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本文主要介绍如何在 Docker 中安装 DataKit。

配置和启动 DataKit 容器

登陆观测云平台,点击「集成」 -「DataKit」 - 「Docker」,然后拷贝第二步的启动命令,启动参数按实际情况配置。


sudo docker run \
    --hostname "$(hostname)" \
    --workdir /usr/local/datakit \
    -v "/etc/conf/dir/conf.d":"/usr/local/datakit/conf.d/host-inputs-conf"
    -v "/":"/rootfs" \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e ENV_DATAWAY="https://openway.guance.com?token=tkn_XXXX" \
    -e ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS='cpu,disk,diskio,mem,swap,system,net,host_processes,hostobject,container,dk' \
    -e ENV_GLOBAL_HOST_TAGS="tag1=a1,tag2=a2" \
    -e ENV_HTTP_LISTEN="" \
    -e HOST_PROC="/rootfs/proc" \
    -e HOST_SYS="/rootfs/sys" \
    -e HOST_ETC="/rootfs/etc" \
    -e HOST_VAR="/rootfs/var" \
    -e HOST_RUN="/rootfs/run" \
    -e HOST_DEV="/rootfs/dev" \
    -e HOST_ROOT="/rootfs" \
    --cpus 2 \
    --memory 1g \
    --privileged \
    --publish 9529:9529 \
    --name datakit-docker \
    -d \


docker ps



  • --hostname:将宿主机的主机名作为 DataKit 运行的主机名,如果需要在当前宿主机上运行多个 DataKit,可以给它适当加一些后缀 --hostname "$(hostname)-dk1"
  • --workdir:设置容器工作目录
  • -v:各种宿主机文件挂载:
    • DataKit 中有很多配置文件,我们可以将其在宿主机上准备好,通过 -v 一次性整个挂载到容器中去(容器中的路径为 conf.d/host-inputs-conf 目录)
    • 此处将宿主机根目录挂载进 Datakit,目的是访问宿主机上的各种信息(比如 /proc 目录下的各种文件),便于默认开启的采集器采集数据
    • 将 docker.sock 文件挂载进 Datakit 容器,便于 container 采集器采集数据。不同宿主机该文件目录可能不同,需按照实际来配置
  • -e:各种 Datakit 运行期的环境变量配置,这些环境变量功能跟 DaemonSet 部署 时是一样的
  • ENV_DATAWAY : 将 token 粘贴到 ENV_DATAWAY 环境变量值中 “token=”
  • --publish:便于外部将 Trace 等数据发送给 Datakit 容器,此处我们将 Datakit 的 HTTP 端口映射到外面的 9529 上,诸如 trace 数据设置发送地址的时候,需关注这个端口设置。
  • --name: 指定 Docker 容器名称,否则,name 将随机生成
  • 此处对该运行的 DataKit 设置了 2C 的 CPU 和 1GiB 内存限制

假如我们在 /host/conf/dir 目录下配置了如下一些采集器:

  • APM:DDTrace/OpenTelemetry 等采集器
  • Prometheuse exporter:在当前 docker 环境中,某些应用容器暴露了自身指标(一般形如 http://ip:9100/metrics),那么我们可以将其端口暴露出来,然后编写 prom.conf 来采集这些指标
  • 日志采集:如果某些 Docker 容器将日志写入了宿主机的某个目录,我们可以单独编写日志采集配置来采集这些文件。不过事先我们需要通过 -v 将这些宿主机的目录挂载进 Datakit 容器。另外,默认开启的 container 采集器,会自动采集所有容器的 stdout 日志

登陆观测云平台,点击「基础设施」 - 「容器」,查看名称为 datakit-docker 容器是否上报,点击进入查看容器详情。


如何使用 Docker 的 DataKit 采集用户应用访问数据。

开启 RUM 采集器

在挂载的目录 /etc/conf/dir/conf.d 下创建 rum 目录,然后在 rum 目录下,新建 rum.conf 文件,内容如下:

# {"version": "1.66.2", "desc": "do NOT edit this line"}                                                                                 
  ## profile Agent endpoints register by version respectively.                                                                           
  ## Endpoints can be skipped listen by remove them from the list.                                                                       
  ## Default value set as below. DO NOT MODIFY THESE ENDPOINTS if not necessary.                                                         
  endpoints = ["/v1/write/rum"]                                                                                                          
  ## used to upload rum session replay.                                                                                                  
  session_replay_endpoints = ["/v1/write/rum/replay"]                                                                                    
  ## specify which metrics should be captured.                                                                                           
  measurements = ["view", "resource", "action", "long_task", "error", "telemetry"]                                                       
  ## Android command-line-tools HOME                                                                                                     
  android_cmdline_home = "/usr/local/datakit/data/rum/tools/cmdline-tools"                                                               
  ## proguard HOME                                                                                                                       
  proguard_home = "/usr/local/datakit/data/rum/tools/proguard"                                                                           
  ## android-ndk HOME                                                                                                                    
  ndk_home = "/usr/local/datakit/data/rum/tools/android-ndk"                                                                             
  ## atos or atosl bin path                                                                                                              
  ## for macOS datakit use the built-in tool atos default                                                                                
  ## for Linux there are several tools that can be used to instead of macOS atos partially,                                              
  ## such as https://github.com/everettjf/atosl-rs                                                                                       
  atos_bin_path = "/usr/local/datakit/data/rum/tools/atosl"                                                                              
  # Provide a list to resolve CDN of your static resource.                                                                               
  # Below is the Datakit default built-in CDN list, you can uncomment that and change it to your cdn list,                               
  # it's a JSON array like: [{"domain": "CDN domain", "name": "CDN human readable name", "website": "CDN official website"},...],        
  # domain field value can contains '*' as wildcard, for example: "kunlun*.com",                                                         
  # it will match "kunluna.com", "kunlunab.com" and "kunlunabc.com" but not "kunlunab.c.com".                                            
  # cdn_map = '''                                                                                                                        
  # [                                                                                                                                    
  #   {"domain":"15cdn.com","name":"some-CDN-name","website":"https://www.15cdn.com"},                                                   
  #   {"domain":"tzcdn.cn","name":"some-CDN-name","website":"https://www.15cdn.com"}                                                     
  # ]                                                                                                                                    
  # '''                                                                                                                                  
  ## Threads config controls how many goroutines an agent cloud start to handle HTTP request.                                            
  ## buffer is the size of jobs' buffering of worker channel.                                                                            
  ## threads is the total number fo goroutines at running time.                                                                          
  # [inputs.rum.threads]                                                                                                                 
  #   buffer = 100                                                                                                                       
  #   threads = 8                                                                                                                        
  ## Storage config a local storage space in hard dirver to cache trace data.                                                            
  ## path is the local file path used to cache data.                                                                                     
  ## capacity is total space size(MB) used to store data.                                                                                
  # [inputs.rum.storage]                                                                                                                 
  #   path = "./rum_storage"                                                                                                             
  #   capacity = 5120                                                                                                                    
  ## session_replay config is used to control Session Replay uploading behavior.                                                         
  ## cache_path set the disk directory where temporarily cache session replay data.                                                      
  ## cache_capacity_mb specify the max storage space (in MiB) that session replay cache can use.                                         
  ## clear_cache_on_start set whether we should clear all previous session replay cache on restarting Datakit.                           
  ## upload_workers set the count of session replay uploading workers.                                                                   
  ## send_timeout specify the http timeout when uploading session replay data to dataway.                                                
  ## send_retry_count set the max retry count when sending every session replay request.                                                 
  ## filter_rules set the the filtering rules that matched session replay data will be dropped,                                          
  ## all rules are of relationship OR, that is to day, the data match any one of them will be dropped.                                   
  # [inputs.rum.session_replay]                                                                                                          
  #   cache_path = "/usr/local/datakit/cache/session_replay"                                                                             
  #   cache_capacity_mb = 20480                                                                                                          
  #   clear_cache_on_start = false                                                                                                       
  #   upload_workers = 16                                                                                                                
  #   send_timeout = "75s"                                                                                                               
  #   send_retry_count = 3                                                                                                               
  #   filter_rules = [                                                                                                                   
  #       "{ service = 'xxx' or version IN [ 'v1', 'v2'] }",                                                                             
  #       "{ app_id = 'yyy' and env = 'production' }"                                                                                    
  #   ]                                       

然后重启 DataKit。

docker restart datakit-docker
docker ps


docker exec -it datakit-docker /bin/bash
datakit monitor



选择 Web 应用,并选择本地环境部署的 NPM 接入方式。


然后,将 SDK 复制到前端项目中。



登录观测云控制台,点击「用户访问监测」 -「应用列表」,然后点击创建的应用。




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