UEFI Spec 学习笔记---9 - Protocols — EFI Loaded Image
本节定义EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL和 EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL。这些协议分别描述了已加载到内存中的映像,并指定了PE/COFF映像通过EFI引导服务LoadImage()加载 时使用的设备路径。这些描述包括 load image 的源、映像在内存中的当前位置、为image分配的内存类型、 以及在调用image时传递给image的参数。
9.1 EFI Loaded Image Protocol
被 image handle 使用,用于获取加载的 Image 的信息。
/// Can be used on any image handle to obtain information about the loaded image.
typedef struct {
UINT32 Revision; ///< Defines the revision of the EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL structure.
///< All future revisions will be backward compatible to the current revision.
EFI_HANDLE ParentHandle; ///< Parent image's image handle. NULL if the image is loaded directly from
///< the firmware's boot manager.
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable; ///< the image's EFI system table pointer.
// Source location of image
EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle; ///< The device handle that the EFI Image was loaded from.
EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath; ///< A pointer to the file path portion specific to DeviceHandle
///< that the EFI Image was loaded from.
VOID *Reserved; ///< Reserved. DO NOT USE.
// Images load options
UINT32 LoadOptionsSize; ///< The size in bytes of LoadOptions.
VOID *LoadOptions; ///< A pointer to the image's binary load options.
// Location of where image was loaded
VOID *ImageBase; ///< The base address at which the image was loaded.
UINT64 ImageSize; ///< The size in bytes of the loaded image.
EFI_MEMORY_TYPE ImageCodeType; ///< The memory type that the code sections were loaded as.
EFI_MEMORY_TYPE ImageDataType; ///< The memory type that the data sections were loaded as.
这个EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL 是在需要加载 Image 的 driver 来 install,拿 SMM driver 来举例:
在 SMM driver entry 里面会来填充对应 image 的相关信息,包括 image 的地址。
9.2 EFI Loaded Image Device Path Protocol
安装后,Loaded Image Device Path Protocol 指定通过EFI引导服务LoadImage()加载 PE/COFF映像时使用的设备路径。Loaded Image Device Path Protocol 使用与第 10 章中定义的Device Path Protocol 相同的协议接口结构,只有 GUIID 不同。
Loaded Image Device Path Protocol 必须安装到EFI引导服务loadimage()加载的PE/COFF映像的映像句柄上。
在 Boot service-->loadimage 加载 image 之前需要将这个 device patch 复制到Boot service-->loadimage;
typedef struct {
UINT8 Type; ///< 0x01 Hardware Device Path.
///< 0x02 ACPI Device Path.
///< 0x03 Messaging Device Path.
///< 0x04 Media Device Path.
///< 0x05 BIOS Boot Specification Device Path.
///< 0x7F End of Hardware Device Path.
UINT8 SubType; ///< Varies by Type
///< 0xFF End Entire Device Path, or
///< 0x01 End This Instance of a Device Path and start a new
///< Device Path.
UINT8 Length[2]; ///< Specific Device Path data. Type and Sub-Type define
///< type of data. Size of data is included in Length.