FLTK - FLTK1.4.1 - demo - animgifimage
- FLTK - FLTK1.4.1 - demo - animgifimage
- 概述
- 笔记
FLTK - FLTK1.4.1 - demo - animgifimage
FLTK支持的图像格式 GIF, BMP, ICO, PNM, PNG, jpg, svg
// 超时回调的设置和移除, 超时回调是一次性的,如果还需要同一个超时回调,需要再次设置超时回调
// 文件选择器UI的调用和返回
// 用户选择通过文件选择器选择的文件,有可能不是指定尾缀的文件类型
// fltk窗口的遍历
// fltk窗口 背景颜色设置 Fl_Color
// fltk窗口退出回调的设置
// 图像数据载入成功和图像数据有效的判断
// 图像关键数据(长,宽,帧数)的取得
// fltk窗口类的copy_x()是复制了一份数据,并不是指向原始数据
// fltk图像类禁用缓存
// fltk窗体禁止响应快捷键的窗体size缩放
// 等待当前窗体正常结束
// fltk类的构造函数是通过弹窗来报错的(e.g. 图像文件格式错), 这个报错信息不是API调用者能控制的。
// FLTK - FLTK1.4.1 - demo - animgifimage
FLTK支持的图像格式 GIF, BMP, ICO, PNM, PNG, jpg, svg
// 超时回调的设置和移除, 超时回调是一次性的,如果还需要同一个超时回调,需要再次设置超时回调
// 文件选择器UI的调用和返回
// 用户选择通过文件选择器选择的文件,有可能不是指定尾缀的文件类型
// fltk窗口的遍历
// fltk窗口 背景颜色设置 Fl_Color
// fltk窗口退出回调的设置
// 图像数据载入成功和图像数据有效的判断
// 图像关键数据(长,宽,帧数)的取得
// fltk窗口类的copy_x()是复制了一份数据,并不是指向原始数据
// fltk图像类禁用缓存
// fltk窗体禁止响应快捷键的窗体size缩放
// 等待当前窗体正常结束
// fltk类的构造函数是通过弹窗来报错的(e.g. 图像文件格式错), 这个报错信息不是API调用者能控制的。
#include "fltk_test.h"
// 如果要将fl demo的实现搬过来测试,就注释掉下面的宏
// #define DONT_USE_FL_DEMO
int fl_demo_main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
#endif // TEST_FL_DEMO
// Test program for displaying animated GIF files using the
// Fl_Anim_GIF_Image class.
#include <FL/Fl_Anim_GIF_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Shared_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Tiled_Image.H>
#include <stdlib.h>
static int g_good_count = 0, g_bad_count = 0, g_frame_count = 0;
static const Fl_Color BackGroundColor = FL_GRAY; // use e.g. FL_RED to see
// transparent parts better
static const double RedrawDelay = 30 /* 1. / 20*/ ; // interval [sec] for forced redraw
static void quit_cb(Fl_Widget* w_, void*) {
static void set_title(Fl_Window* win, Fl_Anim_GIF_Image* animgif) {
char buf[200];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s (%d frames) %2.2fx", fl_filename_name(animgif->name()),
animgif->frames(), animgif->speed());
if (animgif->frame_uncache())
strcat(buf, " U");
// fltk窗口类的copy_x()是复制了一份数据,并不是指向原始数据
static void cb_forced_redraw(void* d) {
// fltk窗口的遍历
Fl_Window* win = Fl::first_window();
while (win) {
if (!win->menu_window())
win = Fl::next_window(win);
if (Fl::first_window())
Fl::repeat_timeout(RedrawDelay, cb_forced_redraw);
Fl_Window* openFile(const char* name, char* flags, bool close = false) {
// determine test options from 'flags'
bool uncache = strchr(flags, 'u');
char* d = flags - 1;
int debug = 0;
while ((d = strchr(++d, 'd'))) debug++;
bool optimize_mem = strchr(flags, 'm');
bool desaturate = strchr(flags, 'D');
bool average = strchr(flags, 'A');
bool test_tiles = strchr(flags, 'T');
bool test_forced_redraw = strchr(flags, 'f');
char* r = strchr(flags, 'r');
bool resizable = r && !test_tiles;
double scale = 1.0;
if (r && resizable) scale = atof(r + 1);
if (scale <= 0.1 || scale > 5)
scale = resizable ? 0.7 : 1.0;
// setup window
Fl_Double_Window* win = new Fl_Double_Window(300, 300);
// fltk窗口 背景颜色设置 Fl_Color
if (close)
// fltk窗口退出回调的设置
printf("Loading '%s'%s%s ... ", name,
uncache ? " (uncached)" : "",
optimize_mem ? " (optimized)" : "");
// create a canvas for the animation
Fl_Box* canvas = test_tiles ? 0 : new Fl_Box(0, 0, 0, 0); // canvas will be resized by animation
Fl_Box* canvas2 = 0;
unsigned short gif_flags = debug ? Fl_Anim_GIF_Image::LOG_FLAG : 0;
if (debug > 1)
gif_flags |= Fl_Anim_GIF_Image::DEBUG_FLAG;
if (optimize_mem)
gif_flags |= Fl_Anim_GIF_Image::OPTIMIZE_MEMORY;
// create animation, specifying this canvas as display widget
// fltk类的构造函数是通过弹窗来报错的(e.g. 图像文件格式错), 这个报错信息不是API调用者能控制的。
Fl_Anim_GIF_Image* animgif = new Fl_Anim_GIF_Image(name, canvas, gif_flags);
// 图像数据载入成功和图像数据有效的判断
bool good(animgif->ld() == 0 && animgif->valid());
// 图像关键数据(长,宽,帧数)的取得
printf("%s: %d x %d (%d frames) %s\n",
animgif->name(), animgif->w(), animgif->h(), animgif->frames(), good ? "OK" : "ERROR");
// for the statistics (when run on testsuite):
g_good_count += good;
g_bad_count += !good;
g_frame_count += animgif->frames();
// 设置窗体的用户数据
win->user_data(animgif); // store address of image (see note in main())
// exercise the optional tests on the animation
// fltk图像类禁用缓存
if (scale != 1.0) {
printf("TEST: resized %s by %.2f to %d x %d\n", animgif->name(), scale, animgif->w(), animgif->h());
if (average) {
printf("TEST: color_average %s\n", animgif->name());
animgif->color_average(FL_GREEN, 0.5); // currently hardcoded
if (desaturate) {
printf("TEST: desaturate %s\n", animgif->name());
int W = animgif->w();
int H = animgif->h();
if (animgif->frames()) {
if (test_tiles) {
// demonstrate a way how to use the animation with Fl_Tiled_Image
printf("TEST: use %s as tiles\n", animgif->name());
W *= 2;
H *= 2;
Fl_Tiled_Image* tiled_image = new Fl_Tiled_Image(animgif);
Fl_Group* group = new Fl_Group(0, 0, win->w(), win->h());
animgif->canvas(group, Fl_Anim_GIF_Image::DONT_RESIZE_CANVAS | Fl_Anim_GIF_Image::DONT_SET_AS_IMAGE);
else {
// demonstrate a way how to use same animation in another canvas simultaneously:
// as the current implementation allows only automatic redraw of one canvas..
if (test_forced_redraw) {
if (W < 400) {
printf("TEST: open %s in another animation with application redraw\n", animgif->name());
canvas2 = new Fl_Box(W, 0, animgif->w(), animgif->h()); // another canvas for animation
canvas2->image(animgif); // is set to same animation!
W *= 2;
Fl::add_timeout(RedrawDelay, cb_forced_redraw); // force periodic redraw
// make window resizable (must be done before show())
if (resizable && canvas && !test_tiles) {
win->size(W, H); // change to actual size of canvas
// start the animation
set_title(win, animgif);
if (resizable && !test_tiles) {
// need to reposition the widgets (have been moved by setting resizable())
if (canvas && canvas2) {
canvas->resize(0, 0, W / 2, canvas->h());
canvas2->resize(W / 2, 0, W / 2, canvas2->h());
else if (canvas) {
canvas->resize(0, 0, animgif->canvas_w(), animgif->canvas_h());
// fltk窗体禁止响应快捷键的窗体size缩放
win->init_sizes(); // IMPORTANT: otherwise weird things happen at Ctrl+/- scaling
else {
delete win;
return 0;
if (debug >= 3) {
// open each frame in a separate window
for (int i = 0; i < animgif->frames(); i++) {
char buf[200];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Frame #%d", i + 1);
Fl_Double_Window* win = new Fl_Double_Window(animgif->w(), animgif->h());
int w = animgif->image(i)->w();
int h = animgif->image(i)->h();
// in 'optimize_mem' mode frames must be offsetted to canvas
int x = (w == animgif->w() && h == animgif->h()) ? 0 : animgif->frame_x(i);
int y = (w == animgif->w() && h == animgif->h()) ? 0 : animgif->frame_y(i);
Fl_Box* b = new Fl_Box(x, y, w, h);
// get the frame image
return win;
#include <FL/filename.H>
bool openDirectory(const char* dir, char* flags) {
dirent** list;
int nbr_of_files = fl_filename_list(dir, &list, fl_alphasort);
if (nbr_of_files <= 0)
return false;
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nbr_of_files; i++) {
char buf[512];
const char* name = list[i]->d_name;
if (!strcmp(name, ".") || !strcmp(name, "..")) continue;
const char* p = strstr(name, ".gif");
if (!p) p = strstr(name, ".GIF");
if (!p) continue;
if (*(p + 4)) continue; // is no extension!
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", dir, name);
if (strstr(name, "debug")) // hack: when name contains 'debug' open single frames
strcat(flags, "d");
if (openFile(buf, flags, cnt == 0))
return cnt != 0;
static void change_speed(double delta) {
Fl_Widget* below = Fl::belowmouse();
if (below && below->image()) {
Fl_Anim_GIF_Image* animgif = 0;
// Q: is there a way to determine Fl_Tiled_Image without using dynamic cast?
Fl_Tiled_Image* tiled = dynamic_cast<Fl_Tiled_Image*>(below->image());
animgif = tiled ?
dynamic_cast<Fl_Anim_GIF_Image*>(tiled->image()) :
if (animgif && animgif->playing()) {
double speed = animgif->speed();
if (!delta) speed = 1.;
else speed += delta;
if (speed < 0.1) speed = 0.1;
if (speed > 10) speed = 10;
set_title(below->window(), animgif);
static int events(int event) {
if (event == FL_SHORTCUT) {
if (Fl::event_key() == '+')
else if (Fl::event_key() == '-')
else if (Fl::event_key() == '0')
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
static const char testsuite[] = "testsuite";
int fl_demo_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// 注册图像文件类型判断回调
// 事件回调的注册
char* openFlags = (char*)calloc(1024, 1);
if (argc > 1) {
// started with argumemts
if (strstr(argv[1], "-h")) {
" -t [directory] [-{flags}] open all files in directory (default name: %s) [with options]\n"
" filename [-{flags}] open single file [with options] \n"
" No arguments open a fileselector\n"
" {flags} can be: d=debug mode, u=uncached, D=desaturated, A=color averaged, T=tiled\n"
" m=minimal update, r[scale factor]=resize by 'scale factor'\n"
" Use keys '+'/'-/0' to change speed of the active image (belowmouse).\n", testsuite);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
strcat(openFlags, &argv[i][1]);
if (strchr(openFlags, 't')) { // open all GIF-files in a given directory
const char* dir = testsuite;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] != '-')
dir = argv[i];
openDirectory(dir, openFlags);
printf("Summary: good=%d, bad=%d, frames=%d\n", g_good_count, g_bad_count, g_frame_count);
else { // open given file(s)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] != '-')
openFile(argv[i], openFlags, strchr(openFlags, 'd'));
else {
// started without arguments: choose file
// GIF图像显示为图片或动画的标志设置
Fl_GIF_Image::animate = true; // create animated shared .GIF images (e.g. file chooser)
while (1) {
Fl::add_timeout(RedrawDelay, cb_forced_redraw); // animate images in chooser
// 文件选择器UI的调用和返回
// 用户选择通过文件选择器选择的文件,有可能不是指定尾缀的文件类型
const char* filename = fl_file_chooser("Select a GIF image file", "*.{gif,GIF}", NULL);
// 超时回调的移除
if (!filename)
Fl_Window* win = openFile(filename, openFlags);
// 等待当前窗体正常结束
// delete last window (which is now just hidden) to test destructors
// NOTE: it is essential that *before* doing this also the
// animated image is destroyed, otherwise it will crash
// because it's canvas will be gone.
// In order to keep this demo simple, the adress of the
// Fl_Anim_GIF_Image has been stored in the window's user_data.
// In a real-life application you will probably store
// it somewhere in the window's or canvas' object and destroy
// the image in the window's or canvas' destructor.
if (win && win->user_data())
delete ((Fl_Anim_GIF_Image*)win->user_data());
delete win;
return Fl::run();