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  • 一、calibrate_sheet_of_light_calplate例程代码
  • 二、为什么把视差图作为Rows输入
  • 三、坐标系和点变换区分




dev_update_off ()
dev_close_window ()
read_image (ProfileImage, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_001.png')
get_image_size (ProfileImage, Width, Height)
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_line_width (3)
dev_set_color ('lime green')
dev_set_lut ('default')
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')

gen_cam_par_area_scan_polynomial (0.0125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000006, 0.000006, 376.0, 120.0, 752, 240, StartParameters)
CalTabDescription := 'caltab_30mm.descr'
* Note that the thickness of the calibration target used for this example is 0.63 mm.
* If you adapt this example program to your application, it is necessary to determine
* the thickness of your specific calibration target and to use this value instead.
CalTabThickness := .00063
NumCalibImages := 20

create_calib_data ('calibration_object', 1, 1, CalibDataID)
set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 0, [], StartParameters)
set_calib_data_calib_object (CalibDataID, 0, CalTabDescription)

for Index := 1 to NumCalibImages by 1
    read_image (Image, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_calib_' + Index$'.2')
    dev_display (Image)
    find_calib_object (Image, CalibDataID, 0, 0, Index, [], [])
    get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 0, 0, Index, Row, Column, _Index, Pose)
    get_calib_data_observ_contours (Contours, CalibDataID, 'caltab', 0, 0, Index)
    dev_set_color ('green')
    dev_display (Contours)
    gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, Row, Column, 6, 0.785398)
    dev_set_color ('yellow')
    dev_display (Cross)

calibrate_cameras (CalibDataID, Errors)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'The camera calibration has been performed successfully', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
dev_set_colored (3)
MinThreshold := 80

Index := 19
get_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'calib_obj_pose', [0,Index], 'pose', CalTabPose)
set_origin_pose (CalTabPose, 0.0, 0.0, CalTabThickness, CameraPose)
read_image (CalTabImage1, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_calib_' + Index$'.2')
dev_display (CalTabImage1)
get_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'camera', 0, 'params', CameraParameters)
disp_3d_coord_system (WindowHandle, CameraParameters, CameraPose, .01)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'World coordinate system', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()

Index := 20
get_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'calib_obj_pose', [0,Index], 'pose', CalTabPose)
set_origin_pose (CalTabPose, 0.0, 0.0, CalTabThickness, TmpCameraPose)
read_image (CalTabImage2, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_calib_' + Index$'.2')
dev_display (CalTabImage2)
disp_3d_coord_system (WindowHandle, CameraParameters, TmpCameraPose, .01)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Temporary coordinate system', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()

dev_clear_window ()
read_image (ProfileImage1, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_lightline_019.png')
compute_3d_coordinates_of_light_line (ProfileImage1, MinThreshold, CameraParameters, [], CameraPose, X19, Y19, Z19)
if (|X19| == 0 or |Y19| == 0 or |Z19| == 0)
    dev_display (ProfileImage1)
    disp_message (WindowHandle, 'The profile MUST be oriented horizontally\nfor successfull processing!\nThe program will exit.', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    return ()

read_image (ProfileImage2, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_lightline_020.png')
compute_3d_coordinates_of_light_line (ProfileImage2, MinThreshold, CameraParameters, TmpCameraPose, CameraPose, X20, Y20, Z20)
if (|X20| == 0 or |Y20| == 0 or |Z20| == 0)
    disp_message (WindowHandle, 'The profile MUST be oriented horizontally\nfor successfull processing!\nThe program will exit.', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    return ()

fit_3d_plane_xyz ([X19,X20], [Y19,Y20], [Z19,Z20], Ox, Oy, Oz, Nx, Ny, Nz, MeanResidual)
if (|Nx| == 0 or |Ny| == 0 or |Nz| == 0)
    disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Too few 3d points have been provided to fit the light plane,\nor the points are (nearly) collinear!\nThe program will exit.', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    return ()
if (MeanResidual > 5e-5)
    disp_message (WindowHandle, 'The light plane could not be fitted accurately!\nThe mean residual distance between the 3d-points and the\nfitted plane is too high (' + (MeanResidual * 1000)$'.3' + 'mm). Please check the\nquality and the correctness of those points.\nThe program will exit!', 'window', 12, 21, 'black', 'true')
    return ()

get_light_plane_pose (Ox, Oy, Oz, Nx, Ny, Nz, LightPlanePose)
if (|LightPlanePose| != 7)
    disp_message (WindowHandle, 'The pose of the light plane could not be\ndetermined. Please verify that the vector\npassed at input of the procedure\nget_light_plane_pose() is not null.\nThe program will exit!', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    return ()
String := ['LightPlanePose: ','  Tx    = ' + LightPlanePose[0]$'.3' + ' m','  Ty    = ' + LightPlanePose[1]$'.3' + ' m','  Tz    = ' + LightPlanePose[2]$'.3' + ' m','  alpha = ' + LightPlanePose[3]$'.4' + '°','  beta  = ' + LightPlanePose[4]$'.4' + '°','  gamma = ' + LightPlanePose[5]$'.4' + '°','  type  = ' + LightPlanePose[6]]
disp_message (WindowHandle, String, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
dev_clear_window ()
read_image (CaltabImagePos1, 'sheet_of_light/caltab_at_position_1.png')
read_image (CaltabImagePos20, 'sheet_of_light/caltab_at_position_2.png')
StepNumber := 19

set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 0, [], CameraParameters)
find_calib_object (CaltabImagePos1, CalibDataID, 0, 0, NumCalibImages + 1, [], [])
get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 0, 0, NumCalibImages + 1, Row1, Column1, Index1, CameraPosePos1)
find_calib_object (CaltabImagePos20, CalibDataID, 0, 0, NumCalibImages + 2, [], [])
get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 0, 0, NumCalibImages + 2, Row1, Column1, Index1, CameraPosePos20)

set_origin_pose (CameraPosePos1, 0.0, 0.0, CalTabThickness, CameraPosePos1)
set_origin_pose (CameraPosePos20, 0.0, 0.0, CalTabThickness, CameraPosePos20)
pose_to_hom_mat3d (CameraPosePos1, HomMat3DPos1ToCamera)
pose_to_hom_mat3d (CameraPosePos20, HomMat3DPos20ToCamera)
pose_to_hom_mat3d (CameraPose, HomMat3DWorldToCamera)
hom_mat3d_invert (HomMat3DWorldToCamera, HomMat3DCameraToWorld)
hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DCameraToWorld, HomMat3DPos1ToCamera, HomMat3DPos1ToWorld)
hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DCameraToWorld, HomMat3DPos20ToCamera, HomMat3DPos20ToWorld)
affine_trans_point_3d (HomMat3DPos1ToWorld, 0, 0, 0, StartX, StartY, StartZ)
affine_trans_point_3d (HomMat3DPos20ToWorld, 0, 0, 0, EndX, EndY, EndZ)
create_pose (EndX - StartX, EndY - StartY, EndZ - StartZ, 0, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', MovementPoseNSteps)
MovementPose := MovementPoseNSteps / StepNumber
String := ['MovementPose: ','  Tx    = ' + MovementPose[0]$'.3' + ' m','  Ty    = ' + MovementPose[1]$'.3' + ' m','  Tz    = ' + MovementPose[2]$'.3' + ' m','  alpha = ' + MovementPose[3] + '°','  beta  = ' + MovementPose[4] + '°','  gamma = ' + MovementPose[5] + '°','  type  = ' + MovementPose[6]]
disp_message (WindowHandle, String, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
dev_clear_window ()
read_image (Disparity, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_disparity.tif')
* Create a model and set the required parameters
gen_rectangle1 (ProfileRegion, 120, 75, 195, 710)
create_sheet_of_light_model (ProfileRegion, ['min_gray', 'num_profiles', 'ambiguity_solving'], [70, 290, 'first'], SheetOfLightModelID)
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'calibration', 'xyz')
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'camera_parameter', CameraParameters)
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'camera_pose', CameraPose)
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'lightplane_pose', LightPlanePose)
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'movement_pose', MovementPose)
apply_sheet_of_light_calibration (Disparity, SheetOfLightModelID)
get_sheet_of_light_result (X, SheetOfLightModelID, 'x')
get_sheet_of_light_result (Y, SheetOfLightModelID, 'y')
get_sheet_of_light_result (Z, SheetOfLightModelID, 'z')
dev_close_window ()
get_image_size (Disparity, Width, Height)
dev_open_window (Height + 10, 0, Width * .5, Height * .5, 'black', WindowHandle3)
set_display_font (WindowHandle3, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_set_lut ('temperature')
dev_display (Z)
disp_message (WindowHandle3, 'Calibrated Z-coordinates', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
* Display the resulting Y-coordinates
dev_open_window ((Height + 10) * .5, 0, Width * .5, Height * .5, 'black', WindowHandle2)
set_display_font (WindowHandle2, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_display (Y)
disp_message (WindowHandle2, 'Calibrated Y-coordinates', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
* Display the resulting X-coordinates
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width * .5, Height * .5, 'black', WindowHandle1)
dev_display (X)
set_display_font (WindowHandle1, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
disp_message (WindowHandle1, 'Calibrated X-coordinates', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')

get_sheet_of_light_result_object_model_3d (SheetOfLightModelID, ObjectModel3D)
gen_sheet_of_light_object_model_3d (SheetOfLightModelID, 0.1, 0.05, 0.3, OM3DLightPlane, OM3DMovement, OM3DCamera, OM3DCone)
dev_open_window (0, Width * .5 + 10, Width, Height * 1.5, 'black', WindowHandle)
dev_set_lut ('default')
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, [ObjectModel3D,OM3DLightPlane,OM3DMovement,OM3DCamera,OM3DCone], [], [-0.002989894371, 0.1325031046, 8.667736001, 288.0583956, 2.798360231, 297.2537796, 0], ['alpha_1', 'alpha_3', 'alpha_4', 'alpha_5', 'color_0', 'color_3', 'color_4', 'color_5'], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 'blue', 'green', 'green', 'green'], 'Setup with reconstructed object', [], [], PoseOut)


get_sheet_of_light_result (Disparity, SheetOfLightHandle, ‘disparity’)

image_points_to_world_plane (CameraParameters, LocalCameraPose, Disparities, Columns + Column1, 1.0, X, Y)



pose_to_hom_mat3d (ReferenceCameraPose, HomMat3D_ReferenceToCam)
hom_mat3d_invert (HomMat3D_ReferenceToCam, HomMat3D_CamToReference)
hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3D_CamToReference, HomMat3D_LocalToCam, HomMat3D_LocalToReference)

2、pose_compose 和hom_mat3d_compose

create_pose (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 77, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', PoseLeft)
create_pose (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 90, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', PoseRight)
pose_compose (PoseLeft, PoseRight, PoseCompose)
pose_to_hom_mat3d (PoseLeft, HomMat3DLeft)
pose_to_hom_mat3d (PoseRight, HomMat3DRight)
hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DLeft, HomMat3DRight, HomMat3DCompose)
hom_mat3d_to_pose (HomMat3DCompose, PoseComposeAlternative)



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