void test_findcontous()
Mat srcImg = imread("D:\\A_BFI\\code\\LYB\\LibDieToDie-lyb-develop\\findContours.c-master\\contours_c\\data1_filter2.bmp",0);
//opencv 自带的寻找轮廓
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
findContours(srcImg, contours, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
srcImg.setTo(1, srcImg);
uchar *dataPtr = srcImg.ptr<uchar>();
processMatData(dataPtr, srcImg.rows, srcImg.cols);
cv::Mat matInt(srcImg.size(), CV_32S);
// 手动遍历并转换
for (int i = 0; i < srcImg.rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < srcImg.cols; ++j)
matInt.at<int>(i, j) = static_cast<int>(srcImg.at<uchar>(i, j));
int **resContour = NULL;
findcontours_c(matInt.ptr<int>(), srcImg.rows, srcImg.cols, resContour);
vector<vector<cPoint>> resContour1;
findcontours_cNew(matInt.ptr<int>(), srcImg.rows, srcImg.cols, resContour1);
cout << "";
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define HOLE_BORDER 1
#define OUTER_BORDER 2
int **create2dArray(int r, int c)
int **arr;
if ((arr = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * r)) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
if ((arr[i] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * c)) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
return arr;
void free2dArray(int **arr, int r)
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
struct Border
int seq_num;
int border_type;
struct cPoint
int row;
int col;
bool samePoint(cPoint a, cPoint b)
return a.row == b.row && a.col == b.col;
void setPoint(cPoint *p, int r, int c)
p->col = c;
p->row = r;
struct cNode
struct Border border;
int parent;
int first_child;
int next_sibling;
void setNode(cNode *n, int p, int fc, int ns)
n->parent = p;
n->first_child = fc;
n->next_sibling = ns;
void resetNode(cNode *n)
n->parent = -1;
n->first_child = -1;
n->next_sibling = -1;
struct nodeVector
cNode *vector;
int current_max;
int current_index;
void initNodeVector(struct nodeVector *nv)
nv->current_max = 10;
nv->current_index = 0;
nv->vector = (cNode *)malloc(sizeof(cNode) * (nv->current_max));
void resizeNodeVector(struct nodeVector *nv)
cNode *tmp;
if ((tmp = (cNode *)realloc(nv->vector, sizeof(cNode) * (nv->current_max * 2))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
nv->current_max *= 2;
nv->vector = tmp;
void addNodeVector(struct nodeVector *nv, cNode node)
if (nv->current_index + 1 >= nv->current_max)
nv->vector[nv->current_index] = node;
nv->current_index += 1;
cNode *trimNodeVector(struct nodeVector *nv, int *vector_size)
cNode *tmp;
if ((tmp = (cNode *)realloc(nv->vector, sizeof(cNode) * (nv->current_index))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
(*vector_size) = nv->current_index;
return tmp;
struct intVector
int *vector;
int current_max;
int current_index;
void initIntVector(struct intVector *iv)
iv->current_index = 0;
iv->current_max = 10;
iv->vector = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (iv->current_max));
void resizeIntVector(struct intVector *iv)
int *tmp;
if ((tmp = (int *)realloc(iv->vector, sizeof(int) * (iv->current_max * 2))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
iv->current_max *= 2;
iv->vector = tmp;
void addIntVector(struct intVector *iv, int value)
if (iv->current_index + 1 >= iv->current_max)
iv->vector[iv->current_index] = value;
iv->current_index += 1;
int *trimIntVector(struct intVector *iv, int *vector_size)
int *tmp;
if ((tmp = (int *)realloc(iv->vector, sizeof(int) * (iv->current_index))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
(*vector_size) = iv->current_index;
return tmp;
struct Pixel
unsigned char red;
unsigned char blue;
unsigned char green;
void setPixel(struct Pixel *p, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
p->red = r;
p->green = g;
p->blue = b;
struct pointVector
cPoint *vector;
int current_max;
int current_index;
struct point2dVector
cPoint **vector;
int current_max;
int current_index;
void initPoint2dVector(struct point2dVector *p2v)
p2v->current_max = 10;
p2v->current_index = 0;
p2v->vector = (cPoint **)malloc(sizeof(cPoint *) * (p2v->current_max));
void initPointVector(struct pointVector *pv)
pv->current_max = 10;
pv->current_index = 0;
pv->vector = (cPoint *)malloc(sizeof(cPoint) * (pv->current_max));
void resizePoint2dVector(struct point2dVector *p2v)
cPoint **tmp;
if ((tmp = (cPoint **)realloc(p2v->vector, sizeof(cPoint *) * (p2v->current_max * 2))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
p2v->current_max *= 2;
p2v->vector = tmp;
void resizePointVector(struct pointVector *pv)
cPoint *tmp;
if ((tmp = (cPoint *)realloc(pv->vector, sizeof(cPoint) * (pv->current_max * 2))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
pv->current_max *= 2;
pv->vector = tmp;
void addPoint2dVector(struct point2dVector *p2v, cPoint *point_vector)
if (p2v->current_index + 1 >= p2v->current_max)
p2v->vector[p2v->current_index] = point_vector;
p2v->current_index += 1;
void addPointVector(struct pointVector *pv, cPoint point)
if (pv->current_index + 1 >= pv->current_max)
pv->vector[pv->current_index] = point;
pv->current_index += 1;
cPoint **trimPoint2dVector(struct point2dVector *p2v, int *vector_size)
cPoint **tmp;
if ((tmp = (cPoint **)realloc(p2v->vector, sizeof(cPoint *) * (p2v->current_index))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
(*vector_size) = p2v->current_index;
return tmp;
cPoint *trimPointVector(struct pointVector *pv, int *vector_size)
cPoint *tmp;
if ((tmp = (cPoint *)realloc(pv->vector, sizeof(cPoint) * (pv->current_index))) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
(*vector_size) = pv->current_index;
return tmp;
// step around a pixel CCW
void stepCCW(cPoint *current, cPoint pivot)
if (current->col > pivot.col)
setPoint(current, pivot.row - 1, pivot.col);
else if (current->col < pivot.col)
setPoint(current, pivot.row + 1, pivot.col);
else if (current->row > pivot.row)
setPoint(current, pivot.row, pivot.col + 1);
else if (current->row < pivot.row)
setPoint(current, pivot.row, pivot.col - 1);
// step around a pixel CW
void stepCW(cPoint *current, cPoint pivot)
if (current->col > pivot.col)
setPoint(current, pivot.row + 1, pivot.col);
else if (current->col < pivot.col)
setPoint(current, pivot.row - 1, pivot.col);
else if (current->row > pivot.row)
setPoint(current, pivot.row, pivot.col - 1);
else if (current->row < pivot.row)
setPoint(current, pivot.row, pivot.col + 1);
// checks if a given pixel is out of bounds of the image
bool pixelOutOfBounds(cPoint p, int numrows, int numcols)
return (p.col >= numcols || p.row >= numrows || p.col < 0 || p.row < 0);
// marks a pixel as examined after passing through
void markExamined(cPoint mark, cPoint center, bool checked[4])
// p3.row, p3.col + 1
int loc = -1;
// 3
// 2 x 0
// 1
if (mark.col > center.col)
loc = 0;
else if (mark.col < center.col)
loc = 2;
else if (mark.row > center.row)
loc = 1;
else if (mark.row < center.row)
loc = 3;
if (loc == -1)
perror("Error: markExamined Failed");
checked[loc] = true;
// checks if given pixel has already been examined
bool isExamined(bool checked[4])
// p3.row, p3.col + 1
return checked[0];
void followBorderNew(int *img, int numrows, int numcols, int row, int col, cPoint p2, struct Border NBD, struct point2dVector *contour_vector,
struct intVector *contour_counter)
//img[r * imgCols + c]
cPoint current;
setPoint(¤t, p2.row, p2.col);
cPoint start;
setPoint(&start, row, col);
// Starting from (i2, j2), look around clockwise the pixels in the neighborhood of (i, j) and find a nonzero pixel.
// Let (i1, j1) be the first found nonzero pixel. If no nonzero pixel is found, assign -NBD to fij and go to (4).
stepCW(¤t, start);
if (samePoint(current, p2))
img[start.row * numcols + start.col] = -NBD.seq_num;
cPoint *temp = (cPoint *)malloc(sizeof(cPoint));
temp[0] = start;
addPoint2dVector(contour_vector, temp);
addIntVector(contour_counter, 1);
} while (pixelOutOfBounds(current, numrows, numcols) || img[current.row * numcols + current.col] == 0);
struct pointVector point_storage;
cPoint p1 = current;
//(i2, j2) <- (i1, j1) and (i3, j3) <- (i, j).
cPoint p3 = start;
cPoint p4;
p2 = p1;
bool checked[4];
while (true)
// Starting from the next element of the pixel(i2, j2) in the counterclockwise order, examine counterclockwise the pixels in the
// neighborhood of the current pixel(i3, j3) to find a nonzero pixel and let the first one be(i4, j4).
current = p2;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
checked[i] = false;
markExamined(current, p3, checked);
stepCCW(¤t, p3);
} while (pixelOutOfBounds(current, numrows, numcols) || img[current.row * numcols + current.col] == 0);
p4 = current;
// Change the value fi3, j3 of the pixel(i3, j3) as follows :
// If the pixel(i3, j3 + 1) is a 0 - pixel examined in the substep(3.3) then fi3, j3 <- - NBD.
// If the pixel(i3, j3 + 1) is not a 0 - pixel examined in the substep(3.3) and fi3, j3 = 1, then fi3, j3 ←NBD.
// Otherwise, do not change fi3, j3.
if ((p3.col + 1 >= numcols || img[p3.row * numcols + p3.col + 1] == 0) && isExamined(checked))
img[p3.row * numcols + p3.col] = -NBD.seq_num;
else if (p3.col + 1 < numcols && img[p3.row * numcols + p3.col] == 1)
img[p3.row * numcols + p3.col] = NBD.seq_num;
addPointVector(&point_storage, p3);
// printImage(image, image.size(), image[0].size());
// If(i4, j4) = (i, j) and (i3, j3) = (i1, j1) (coming back to the starting point), then go to(4);
// otherwise, (i2, j2) <- (i3, j3), (i3, j3) <- (i4, j4), and go back to(3.3).
if (samePoint(start, p4) && samePoint(p1, p3))
int vector_size;
cPoint *temp = trimPointVector(&point_storage, &vector_size);
addPoint2dVector(contour_vector, temp);
addIntVector(contour_counter, vector_size);
p2 = p3;
p3 = p4;
void followBorder(int **image, int numrows, int numcols, int row, int col, cPoint p2, struct Border NBD, struct point2dVector *contour_vector,
struct intVector *contour_counter)
cPoint current;
setPoint(¤t, p2.row, p2.col);
cPoint start;
setPoint(&start, row, col);
// Starting from (i2, j2), look around clockwise the pixels in the neighborhood of (i, j) and find a nonzero pixel.
// Let (i1, j1) be the first found nonzero pixel. If no nonzero pixel is found, assign -NBD to fij and go to (4).
stepCW(¤t, start);
if (samePoint(current, p2))
image[start.row][start.col] = -NBD.seq_num;
cPoint *temp = (cPoint *)malloc(sizeof(cPoint));
temp[0] = start;
addPoint2dVector(contour_vector, temp);
addIntVector(contour_counter, 1);
} while (pixelOutOfBounds(current, numrows, numcols) || image[current.row][current.col] == 0);
struct pointVector point_storage;
cPoint p1 = current;
//(i2, j2) <- (i1, j1) and (i3, j3) <- (i, j).
cPoint p3 = start;
cPoint p4;
p2 = p1;
bool checked[4];
while (true)
// Starting from the next element of the pixel(i2, j2) in the counterclockwise order, examine counterclockwise the pixels in the
// neighborhood of the current pixel(i3, j3) to find a nonzero pixel and let the first one be(i4, j4).
current = p2;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
checked[i] = false;
markExamined(current, p3, checked);
stepCCW(¤t, p3);
} while (pixelOutOfBounds(current, numrows, numcols) || image[current.row][current.col] == 0);
p4 = current;
// Change the value fi3, j3 of the pixel(i3, j3) as follows :
// If the pixel(i3, j3 + 1) is a 0 - pixel examined in the substep(3.3) then fi3, j3 <- - NBD.
// If the pixel(i3, j3 + 1) is not a 0 - pixel examined in the substep(3.3) and fi3, j3 = 1, then fi3, j3 ←NBD.
// Otherwise, do not change fi3, j3.
if ((p3.col + 1 >= numcols || image[p3.row][p3.col + 1] == 0) && isExamined(checked))
image[p3.row][p3.col] = -NBD.seq_num;
else if (p3.col + 1 < numcols && image[p3.row][p3.col] == 1)
image[p3.row][p3.col] = NBD.seq_num;
addPointVector(&point_storage, p3);
// printImage(image, image.size(), image[0].size());
// If(i4, j4) = (i, j) and (i3, j3) = (i1, j1) (coming back to the starting point), then go to(4);
// otherwise, (i2, j2) <- (i3, j3), (i3, j3) <- (i4, j4), and go back to(3.3).
if (samePoint(start, p4) && samePoint(p1, p3))
int vector_size;
cPoint *temp = trimPointVector(&point_storage, &vector_size);
addPoint2dVector(contour_vector, temp);
addIntVector(contour_counter, vector_size);
p2 = p3;
p3 = p4;
int **readFile(const char *s, int *numrows, int *numcols)
FILE *pFile;
char header[100];
pFile = fopen(s, "r");
if (pFile == NULL)
int c = 0;
int r = 0;
int temp = 0;
int **image = NULL;
if (pFile != NULL)
fscanf(pFile, "%s", header);
fscanf(pFile, "%d %d", &c, &r);
image = create2dArray(r, c);
fscanf(pFile, "%s", header);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < c; j++)
fscanf(pFile, "%d", &temp);
if (temp != 0)
temp = 1;
image[i][j] = temp;
(*numrows) = r;
(*numcols) = c;
return image;
// prints the hierarchy list
void printHierarchy(cNode *hierarchy, int hierarchy_size)
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy_size; i++)
printf("%2d:: parent: %3d first child: %3d next sibling: %3d\n", i + 1, hierarchy[i].parent, hierarchy[i].first_child,
void drawContour(cPoint **contours, int *contour_index, struct Pixel **color, int seq_num, struct Pixel pix)
int r, c;
for (int i = 0; i < contour_index[seq_num]; i++)
r = contours[seq_num][i].row;
c = contours[seq_num][i].col;
color[r][c] = pix;
struct Pixel chooseColor(int n)
struct Pixel tmp;
switch (n % 6)
case 0:
setPixel(&tmp, 255, 0, 0);
return tmp;
case 1:
setPixel(&tmp, 255, 127, 0);
return tmp;
case 2:
setPixel(&tmp, 255, 255, 0);
return tmp;
case 3:
setPixel(&tmp, 0, 255, 0);
return tmp;
case 4:
setPixel(&tmp, 0, 0, 255);
return tmp;
setPixel(&tmp, 139, 0, 255);
return tmp;
// creates a 2D array of struct Pixel, which is the 3 channel image needed to convert the 2D vector contours to a drawn bmp file
// uses DFS to step through the hierarchy tree, can be set to draw only the top 2 levels of contours, for example.
struct Pixel **createChannels(int h, int w, cNode *hierarchy, cPoint **contours, int *contour_index, int contour_size)
struct Pixel **color;
if ((color = (struct Pixel **)malloc(sizeof(struct Pixel *) * h)) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
if ((color[i] = (struct Pixel *)malloc(sizeof(struct Pixel) * w)) == NULL)
perror("malloc failed");
memset(color[i], 0, sizeof(struct Pixel) * w);
for (int i = 1; i < contour_size; i++)
drawContour(contours, contour_index, color, i, chooseColor(i));
return color;
// save image to bmp
void saveImageFile(const char *file_name, int h, int w, cNode *hierarchy, cPoint **contours, int *contour_index, int contour_size)
FILE *f;
struct Pixel **color = createChannels(h, w, hierarchy, contours, contour_index, contour_size);
unsigned char *img = NULL;
int filesize = 54 + 3 * w * h; // w is your image width, h is image height, both int
img = (unsigned char *)malloc(3 * w * h);
memset(img, 0, 3 * w * h);
int x, y;
unsigned char r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++)
y = (h - 1) - i;
x = j;
r = color[i][j].red;
g = color[i][j].green;
b = color[i][j].blue;
/* if (r > 255) r=255;
if (g > 255) g=255;
if (b > 255) b=255;*/
img[(x + y * w) * 3 + 2] = (unsigned char)(r);
img[(x + y * w) * 3 + 1] = (unsigned char)(g);
img[(x + y * w) * 3 + 0] = (unsigned char)(b);
unsigned char bmpfileheader[14] = {'B', 'M', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned char bmpinfoheader[40] = {40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 24, 0};
unsigned char bmppad[3] = {0, 0, 0};
bmpfileheader[2] = (unsigned char)(filesize);
bmpfileheader[3] = (unsigned char)(filesize >> 8);
bmpfileheader[4] = (unsigned char)(filesize >> 16);
bmpfileheader[5] = (unsigned char)(filesize >> 24);
bmpinfoheader[4] = (unsigned char)(w);
bmpinfoheader[5] = (unsigned char)(w >> 8);
bmpinfoheader[6] = (unsigned char)(w >> 16);
bmpinfoheader[7] = (unsigned char)(w >> 24);
bmpinfoheader[8] = (unsigned char)(h);
bmpinfoheader[9] = (unsigned char)(h >> 8);
bmpinfoheader[10] = (unsigned char)(h >> 16);
bmpinfoheader[11] = (unsigned char)(h >> 24);
f = fopen(file_name, "wb");
fwrite(bmpfileheader, 1, 14, f);
fwrite(bmpinfoheader, 1, 40, f);
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
fwrite(img + (w * (i)*3), 3, w, f);
fwrite(bmppad, 1, (4 - (w * 3) % 4) % 4, f);
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
int findcontours_c(int *img, int imgRows, int imgCols, int **ResContours)
int **image;
int numrows = 0;
int numcols = 0;
struct Border NBD;
struct Border LNBD;
image = readFile("D:\\A_BFI\\code\\LYB\\LibDieToDie-lyb-develop\\findContours.c-master\\contours_c\\data1_filter2.pgm", &numrows, &numcols);
for (int i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numcols; j++)
img[i * imgCols + j] = (int)image[i][j];
LNBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
NBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
NBD.seq_num = 1;
struct nodeVector hierarchy_vector;
cNode temp_node;
temp_node.border = NBD;
addNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, temp_node);
// add in padding for both contour and hierarchy have the same offset.
struct point2dVector contour_vector;
cPoint border;
setPoint(&border, -1, -1);
cPoint *padding;
padding = (cPoint *)malloc(sizeof(cPoint));
padding[0] = border;
addPoint2dVector(&contour_vector, padding);
struct intVector contour_counter;
addIntVector(&contour_counter, 1);
cPoint p2;
bool border_start_found;
for (int r = 0; r < numrows; r++)
LNBD.seq_num = 1;
LNBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
for (int c = 0; c < numcols; c++)
border_start_found = false;
// Phase 1: Find border
// If fij = 1 and fi, j-1 = 0, then decide that the pixel (i, j) is the border following starting point
// of an outer border, increment NBD, and (i2, j2) <- (i, j - 1).
if ((img[r * imgCols + c] == 1 && c - 1 < 0) || (image[r][c] == 1 && image[r][c - 1] == 0))
NBD.border_type = OUTER_BORDER;
NBD.seq_num += 1;
setPoint(&p2, r, c - 1);
border_start_found = true;
// Else if fij >= 1 and fi,j+1 = 0, then decide that the pixel (i, j) is the border following
// starting point of a hole border, increment NBD, (i2, j2) ←(i, j + 1), and LNBD ← fij in case fij > 1.
else if (c + 1 < numcols && (image[r][c] >= 1 && image[r][c + 1] == 0))
NBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
NBD.seq_num += 1;
if (image[r][c] > 1)
LNBD.seq_num = image[r][c];
LNBD.border_type = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].border.border_type;
setPoint(&p2, r, c + 1);
border_start_found = true;
if (border_start_found)
// Phase 2: Store Parent
// current = new TreeNode(NBD);
if (NBD.border_type == LNBD.border_type)
temp_node.parent = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].parent;
temp_node.next_sibling = hierarchy_vector.vector[temp_node.parent - 1].first_child;
hierarchy_vector.vector[temp_node.parent - 1].first_child = NBD.seq_num;
temp_node.border = NBD;
addNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, temp_node);
if (hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].first_child != -1)
temp_node.next_sibling = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].first_child;
temp_node.parent = LNBD.seq_num;
hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].first_child = NBD.seq_num;
temp_node.border = NBD;
addNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, temp_node);
// Phase 3: Follow border
followBorder(image, numrows, numcols, r, c, p2, NBD, &contour_vector, &contour_counter);
// Phase 4: Continue to next border
// If fij != 1, then LNBD <- abs( fij ) and resume the raster scan from the pixel(i, j + 1).
// The algorithm terminates when the scan reaches the lower right corner of the picture.
if (abs(image[r][c]) > 1)
LNBD.seq_num = abs(image[r][c]);
LNBD.border_type = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].border.border_type;
int hierarchy_size;
int contour_size;
int contour_index_size;
cPoint **contours = trimPoint2dVector(&contour_vector, &contour_size);
int *contours_index = trimIntVector(&contour_counter, &contour_index_size);
cNode *hierarchy = trimNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, &hierarchy_size);
if (hierarchy_size != contour_index_size || hierarchy_size != contour_size)
printf("Storage offset error");
//printHierarchy(hierarchy, hierarchy_size);
saveImageFile("D:\\A_BFI\\code\\LYB\\LibDieToDie-lyb-develop\\findContours.c-master\\contours_c\\test2.bmp", numrows, numcols, hierarchy,
contours, contours_index, contour_size);
// free malloc
free2dArray(image, numrows);
for (int i = 0; i < contour_size; i++)
return 0;
int findcontours_cNew(int *img, int imgRows, int imgCols, vector<vector<cPoint>> &ResContours) //
int **image;
int numrows = 0;
int numcols = 0;
struct Border NBD;
struct Border LNBD;
image = readFile("D:\\A_BFI\\code\\LYB\\LibDieToDie-lyb-develop\\findContours.c-master\\contours_c\\data1_filter2.pgm", &numrows, &numcols);
for (int i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numcols; j++)
img[i * numcols + j] = image[i][j];
LNBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
NBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
NBD.seq_num = 1;
struct nodeVector hierarchy_vector;
cNode temp_node;
temp_node.border = NBD;
addNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, temp_node);
// add in padding for both contour and hierarchy have the same offset.
struct point2dVector contour_vector;
cPoint border;
setPoint(&border, -1, -1);
cPoint *padding;
padding = (cPoint *)malloc(sizeof(cPoint));
padding[0] = border;
addPoint2dVector(&contour_vector, padding);
struct intVector contour_counter;
addIntVector(&contour_counter, 1);
cPoint p2;
bool border_start_found;
for (int r = 0; r < numrows; r++)
LNBD.seq_num = 1;
LNBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
for (int c = 0; c < numcols; c++)
border_start_found = false;
// Phase 1: Find border
// If fij = 1 and fi, j-1 = 0, then decide that the pixel (i, j) is the border following starting point
// of an outer border, increment NBD, and (i2, j2) <- (i, j - 1).
if ((img[r * imgCols + c] == 1 && c - 1 < 0) || (img[r * imgCols + c] == 1 && img[r * imgCols + c - 1] == 0))
NBD.border_type = OUTER_BORDER;
NBD.seq_num += 1;
setPoint(&p2, r, c - 1);
border_start_found = true;
// Else if fij >= 1 and fi,j+1 = 0, then decide that the pixel (i, j) is the border following
// starting point of a hole border, increment NBD, (i2, j2) ←(i, j + 1), and LNBD ← fij in case fij > 1.
else if (c + 1 < numcols && (img[r * imgCols + c] >= 1 && img[r * imgCols + c + 1] == 0))
NBD.border_type = HOLE_BORDER;
NBD.seq_num += 1;
if (img[r * imgCols + c] > 1)
LNBD.seq_num = img[r * imgCols + c];
LNBD.border_type = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].border.border_type;
setPoint(&p2, r, c + 1);
border_start_found = true;
if (border_start_found)
// Phase 2: Store Parent
// current = new TreeNode(NBD);
if (NBD.border_type == LNBD.border_type)
temp_node.parent = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].parent;
temp_node.next_sibling = hierarchy_vector.vector[temp_node.parent - 1].first_child;
hierarchy_vector.vector[temp_node.parent - 1].first_child = NBD.seq_num;
temp_node.border = NBD;
addNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, temp_node);
if (hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].first_child != -1)
temp_node.next_sibling = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].first_child;
temp_node.parent = LNBD.seq_num;
hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].first_child = NBD.seq_num;
temp_node.border = NBD;
addNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, temp_node);
// Phase 3: Follow border
//followBorder(image, numrows, numcols, r, c, p2, NBD, &contour_vector, &contour_counter);
followBorderNew(img, numrows, numcols, r, c, p2, NBD, &contour_vector, &contour_counter);
// Phase 4: Continue to next border
// If fij != 1, then LNBD <- abs( fij ) and resume the raster scan from the pixel(i, j + 1).
// The algorithm terminates when the scan reaches the lower right corner of the picture.
if (abs(img[r * imgCols + c]) > 1)
LNBD.seq_num = abs(img[r * imgCols + c]);
LNBD.border_type = hierarchy_vector.vector[LNBD.seq_num - 1].border.border_type;
int hierarchy_size;
int contour_size;
int contour_index_size;
cPoint **contours = trimPoint2dVector(&contour_vector, &contour_size);
int *contours_index = trimIntVector(&contour_counter, &contour_index_size);
cNode *hierarchy = trimNodeVector(&hierarchy_vector, &hierarchy_size);
if (hierarchy_size != contour_index_size || hierarchy_size != contour_size)
printf("Storage offset error");
//printHierarchy(hierarchy, hierarchy_size);
saveImageFile("D:\\A_BFI\\code\\LYB\\LibDieToDie-lyb-develop\\findContours.c-master\\contours_c\\test2.bmp", numrows, numcols, hierarchy, contours, contours_index, contour_size);
for (int i = 1; i < contour_size; i++)
vector<cPoint> oneContour;
int oneSize = contours_index[i];
for (int j = 0; j < oneSize; j++)
// free malloc
for (int i = 0; i < contour_size; i++)
return 0;