “_api_key=” https://upload.pgyer.com/apiv1/app/upload







  • @author hule
  • @date 2020/04/15 13:42
  • description:360自动加固+Vaslloy多渠道打包

// 把敏感信息存放到自定义的properties文件中
def propertiesFile = rootProject.file(“release.properties”)
def properties = new Properties()
properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesFile))

ext {
// 签名配置
signing = [keyAlias : properties[‘RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS’],
keyPassword : properties[‘RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD’],
storeFile : properties[‘RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PATH’],
storePassword: properties[‘RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD’]

// app相关的配置
app = [
//默认release apk的文件路径,因为加固是基于release包的
releasePath : “ p r o j e c t . b u i l d D i r / o u t p u t s / a p k / r e l e a s e " , / / 对 r e l e a s e a p k 加固后产生的加固 a p k 地址 p a c k e r s P a t h : " {project.buildDir}/outputs/apk/release", //对release apk 加固后产生的加固apk地址 packersPath : " project.buildDir/outputs/apk/release",//releaseapk加固后产生的加固apk地址packersPath:"{project.buildDir}/outputs/packers”,
channelPath : “${project.buildDir}/outputs/channels”,
vasDollyPath: “…/VasDolly.jar”

// 360加固配置
packers = [account : properties[‘ACCOUNT360’], //账号
password : properties[‘PASSWORD360’], //密码
zipPath : “ p r o j e c t . r o o t D i r / j i a g u / 360 j i a g u . z i p " , / / 加固压缩包路径 u n z i p P a t h : " {project.rootDir}/jiagu/360jiagu.zip", //加固压缩包路径 unzipPath : " project.rootDir/jiagu/360jiagu.zip",//加固压缩包路径unzipPath:"{project.rootDir}/jiagu/360jiagubao/”, //加固解压路径
jarPath : “ p r o j e c t . r o o t D i r / j i a g u / 360 j i a g u b a o / j i a g u / j i a g u . j a r " , / / 执行命令的 j a r 包路径 c h a n n e l C o n f i g P a t h : " {project.rootDir}/jiagu/360jiagubao/jiagu/jiagu.jar", //执行命令的jar包路径 channelConfigPath: " project.rootDir/jiagu/360jiagubao/jiagu/jiagu.jar",//执行命令的jar包路径channelConfigPath:"{project.rootDir}/jiagu/Channel.txt”, //加固多渠道
jiagubao_mac : “https://down.360safe.com/360Jiagu/360jiagubao_mac.zip”, //加固mac下载地址
jiagubao_windows : “https://down.360safe.com/360Jiagu/360jiagubao_windows_64.zip” //加固widnows下载地址


  • 360加固,适用于新后台打包
    task packersNewRelease {
    group ‘packers’
    dependsOn ‘assembleRelease’
    doLast {
    // 下载360加固文件
    // 寻找打包文件release apk
    def releaseFile = findReleaseApk()
    if (releaseFile != null) {
    } else {
    println ‘packers===can’t find release apk and can’t excute 360 jiagu’


  • 适用于老后台,老后台需要在渠道apk的名称增加前缀 app-
    task packersOldRelease {
    group ‘packers’
    doLast {
    File channelFile = file(“KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …elFile = file("{app[“channelPath”]}/old”)
    if (!oldChannelFile.exists()) {
    // 对文件集合进行迭代
    channelFile.listFiles().each { File file ->
    copy {
    from file.absolutePath
    into oldChannelFile.absolutePath
    rename(file.name, “app-${file.name}”)
    println ‘packers===packersOldRelease sucess’


  • 加固后,打新版本的渠道包时,同时生成老版本的渠道包
    task packersRelease {
    group ‘packers’
    dependsOn packersNewRelease
    dependsOn packersOldRelease
    doLast {
    println “packers===packersRelease finished”


  • 对于release apk 进行360加固
    def packers360(File releaseApk) {
    println ‘packers=beginning 360 jiagu’
    def packersFile = file(app[“packersPath”])
    if (!packersFile.exists()) {
    exec {
    // 登录360加固保
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-login’, packers[“account”], packers[“password”]]
    println 'packers
    =import 360 login’
    exec {
    // 导入签名信息
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-importsign’, signing[“storeFile”],
    signing[“storePassword”], signing[“keyAlias”], signing[“keyPassword”]]
    println ‘packers=import 360 sign’
    exec {
    // 查看360加固签名信息
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-showsign’]
    println 'packers
    =show 360 sign’
    exec {
    // 初始化加固服务配置,后面可不带参数
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-config’]
    println ‘packers=init 360 services’
    exec {
    // 执行加固
    executable = ‘java’
    args = [‘-jar’, packers[“jarPath”], ‘-jiagu’, releaseApk.absolutePath, app[“packersPath”], ‘-autosign’]
    println 'packers
    =excute 360 jiagu’
    println 'packers=360 jiagu finished’
    println "packers
    =360 jiagu path ${app[“packersPath”]}"


  • 自动下载360加固保,也可以自己下载然后放到根目录
    def download360jiagu() {
    // 下载360压缩包
    File zipFile = file(packers[“zipPath”])
    if (!zipFile.exists()) {
    if (!zipFile.parentFile.exists()) {
    println("packers=create parentFile jiagu ${zipFile.parentFile.absolutePath}")
    // 加固保的下载地址
    def downloadUrl = isWindows() ? packers[“jiagubao_windows”] : packers[“jiagubao_mac”]
    // mac自带curl命令 windows需要下载curl安装
    def cmd = “curl -o ${packers[“zipPath”]} ${downloadUrl}”
    println cmd
    cmd.execute().waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
    File unzipFile = file(packers[“unzipPath”])
    if (!unzipFile.exists()) {
    //解压 Zip 文件
    ant.unzip(src: packers[“zipPath”], dest: packers[“unzipPath”], encoding: “GBK”)
    println 'packers
    =unzip 360jiagu’
    //将解压后的文件开启读写权限,防止执行 Jar 文件没有权限执行,windows需要自己手动改
    if (!isWindows()) {
    def cmd = “chmod -R 777 ${packers[“unzipPath”]}”
    println cmd
    cmd.execute().waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)


  • 腾讯channel重新构建渠道包
    def reBuildChannel() {
    File channelFile = file(“${app[“channelPath”]}/new”)
    if (!channelFile.exists()) {
    def cmd = “java -jar ${app[“vasDollyPath”]} put -c ${”…/channel.txt"} ${outputpackersApk()} ${channelFile.absolutePath}"
    println cmd
    cmd.execute().waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
    println ‘packers===excute VasDolly reBuildChannel’


  • 是否是windows系统
  • @return
    static Boolean isWindows() {
    return System.properties[‘os.name’].contains(‘Windows’)


  • 寻找本地的release apk
  • @return true
    def deleteFile() {
    delete app[“channelPath”]
    delete app[“packersPath”]
    println ‘packers===delete all file’


  • 首先打一个release包,然后找到当前的文件进行加固
    nnel.txt"} ${outputpackersApk()} ${channelFile.absolutePath}"
    println cmd
    cmd.execute().waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
    println ‘packers===excute VasDolly reBuildChannel’


  • 是否是windows系统
  • @return
    static Boolean isWindows() {
    return System.properties[‘os.name’].contains(‘Windows’)


  • 寻找本地的release apk
  • @return true
    def deleteFile() {
    delete app[“channelPath”]
    delete app[“packersPath”]
    println ‘packers===delete all file’


  • 首先打一个release包,然后找到当前的文件进行加固



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