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smolagents学习笔记系列(十)Examples - Web Browser Automation with Agents

这篇文章锁定官网教程中 Examples 章节中的 Web Browser Automation with Agents文章,主要介绍了如何设计一个由Agent驱动结合视觉模态的Web内容浏览功能,包含了以下几个功能:

  1. Navigate to web pages:前往指定网页;
  2. Click on elements:点击网页对象;
  3. Search within pages:在页面中搜索;
  4. Handle popups and modals:处理页面弹窗内容;
  5. Extract information :抽取信息;
  • 官网链接:https://huggingface.co/docs/smolagents/v1.9.2/en/examples/web_browser;


$ pip install smolagents selenium helium pillow -q


  1. 定义能够对网页进行操作的 tool,包括可以执行 Ctrl+F、后退、关闭弹窗的功能;
  2. 配置浏览器内核,官网示例中使用了 Chrmoe 浏览器内核;
  3. 定义Agent和模型;
  4. 明确操作提示词;
  5. Agnet执行操作提示词;


【注意】:官网示例中使用的是 meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct 模型,但这个模型的Token是需要购买的,如果这里对其进行修改像之前文章中一样使用默认分配的 Qwen-Coder 那么会在中间某一步停下来,因为默认的免费模型不支持超过 10000 Token 的输入,有条件的读者可以尝试购买一些Token实验其完整功能。

from io import BytesIO
from time import sleep

import helium
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from PIL import Image
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

from smolagents import CodeAgent, tool
from smolagents.agents import ActionStep
from smolagents import HfApiModel


# Step1. 定义网页操作tool
def search_item_ctrl_f(text: str, nth_result: int = 1) -> str:
    Searches for text on the current page via Ctrl + F and jumps to the nth occurrence.
        text: The text to search for
        nth_result: Which occurrence to jump to (default: 1)
    elements = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, f"//*[contains(text(), '{text}')]")
    if nth_result > len(elements):
        raise Exception(f"Match n°{nth_result} not found (only {len(elements)} matches found)")
    result = f"Found {len(elements)} matches for '{text}'."
    elem = elements[nth_result - 1]
    driver.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", elem)
    result += f"Focused on element {nth_result} of {len(elements)}"
    return result

def go_back() -> None:
    """Goes back to previous page."""

def close_popups() -> str:
    Closes any visible modal or pop-up on the page. Use this to dismiss pop-up windows!
    This does not work on cookie consent banners.

# Step2. 配置Chrome内核

# Configure Chrome options
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

# Initialize the browser
driver = helium.start_chrome(headless=False, options=chrome_options)

# Set up screenshot callback
def save_screenshot(memory_step: ActionStep, agent: CodeAgent) -> None:
    sleep(1.0)  # Let JavaScript animations happen before taking the screenshot
    driver = helium.get_driver()
    current_step = memory_step.step_number
    if driver is not None:
        for previous_memory_step in agent.memory.steps:  # Remove previous screenshots for lean processing
            if isinstance(previous_memory_step, ActionStep) and previous_memory_step.step_number <= current_step - 2:
                previous_memory_step.observations_images = None
        png_bytes = driver.get_screenshot_as_png()
        image = Image.open(BytesIO(png_bytes))
        print(f"Captured a browser screenshot: {image.size} pixels")
        memory_step.observations_images = [image.copy()]  # Create a copy to ensure it persists

    # Update observations with current URL
    url_info = f"Current url: {driver.current_url}"
    memory_step.observations = (
        url_info if memory_step.observations is None else memory_step.observations + "\n" + url_info
# Step3. 定义 Agent

# Initialize the model
# 如果你有下面这个模型的Token则使用下面这两行代码
# model_id = "meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct"
# model = HfApiModel(model_id)
# 如果你只有免费的Token则使用下面这一行代码
model = HfApiModel()

# Create the agent
agent = CodeAgent(
    tools=[go_back, close_popups, search_item_ctrl_f],

# Import helium for the agent
agent.python_executor("from helium import *", agent.state)

# Step4. 明确操作提示词

helium_instructions = """
You can use helium to access websites. Don't bother about the helium driver, it's already managed.
We've already ran "from helium import *"
Then you can go to pages!

You can directly click clickable elements by inputting the text that appears on them.
click("Top products")

If it's a link:
click(Link("Top products"))

If you try to interact with an element and it's not found, you'll get a LookupError.
In general stop your action after each button click to see what happens on your screenshot.
Never try to login in a page.

To scroll up or down, use scroll_down or scroll_up with as an argument the number of pixels to scroll from.
scroll_down(num_pixels=1200) # This will scroll one viewport down

When you have pop-ups with a cross icon to close, don't try to click the close icon by finding its element or targeting an 'X' element (this most often fails).
Just use your built-in tool `close_popups` to close them:

You can use .exists() to check for the existence of an element. For example:
if Text('Accept cookies?').exists():
    click('I accept')

search_request = """
Please navigate to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago and give me a sentence containing the word "1992" that mentions a construction accident.

# Step5. Agent执行提示词
agent_output = agent.run(search_request + helium_instructions)
print("Final output:")


$ python demo.py




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