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《Operating System Concepts》阅读笔记:p62-p75

《Operating System Concepts》学习第 10 天,p62-p75 总结,总计 14 页。


1.  system call

(1)  定义

The primary interface between processes and the operating system, providing a means to invoke services made available by the operating system.

(2)  类型

System calls can be grouped roughly into six major categories: process control, file management, device management, information maintenance, communications, and protection。

2.  interprocess communication

(1)  分类

There are two common models of interprocess communication: the message-

passing model and the shared-memory model.



(1)rewind: re-(“again”) + wind(“to turn, to twist”)
vi/vt. go back to the beginning, move back to the start.
示例:We may also read(), write(), or reposition() (rewind or skip to the end of the file, for example)(《Operating System Concepts》第 71 页)。


(1)exclusive:ex-(“out, away”) + claudere(“to close, to shout out”)
adj. exclusive refers to sth is limited, restricted or not shared with others–it implies that others are shut out or excluded。常见的用法有:exclusive use(专用), exclusiver access(独占式访问), exclusive right(专有权)。
示例:A system with multiple users may require us to first request() a device, to ensure exclusive use of it(《Operating System Concepts》第 72 页)。
(2)exclusive vs privileged
exclusive 强调 restriction or sole access(not shared or available to others), privileged 强调 special advantage or benefit(having something valuable or favorable)。


(1)eligible: e-(“out, from”) + legere(“to choose”)
adj. able to choosen(有资格的)。
示例:In this section, we describe the steps in this procedure, from compiling a program to placing it in memory, where it becomes eligible to run on an available CPU core(《Operating System Concepts》第 75 页)。

关于英语的注解同步更新汇总到 https://github.com/codists/English-In-CS-Books 仓库。




1. 编程

(1) Abraham Silberschatz,Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne《Operating System Concepts》:https://book.douban.com/subject/30272539/

2. 英语

(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org




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