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亚博microros小车-原生ubuntu支持系列:24 巡线驾驶

这篇跟之前的颜色识别类似,亚博microros小车-原生ubuntu支持系列:21 颜色追踪-CSDN博客



2 启动命令


sudo docker run -it --rm -v /dev:/dev -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm --privileged --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:humble udp4 --port 8090 -v4
docker run -it --rm -v /dev:/dev -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm --privileged --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:humble udp4 --port 9999 -v4


ros2 run yahboom_esp32ai_car follow_line 







#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import time
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from std_msgs.msg import Bool
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist

def write_HSV(wf_path, value):
    with open(wf_path, "w") as wf:
        wf_str = str(value[0][0]) + ', ' + str(
            value[0][1]) + ', ' + str(value[0][2]) + ', ' + str(
            value[1][0]) + ', ' + str(value[1][1]) + ', ' + str(

def read_HSV(rf_path):
    rf = open(rf_path, "r+")
    line = rf.readline()
    if len(line) == 0: return ()
    list = line.split(',')
    if len(list) != 6: return ()
    hsv = ((int(list[0]), int(list[1]), int(list[2])),
           (int(list[3]), int(list[4]), int(list[5])))
    return hsv

# 定义函数,第一个参数是缩放比例,第二个参数是需要显示的图片组成的元组或者列表
# Define the function, the first parameter is the zoom ratio, and the second parameter is a tuple or list of pictures to be displayed
def ManyImgs(scale, imgarray):
    rows = len(imgarray)  # 元组或者列表的长度  Length of tuple or list
    cols = len(imgarray[0])  # 如果imgarray是列表,返回列表里第一幅图像的通道数,如果是元组,返回元组里包含的第一个列表的长度
    # If imgarray is a list, return the number of channels of the first image in the list, if it is a tuple, return the length of the first list contained in the tuple

    # print("rows=", rows, "cols=", cols)
    # 判断imgarray[0]的类型是否是list
    # 是list,表明imgarray是一个元组,需要垂直显示
    # Determine whether the type of imgarray[0] is list
    # It is a list, indicating that imgarray is a tuple and needs to be displayed verticallyIt is a list, indicating that imgarray is a tuple and needs to be displayed vertically
    rowsAvailable = isinstance(imgarray[0], list)
    # 第一张图片的宽高
    # The width and height of the first picture
    width = imgarray[0][0].shape[1]
    height = imgarray[0][0].shape[0]
    # print("width=", width, "height=", height)
    # 如果传入的是一个元组
    # If the incoming is a tuple
    if rowsAvailable:
        for x in range(0, rows):
            for y in range(0, cols):
                # 遍历元组,如果是第一幅图像,不做变换
                # Traverse the tuple, if it is the first image, do not transform
                if imgarray[x][y].shape[:2] == imgarray[0][0].shape[:2]:
                    imgarray[x][y] = cv.resize(imgarray[x][y], (0, 0), None, scale, scale)
                # 将其他矩阵变换为与第一幅图像相同大小,缩放比例为scale
                # Transform other matrices to the same size as the first image, and the zoom ratio is scale
                    imgarray[x][y] = cv.resize(imgarray[x][y], (imgarray[0][0].shape[1], imgarray[0][0].shape[0]), None,
                                               scale, scale)
                # 如果图像是灰度图,将其转换成彩色显示
                # If the image is grayscale, convert it to color display
                if len(imgarray[x][y].shape) == 2:
                    imgarray[x][y] = cv.cvtColor(imgarray[x][y], cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        # 创建一个空白画布,与第一张图片大小相同
        # Create a blank canvas, the same size as the first picture
        imgBlank = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
        hor = [imgBlank] * rows  # 与第一张图片大小相同,与元组包含列表数相同的水平空白图像
        # The same size as the first picture, and the same number of horizontal blank images as the tuple contains the list
        for x in range(0, rows):
            # 将元组里第x个列表水平排列
            # Arrange the x-th list in the tuple horizontally
            hor[x] = np.hstack(imgarray[x])
        ver = np.vstack(hor)  # 将不同列表垂直拼接
        # Concatenate different lists vertically
    # 如果传入的是一个列表
    # If the incoming is a list
        # 变换操作,与前面相同
        # Transformation operation, same as before
        for x in range(0, rows):
            if imgarray[x].shape[:2] == imgarray[0].shape[:2]:
                imgarray[x] = cv.resize(imgarray[x], (0, 0), None, scale, scale)
                imgarray[x] = cv.resize(imgarray[x], (imgarray[0].shape[1], imgarray[0].shape[0]), None, scale, scale)
            if len(imgarray[x].shape) == 2:
                imgarray[x] = cv.cvtColor(imgarray[x], cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        # 将列表水平排列
        # Arrange the list horizontally
        hor = np.hstack(imgarray)
        ver = hor
    return ver

class color_follow:
    def __init__(self):
	    Initialize some parameters
        self.binary = None
        self.Center_x = 0
        self.Center_y = 0
        self.Center_r = 0

    def line_follow(self, rgb_img, hsv_msg):
        height, width = rgb_img.shape[:2]
        img = rgb_img.copy()
        img[0:int(height / 2), 0:width] = 0
        # 将图像转换为HSV。
        # Convert the image to HSV.
        hsv_img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        lower = np.array(hsv_msg[0], dtype="uint8")
        upper = np.array(hsv_msg[1], dtype="uint8")
        # 根据特定颜色范围创建mask
        # Create a mask based on a specific color range
        mask = cv.inRange(hsv_img, lower, upper)
        color_mask = cv.bitwise_and(hsv_img, hsv_img, mask=mask)
        # 将图像转为灰度图
        # Convert the image to grayscale
        gray_img = cv.cvtColor(color_mask, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        # 获取不同形状的结构元素
        # Get structure elements of different shapes
        kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
        # 形态学闭操作
        # Morphological closed operation
        gray_img = cv.morphologyEx(gray_img, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
        # 图像二值化操作
        # Image binarization operation
        ret, binary = cv.threshold(gray_img, 10, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
        # 获取轮廓点集(坐标)
        # Get the set of contour points (coordinates)
        find_contours = cv.findContours(binary, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        if len(find_contours) == 3: contours = find_contours[1]
        else: contours = find_contours[0]
        if len(contours) != 0:
            areas = []
            for c in range(len(contours)): areas.append(cv.contourArea(contours[c]))
            max_id = areas.index(max(areas))
            max_rect = cv.minAreaRect(contours[max_id])
            max_box = cv.boxPoints(max_rect)
            max_box = np.int0(max_box)
            # 获取盒⼦顶点
            # Get box vertices
            box = cv.boxPoints(max_rect)
            # 转成long类型
            # Convert to long type
            box = np.int0(box)
            # 绘制最小矩形
            # Draw the smallest rectangle
            cv.drawContours(rgb_img, [box], 0, (255, 0, 0), 2)
            (color_x, color_y), color_radius = cv.minEnclosingCircle(max_box)
            # 将检测到的颜色用原形线圈标记出来
            # Mark the detected color with the original shape coil
            self.Center_x = int(color_x)
            self.Center_y = int(color_y)
            self.Center_r = int(color_radius)
            cv.circle(rgb_img, (self.Center_x, self.Center_y), 5, (255, 0, 255), -1)
            self.Center_x = 0
            self.Center_y = 0
            self.Center_r = 0
        return rgb_img, binary, (self.Center_x, self.Center_y, self.Center_r)

    def Roi_hsv(self, img, Roi):
        Get the range of HSV in a certain area获取某一区域的HSV的范围
        :param img: 彩色图
        :param Roi:  (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
        :return: The range of images and HSV such as:(0,0,90)(177,40,150) 图像和HSV的范围 例如:(0,0,90)(177,40,150)
        H = [];S = [];V = []
        # img = cv.resize(img, (640, 480), )
        # 将彩色图转成HSV
        # Convert color image to HSV
        HSV = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        # 画矩形框
        # Draw a rectangular frame
        # cv.rectangle(img, (Roi[0], Roi[1]), (Roi[2], Roi[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)
        # 依次取出每行每列的H,S,V值放入容器中
        # Take out the H, S, V values of each row and each column in turn and put them into the container
        for i in range(Roi[0], Roi[2]):
            for j in range(Roi[1], Roi[3]):
                H.append(HSV[j, i][0])
                S.append(HSV[j, i][1])
                V.append(HSV[j, i][2])
        # 分别计算出H,S,V的最大最小
        # Calculate the maximum and minimum of H, S, and V respectively
        H_min = min(H); H_max = max(H)
        S_min = min(S); S_max = 253
        V_min = min(V); V_max = 255
        # HSV范围调整
        # HSV range adjustment
        if H_max + 5 > 255: H_max = 255
        else: H_max += 5
        if H_min - 5 < 0: H_min = 0
        else: H_min -= 5
        if S_min - 20 < 0: S_min = 0
        else: S_min -= 20
        if V_min - 20 < 0: V_min = 0
        else: V_min -= 20
        lowerb = 'lowerb : (' + str(H_min) + ' ,' + str(S_min) + ' ,' + str(V_min) + ')'
        upperb = 'upperb : (' + str(H_max) + ' ,' + str(S_max) + ' ,' + str(V_max) + ')'
        txt1 = 'Learning ...'
        txt2 = 'OK !!!'
        if S_min < 5 or V_min < 5:
            cv.putText(img, txt1, (30, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1)
            cv.putText(img, txt2, (30, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1)
        cv.putText(img, lowerb, (150, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 1)
        cv.putText(img, upperb, (150, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 1)
        hsv_range = ((int(H_min), int(S_min), int(V_min)), (int(H_max), int(S_max), int(V_max)))
        return img, hsv_range

class simplePID:
    '''very simple discrete PID controller'''

    def __init__(self, target, P, I, D):
        '''Create a discrete PID controller
        each of the parameters may be a vector if they have the same length
        target (double) -- the target value(s)
        P, I, D (double)-- the PID parameter
        # check if parameter shapes are compatabile.
        if (not (np.size(P) == np.size(I) == np.size(D)) or ((np.size(target) == 1) and np.size(P) != 1) or (
                np.size(target) != 1 and (np.size(P) != np.size(target) and (np.size(P) != 1)))):
            raise TypeError('input parameters shape is not compatable')
        self.Kp = np.array(P)
        self.Ki = np.array(I)
        self.Kd = np.array(D)
        self.last_error = 0
        self.integrator = 0
        self.timeOfLastCall = None
        self.setPoint = np.array(target)
        self.integrator_max = float('inf')

    def update(self, current_value):
        '''Updates the PID controller.
            current_value (double): vector/number of same legth as the target given in the constructor
            controll signal (double): vector of same length as the target
        current_value = np.array(current_value)
        if (np.size(current_value) != np.size(self.setPoint)):
            raise TypeError('current_value and target do not have the same shape')
        if (self.timeOfLastCall is None):
            # the PID was called for the first time. we don't know the deltaT yet
            # no controll signal is applied
            self.timeOfLastCall = time.perf_counter()
            return np.zeros(np.size(current_value))
        error = self.setPoint - current_value
        P = error
        currentTime = time.perf_counter()
        deltaT = (currentTime - self.timeOfLastCall)
        # integral of the error is current error * time since last update
        self.integrator = self.integrator + (error * deltaT)
        I = self.integrator
        # derivative is difference in error / time since last update
        D = (error - self.last_error) / deltaT
        self.last_error = error
        self.timeOfLastCall = currentTime
        # return controll signal
        return self.Kp * P + self.Ki * I + self.Kd * D


# ros lib
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from std_msgs.msg import Bool
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from sensor_msgs.msg import CompressedImage, LaserScan, Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
# common lib
import os
import threading
import math
from yahboom_esp32ai_car.follow_common import *
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, Bool, UInt16

from rclpy.time import Time
import datetime
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory #获取shares目录绝对路径

RAD2DEG = 180 / math.pi # 弧度转角度系数
print("import finish")
cv_edition = cv.__version__
print("cv_edition: ", cv_edition)

class LineDetect(Node):
    def __init__(self, name):
        # create a publisher
        self.pub_cmdVel = self.create_publisher(Twist, "/cmd_vel", 1) # 控制小车速度
        self.pub_Buzzer = self.create_publisher(UInt16, "/beep", 1) 
        self.pub_Servo1 = self.create_publisher(Int32, "/servo_s1", 10) #舵机1角度控制
        self.pub_Servo2 = self.create_publisher(Int32, "/servo_s2", 10) # 舵机2角度控制
        # create a subscriber
        self.sub_JoyState = self.create_subscription(
            Bool, "/JoyState", self.JoyStateCallback, 1)
        self.sub_scan = self.create_subscription(
            LaserScan, "/scan", self.registerScan, 1) # 激光雷达数据
        self.Joy_active = False
        self.img = None  # 存储当前帧图像
        self.circle = () # 存储检测到的目标圆信息
        self.hsv_range = ()  # 颜色跟踪的HSV范   
        self.Roi_init = ()    # ROI区域坐标
        self.warning = 1 #障碍物警告计数器
        self.end = 0
        self.Start_state = True
        self.dyn_update = False
        self.Buzzer_state = False
        self.select_flags = False
        self.Track_state = 'identify' # 跟踪状态机:初始化/识别/跟踪
        self.windows_name = 'frame'
        self.cols, self.rows = 0, 0
        self.Mouse_XY = (0, 0)
        self.hsv_text = get_package_share_directory('yahboom_esp32ai_car')+'/resource/colorHSV.text'
          # 算法模块初始化
        self.color = color_follow()
        self.scale = 1000
        self.FollowLinePID = (50, 0, 5) #60,0,20
        self.linear = 0.15
        self.LaserAngle = 30  # 激光雷达检测角度范围(度)
        self.ResponseDist = 0.35   # 障碍物响应距离(米)

        # 舵机初始角度设置
        self.PWMServo_X = 0 # 水平舵机初始角度
        self.PWMServo_Y = -45  # 垂直舵机初始角度
        self.s1_init_angle = Int32()
        self.s1_init_angle.data = self.PWMServo_X
        self.s2_init_angle = Int32()
        self.s2_init_angle.data = self.PWMServo_Y
        # 参数声明与初始化
        self.img_flip = True
        self.refresh = False
        self.last_stamp = None
        self.new_seconds = 0
        self.fps_seconds = 1

        # usb
        # self.capture = cv.VideoCapture(0)
        # self.timer = self.create_timer(0.001, self.on_timer)

        # esp32_wifi
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.sub_img = self.create_subscription(
            CompressedImage, '/espRos/esp32camera', self.handleTopic, 1)  # 获取esp32传来的图像

        # 确保角度正常处于巡线角度
        for i in range(10):

    def declare_param(self):
        # HSV 颜色范围参数
        self.declare_parameter("Hmin", 0)
        self.Hmin = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("Smin", 85)
        self.Smin = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("Vmin", 126)
        self.Vmin = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("Hmax", 9)
        self.Hmax = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("Smax", 253)
        self.Smax = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("Vmax", 253)
        self.Vmax = self.get_parameter(
    # PID
        self.declare_parameter("Kp", 50)
        self.Kp = self.get_parameter('Kp').get_parameter_value().integer_value
        self.declare_parameter("Ki", 0)
        self.Ki = self.get_parameter('Ki').get_parameter_value().integer_value
        self.declare_parameter("Kd", 5)
        self.Kd = self.get_parameter('Kd').get_parameter_value().integer_value
        # other
        self.declare_parameter("scale", 1000)
        self.scale = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("LaserAngle", 30)
        self.LaserAngle = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("linear", 0.15)
        self.linear = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter("ResponseDist", 0.35)
        self.ResponseDist = self.get_parameter(
        self.declare_parameter('refresh', False)
        self.refresh = self.get_parameter(

    def PID_init(self):
        self.PID_controller = simplePID(
            [0, 0],
            [self.FollowLinePID[0] / 1.0 / (self.scale), 0],
            [self.FollowLinePID[1] / 1.0 / (self.scale), 0],
            [self.FollowLinePID[2] / 1.0 / (self.scale), 0])
    def onMouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
        if event == 1: # 左键按下
            self.Track_state = 'init'
            self.select_flags = True
            self.Mouse_XY = (x, y)
        if event == 4: # 左键释放
            self.select_flags = False
            self.Track_state = 'mouse'
        if self.select_flags == True:  # 计算矩形区域坐标
            self.cols = min(self.Mouse_XY[0], x), min(self.Mouse_XY[1], y)
            self.rows = max(self.Mouse_XY[0], x), max(self.Mouse_XY[1], y)
            self.Roi_init = (self.cols[0], self.cols[1],
                             self.rows[0], self.rows[1])

    def execute(self, point_x, color_radius):

        if self.Joy_active == True:
            if self.Start_state == True:
                self.Start_state = False
        self.Start_state = True
        if color_radius == 0:  # 未检测到目标,则停止
            print("Not Found")
            twist = Twist()
            b = UInt16()   # PID计算角速度:320是中心点的X坐标的值,通过得到的图像的X值与320的偏差,可以计算出“我现在距离中心有多远”,然后计算角速度的值
            [z_Pid, _] = self.PID_controller.update([(point_x - 320)*1.0/16, 0])
            # [z_Pid, _] = self.PID_controller.update([(point_x - 10)*1.0/16, 0])
            if self.img_flip == True:  # 根据图像翻转状态调整转向方向
                twist.angular.z = -z_Pid  # -z_Pid
            # else: twist.angular.z = (twist.angular.z+z_Pid)*0.2
                twist.angular.z = +z_Pid
            # point_x = point_x
            # twist.angular.z=-(point_x-320)*1.0/128.0

            twist.linear.x = self.linear
            if self.warning > 10:#有障碍物
                print("Obstacles ahead !!!")
                self.Buzzer_state = True
                b.data = 1
                if self.Buzzer_state == True:
                    b.data = 0
                    for i in range(3):
                    self.Buzzer_state = False
                   # 当接近中线时取消转向    
                if abs(point_x-320) < 40:
                    # if abs(point_x-30)>40:
                    twist.angular.z = 0.0
                if self.Joy_active == False:      # 发布控制指令
                    twist.angular.z = 0.0

    def process(self, rgb_img, action):

        binary = []
        rgb_img = cv.resize(rgb_img, (640, 480))

        if self.img_flip == True:
            rgb_img = cv.flip(rgb_img, 1) # 水平翻转
        # 键盘控制状态切换    
        if action == 32: # 空格键开始跟踪
            self.Track_state = 'tracking'
        elif action == ord('i') or action == 105:
            self.Track_state = "identify"
        elif action == ord('r') or action == 114:
        elif action == ord('q') or action == 113:
         # 初始化模式:选择ROI区域    
        if self.Track_state == 'init':
            cv.namedWindow(self.windows_name, cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
            cv.setMouseCallback(self.windows_name, self.onMouse, 0)
            if self.select_flags == True: # 绘制选择区域
                cv.line(rgb_img, self.cols, self.rows, (255, 0, 0), 2)
                cv.rectangle(rgb_img, self.cols, self.rows, (0, 255, 0), 2)
                if self.Roi_init[0] != self.Roi_init[2] and self.Roi_init[1] != self.Roi_init[3]:
                    rgb_img, self.hsv_range = self.color.Roi_hsv(
                        rgb_img, self.Roi_init)
                    self.dyn_update = True

                self.Track_state = 'init'
        elif self.Track_state == "identify": # 识别模式:读取预设HSV值
            # print(self.circle[0])
            if os.path.exists(self.hsv_text):
                self.hsv_range = read_HSV(self.hsv_text)
            else:  # 无预设文件则进入初始化
                self.Track_state = 'init' 
        if self.Track_state != 'init' and len(self.hsv_range) != 0:   # 执行颜色跟踪
            rgb_img, binary, self.circle = self.color.line_follow(
                rgb_img, self.hsv_range)
            if self.dyn_update == True: # 更新动态参数到ROS参数服务器
                write_HSV(self.hsv_text, self.hsv_range)
                self.Hmin = rclpy.parameter.Parameter(
                    'Hmin', rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER, self.hsv_range[0][0])
                self.Smin = rclpy.parameter.Parameter(
                    'Smin', rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER, self.hsv_range[0][1])
                self.Vmin = rclpy.parameter.Parameter(
                    'Vmin', rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER, self.hsv_range[0][2])
                self.Hmax = rclpy.parameter.Parameter(
                    'Hmax', rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER, self.hsv_range[1][0])
                self.Smax = rclpy.parameter.Parameter(
                    'Smax', rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER, self.hsv_range[1][1])
                self.Vmax = rclpy.parameter.Parameter(
                    'Vmax', rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER, self.hsv_range[1][2])

                all_new_parameters = [self.Hmin, self.Smin,
                                      self.Vmin, self.Hmax, self.Smax, self.Vmax]
                self.dyn_update = False
        if self.Track_state == 'tracking': # 跟踪模式:执行控制指令
            if len(self.circle) != 0:
                threading.Thread(target=self.execute, args=(
                    self.circle[0], self.circle[2])).start()
            if self.Start_state == True:
                # self.pub_cmdVel.publish(Twist())
                self.Start_state = False
        return rgb_img, binary

	#esp_wifi 图像订阅回调函数
    def handleTopic(self, msg):
        self.last_stamp = msg.header.stamp  
        if self.last_stamp:
            total_secs = Time(nanoseconds=self.last_stamp.nanosec, seconds=self.last_stamp.sec).nanoseconds
            delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_secs * 1e-9)
            seconds = delta.total_seconds()*100

            if self.new_seconds != 0:
                self.fps_seconds = seconds - self.new_seconds

            self.new_seconds = seconds#保留这次的值

        start = time.time()
        frame = self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(msg)  # 转换图像格式
        frame = cv.resize(frame, (640, 480))

        action = cv.waitKey(10) & 0xFF  #获取键盘输入
        frame, binary = self.process(frame, action) #处理图像,主流程

        end = time.time()
        fps = 1 / ((end - start)+self.fps_seconds)

        text = "FPS : " + str(int(fps))
        cv.putText(frame, text, (10, 20),
                   cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 255), 2)
        if len(binary) != 0:#显示
            cv.imshow('frame', ManyImgs(1, ([frame, binary])))
            cv.imshow('frame', frame)

        if action == ord('q') or action == 113:

    # def on_timer(self):
    #     self.get_param()
    #     ret, frame = self.capture.read()
    #     action = cv.waitKey(10) & 0xFF
    #     frame, binary = self.process(frame, action)
    #     start = time.time()
    #     fps = 1 / (start - self.end)
    #     text = "FPS : " + str(int(fps))
    #     self.end = start
    #     cv.putText(frame, text, (30, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
    #                0.6, (100, 200, 200), 1)
    #     if len(binary) != 0:
    #         cv.imshow('frame', ManyImgs(1, ([frame, binary])))
    #     else:
    #         cv.imshow('frame', frame)
    #     if action == ord('q') or action == 113:
    #         self.capture.release()
    #         cv.destroyAllWindows()

    def JoyStateCallback(self, msg):
        if not isinstance(msg, Bool):
        self.Joy_active = msg.data
        # self.pub_cmdVel.publish(Twist())
    def registerScan(self, scan_data):

        self.warning = 1
        if not isinstance(scan_data, LaserScan):
    # 记录激光扫描并发布最近物体的位置(或指向某点)
        ranges = np.array(scan_data.ranges)
    # 按距离排序以检查从较近的点到较远的点是否是真实的东西
    # if we already have a last scan to compare to:
        for i in range(len(ranges)):
            angle = (scan_data.angle_min +
                     scan_data.angle_increment * i) * RAD2DEG
# if angle > 90: print "i: {},angle: {},dist: {}".format(i, angle, scan_data.ranges[i])
# 通过清除不需要的扇区的数据来保留有效的数据 (只检测前方90度范围)
            if abs(angle) < 80:
                if ranges[i] > 0.2:
                    if ranges[i] < self.ResponseDist:
                        self.warning += 1

    def Reset(self):
        self.Track_state = 'init'
        self.hsv_range = ()
        self.Joy_active = False
        self.Mouse_XY = (0, 0)
        print("Reset succes!!!")

    def get_param(self):
        # hsv
        self.Hmin = self.get_parameter(
        self.Smin = self.get_parameter(
        self.Vmin = self.get_parameter(
        self.Hmax = self.get_parameter(
        self.Smax = self.get_parameter(
        self.Vmax = self.get_parameter(
        # kpi
        self.Kd = self.get_parameter('Kd').get_parameter_value().integer_value
        self.Ki = self.get_parameter('Ki').get_parameter_value().integer_value
        self.Kp = self.get_parameter('Kp').get_parameter_value().integer_value
        self.FollowLinePID = (self.Kp, self.Ki, self.Kd)
        self.scale = self.get_parameter(
        self.LaserAngle = self.get_parameter(
        self.linear = self.get_parameter(
        self.ResponseDist = self.get_parameter(
        self.refresh = self.get_parameter(

def main():
    linedetect = LineDetect("follow_line")
    print("start it")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:


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