Chapter 3-19. Detecting Congestion in Fibre Channel Fabrics
Application Programming Interface (API)
APIs over HTTP(s) transport for programmable access to the devices are widely available and have become the recent norm. In addition to configuring the devices, the APIs can be used for monitoring as well. 通过 HTTP(s)传输对设备进行可编程访问的应用程序接口(API)已广泛使用,并已成为最近的规范。除了配置设备外,API 还可用于监控。
On Cisco MDS switches, NX-API can be used for polling the metrics over HTTP(s) transport. The output can be in JSON or XML formats, which is easier to parse as compared to the raw command-line output, although NX-API support exporting the raw output also. Unlike exporting the command-line output via a SSH session, NX-API reduces the polling delay and thus enables monitoring at a fine granularity. 在 Cisco MDS 交换机上,NX-API 可用于通过 HTTP(s)传输轮询指标。虽然 NX-API 也支持导出原始输出,但输出可以是 JSON 或 XML 格式,与原始命令行输出相比更易于解析。与通过 SSH 会话导出命令行输出不同的是,NX-API 减少了轮询延迟,从而实现了细粒度监控。
Refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Series Programmability Guide for more details. The MTM app explained earlier uses NX-API for exporting metrics from the MDS switches. Refer to the MTM repository on GitHub for examples. 有关详细信息,请参阅《Cisco MDS 9000 系列可编程指南》。前面介绍的 MTM
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