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  1. 状态表示:定义问题的状态表示方式,通常是一个数据结构,其中包含描述问题状态的所有必要信息。
  2. 启发式函数:实现一个启发式函数,用于评估当前状态到目标状态的距离或成本的估计。启发式函数的设计需要根据具体问题的特点,可以基于问题的领域知识或者简单的规则。
  3. 搜索策略:选择适合问题的搜索策略,常见的搜索策略包括A算法、IDA算法、Greedy Best-First Search等。
  4. 状态扩展:实现状态扩展操作,根据当前状态生成可能的后继状态。这通常涉及到问题定义中的状态转移操作。
  5. 搜索控制:实现搜索控制机制,用于管理搜索过程。这可能包括设置搜索深度限制、时间限制、启发式函数的阈值等,以控制搜索的规模和复杂度。



  • 原理:在对问题求解时,总是做出在当前看来是最好的选择,不考虑整体最优,只考虑局部最优。
  • 实例:找零问题。假设有面值为5元、2元、1元、5角、2角、1角的硬币,要找给顾客9元8角。贪心算法的思路是每次都选择面值最大的硬币,先选1个5元硬币,再选2个2元硬币,然后选1个5角硬币,1个2角硬币和1个1角硬币,这样就用最少的硬币数量完成了找零。
def greedy_change(amount):
    coins = [500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10]  # 硬币面值,单位为角
    coin_count = [0] * len(coins)
    for i, coin in enumerate(coins):
        while amount >= coin:
            amount -= coin
            coin_count[i] += 1
    return coin_count

amount = 980  # 9 元 8 角,单位为角
result = greedy_change(amount)
coin_names = ["5 元", "2 元", "1 元", "5 角", "2 角", "1 角"]
for i in range(len(result)):
    if result[i] > 0:
        print(f"{coin_names[i]}: {result[i]} 个")


  • 原理:综合考虑节点的路径代价和到目标节点的估计代价,通过评估函数(f(n)=g(n)+h(n))来选择下一个要扩展的节点,其中(g(n))是从起始节点到节点(n)的实际代价,(h(n))是从节点(n)到目标节点的估计代价。
  • 实例:在地图导航中,要从A地到B地,A算法会根据当前位置到已走过位置的距离(g(n)),以及当前位置到B地的直线距离估计值(h(n))(启发函数)来选择下一个要走的节点。比如在一个城市道路网络中,计算从当前路口到目标路口的最短路径,A算法会综合考虑已经走过的路程和到目标路口的直线距离等因素,快速找到最优路径。
import heapq

# 定义节点类
class Node:
    def __init__(self, x, y, g=float('inf'), h=float('inf'), parent=None):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.g = g
        self.h = h
        self.f = g + h
        self.parent = parent

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.f < other.f

# 曼哈顿距离作为启发函数
def heuristic(a, b):
    return abs(a[0] - b[0]) + abs(a[1] - b[1])

# A* 算法实现
def a_star(grid, start, goal):
    rows, cols = len(grid), len(grid[0])
    open_list = []
    closed_set = set()

    start_node = Node(start[0], start[1], 0, heuristic(start, goal))
    heapq.heappush(open_list, start_node)

    while open_list:
        current = heapq.heappop(open_list)
        if (current.x, current.y) == goal:
            path = []
            while current:
                path.append((current.x, current.y))
                current = current.parent
            return path[::-1]

        closed_set.add((current.x, current.y))
        neighbors = [(current.x + dx, current.y + dy) for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
                     if 0 <= current.x + dx < rows and 0 <= current.y + dy < cols and grid[current.x + dx][current.y + dy] == 0]

        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if neighbor in closed_set:
            tentative_g = current.g + 1
            neighbor_node = Node(neighbor[0], neighbor[1])
            if tentative_g < neighbor_node.g:
                neighbor_node.parent = current
                neighbor_node.g = tentative_g
                neighbor_node.h = heuristic(neighbor, goal)
                neighbor_node.f = neighbor_node.g + neighbor_node.h
                heapq.heappush(open_list, neighbor_node)

    return None

# 示例网格地图,0 表示可通行,1 表示障碍物
grid = [
    [0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0]
start = (0, 0)
goal = (3, 3)
path = a_star(grid, start, goal)
print("A* 算法找到的路径:", path)


  • 原理:模拟生物在自然环境中的遗传和进化过程,通过选择、交叉和变异等操作,不断迭代优化种群,以找到最优解或近似最优解。
  • 实例:在生产调度问题中,假设有多个订单需要在不同的机器上加工,每个订单有不同的加工时间和交货期。遗传算法可以将每个调度方案看作一个个体,通过对个体进行编码,如用数字序列表示订单在机器上的加工顺序。然后计算每个个体的适应度,比如根据订单的延迟交货时间等指标来衡量。在迭代过程中,选择适应度高的个体进行交叉和变异操作,产生新的后代个体,经过多代进化,逐渐找到使整体生产效率最高、延迟交货最少的调度方案。
import random
import copy

# 订单加工时间
job_processing_times = [2, 3, 4, 5]
num_jobs = len(job_processing_times)
num_machines = 1
population_size = 10
generations = 50

# 生成初始种群
def generate_population():
    population = []
    for _ in range(population_size):
        individual = list(range(num_jobs))
    return population

# 计算适应度(总加工时间)
def fitness(individual):
    total_time = 0
    for job in individual:
        total_time += job_processing_times[job]
    return total_time

# 选择操作(锦标赛选择)
def tournament_selection(population):
    tournament_size = 3
    tournament = random.sample(population, tournament_size)
    best = min(tournament, key=lambda x: fitness(x))
    return best

# 交叉操作(顺序交叉)
def order_crossover(parent1, parent2):
    start, end = sorted(random.sample(range(num_jobs), 2))
    child = [-1] * num_jobs
    child[start:end] = parent1[start:end]
    remaining = [job for job in parent2 if job not in child[start:end]]
    index = 0
    for i in range(num_jobs):
        if child[i] == -1:
            child[i] = remaining[index]
            index += 1
    return child

# 变异操作(交换变异)
def swap_mutation(individual):
    index1, index2 = random.sample(range(num_jobs), 2)
    individual[index1], individual[index2] = individual[index2], individual[index1]
    return individual

# 遗传算法主循环
population = generate_population()
for _ in range(generations):
    new_population = []
    for _ in range(population_size):
        parent1 = tournament_selection(population)
        parent2 = tournament_selection(population)
        child = order_crossover(parent1, parent2)
        if random.random() < 0.1:
            child = swap_mutation(child)
    population = new_population

best_schedule = min(population, key=lambda x: fitness(x))
print("遗传算法找到的最优调度:", best_schedule)
print("最优调度的总加工时间:", fitness(best_schedule))


  • 原理:模拟固体退火过程,在高温时,固体内部粒子处于快速运动状态,随着温度逐渐降低,粒子的运动逐渐稳定,最终达到能量最低的状态。在搜索过程中,以一定的概率接受比当前解更差的解,避免陷入局部最优。
  • 实例:在旅行商问题(TSP)中,假设有一个旅行商需要访问多个城市,要求找到一条总路程最短的路径。模拟退火算法从一个初始路径开始,然后随机生成一个新的路径。如果新路径的长度比当前路径短,就接受新路径;如果新路径比当前路径长,就以一定的概率接受它。这个概率会随着算法的进行而逐渐降低,就像温度逐渐降低一样。例如,在初始阶段,可能会接受一些较长的路径,以便能够探索到更广阔的解空间,随着时间推移,接受较差解的概率越来越小,最终收敛到一个较优的路径。
import random
import math

# 城市坐标
cities = [(0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 3), (5, 1), (6, 4)]
num_cities = len(cities)

# 计算路径长度
def path_length(path):
    length = 0
    for i in range(num_cities - 1):
        x1, y1 = cities[path[i]]
        x2, y2 = cities[path[i + 1]]
        length += math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
    # 回到起点
    x1, y1 = cities[path[-1]]
    x2, y2 = cities[path[0]]
    length += math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
    return length

# 模拟退火算法
def simulated_annealing():
    current_path = list(range(num_cities))
    current_length = path_length(current_path)
    temperature = 1000
    cooling_rate = 0.99

    while temperature > 1:
        new_path = copy.copy(current_path)
        index1, index2 = random.sample(range(num_cities), 2)
        new_path[index1], new_path[index2] = new_path[index2], new_path[index1]
        new_length = path_length(new_path)
        if new_length < current_length or random.random() < math.exp((current_length - new_length) / temperature):
            current_path = new_path
            current_length = new_length
        temperature *= cooling_rate

    return current_path, current_length

best_path, best_length = simulated_annealing()
print("模拟退火算法找到的最优路径:", best_path)
print("最优路径的长度:", best_length)


  • 原理:模拟蚂蚁群体寻找食物的行为,蚂蚁在运动过程中会在路径上留下信息素,信息素浓度越高的路径,被蚂蚁选择的概率越大,通过信息素的更新和扩散,引导蚂蚁群体找到最优路径。
  • 实例:同样在解决TSP问题时,假设城市之间的道路是蚂蚁可以行走的路径。一开始,蚂蚁随机选择路径行走,在走过的路径上留下信息素。随着时间的推移,信息素会逐渐挥发,但较短路径上的信息素浓度会相对较高,因为蚂蚁在较短路径上往返的次数更多。这样,后续的蚂蚁选择较短路径的概率就会更大,最终整个蚁群会逐渐找到一条近似最优的旅行路线。
import random
import math

# 城市坐标
cities = [(0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 3), (5, 1), (6, 4)]
num_cities = len(cities)
num_ants = 10
iterations = 50
alpha = 1  # 信息素重要程度因子
beta = 2   # 启发式因子
rho = 0.5  # 信息素挥发因子
Q = 100    # 信息素增加强度系数

// 计算城市间距离
distance_matrix = [[0] * num_cities for _ in range(num_cities)]
for i in range(num_cities):
    for j in range(num_cities):
        x1, y1 = cities[i]
        x2, y2 = cities[j]
        distance_matrix[i][j] = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)

# 初始化信息素矩阵
pheromone_matrix = [[1] * num_cities for _ in range(num_cities)]

# 蚁群算法
best_path = None
best_length = float('inf')
for _ in range(iterations):
    all_paths = []
    all_lengths = []
    for _ in range(num_ants):
        current_city = random.randint(0, num_cities - 1)
        unvisited_cities = set(range(num_cities))
        path = [current_city]
        while unvisited_cities:
            probabilities = []
            total_probability = 0
            for city in unvisited_cities:
                probability = (pheromone_matrix[current_city][city] ** alpha) * ((1 / distance_matrix[current_city][city]) ** beta)
                total_probability += probability
            if total_probability == 0:
                next_city = random.choice(list(unvisited_cities))
                probabilities = [p / total_probability for p in probabilities]
                next_city = random.choices(list(unvisited_cities), weights=probabilities)[0]
            current_city = next_city
        path_length = 0
        for i in range(num_cities - 1):
            path_length += distance_matrix[path[i]][path[i + 1]]
        path_length += distance_matrix[path[-1]][path[0]]
        if path_length < best_length:
            best_length = path_length
            best_path = path

    # 更新信息素矩阵
    for i in range(num_cities):
        for j in range(num_cities):
            pheromone_matrix[i][j] *= (1 - rho)
    for path, length in zip(all_paths, all_lengths):
        for i in range(num_cities - 1):
            pheromone_matrix[path[i]][path[i + 1]] += Q / length
        pheromone_matrix[path[-1]][path[0]] += Q / length

print("蚁群算法找到的最优路径:", best_path)
print("最优路径的长度:", best_length)

# 总结



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