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《C++ primer plus》第六版课后编程题-第04章



#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct Person {
	string first_name;
	string last_name;
	char deserve;
	unsigned short age;

void main() {
	cout << "What is your first name?" << endl;
	struct Person p;
	cout << "What is your last name?" << endl;
	getline(cin, p.last_name);
	cout << "What letter grade do you deserve?" << endl;
	cin >> p.deserve;
	cout << "What is your age?" << endl;
	cin >> p.age;
	cout << "Name:" << p.last_name << ", " << p.first_name << endl;
	cout << "Grade:" << ++p.deserve << endl << "age:" << p.age;


#include <iostream>

#include <string>
using namespace std;

void main() {
	string name;
	string dessert;

	cout << "Enter your name:\n";
	getline(cin, name);
	cout << "Enter your favorite dessert:\n";
	getline(cin, dessert);
	cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert;
	cout << "for you," << name << ".\n";



#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int ArSize = 20;
const char dot = ',';

void main() {
	cout << "Enter your first name:";
	char first_name[ArSize];
	cin.getline(first_name, ArSize);
	cout << "Enter your last name:";
	char last_name[ArSize];
	cin.getline(last_name, ArSize);
	cout << "Here's the information in a single string: ";
	char full_name[2 * ArSize];
	strcpy_s(full_name, last_name);
	strcat_s(full_name, first_name);
	cout << full_name << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void main() {
	cout << "Enter your first name:";
	string first_name;
	string last_name;
	cin >> first_name;
	cout << "Enter your last name:";
	cin >> last_name;
	cout << "Here's the information in a single string:";
	string full_name = last_name + ',' + first_name;
	cout << " "<<full_name << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct CandyBar {
	string band;
	double weight;
	int calorie;


void main() {
	CandyBar snack = { "Mocha Munch",2.3,350 };
	cout << snack.band << endl << snack.weight << endl << snack.calorie << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct CandyBar {
	string band;
	double weight;
	int calorie;


void main() {
	CandyBar snack[3] = { {"Mocha Munch",2.3,350},
							{"Mocha Munch",2.3,350},
							{"Mocha Munch",2.3,350} };
	cout << snack[1].band << endl << snack[0].weight << endl << snack[2].calorie << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct piza {
	string company;
	double diameter;
	double weight;

void main() {
	cout << "输入公司名" << endl;
	piza p;
	cin >> p.company;
	cout << "这是" << p.company << "公司的披萨" << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct piza {
	string company;
	double diameter;
	double weight;

void main() {
	cout << "输入公司名" << endl;
	struct piza* p = new piza;
	cin >> p->company;
	cout << "这是" << p->company << "公司的披萨" << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct CandyBar {
	string band;
	double weight;
	int calorie;


void main() {
	CandyBar* snack = new CandyBar[3];
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		snack[i] = { "Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350 };

	cout << snack[1].band << endl << snack[0].weight << endl << snack[2].calorie << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <array>

using namespace std;

void main() {
	array<double,3> run;
	cin >> run[0];
	cin >> run[1];
	cin >> run[2];
	cout << (run[0] + run[1] + run[2]) / 3 << endl;



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