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由《音视频入门基础:RTP专题(10)——FFmpeg源码中,解析RTP header的实现》可以知道,FFmpeg源码的rtp_parse_packet_internal函数的前半部分实现了解析某个RTP packet的RTP header的功能。而在解析完RTP header后,rtp_parse_packet_internal函数内部会执行函数指针parse_packet指向的回调函数来对不同有效载荷类型的RTP payload进行解析:

static int rtp_parse_packet_internal(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
                                     const uint8_t *buf, int len)
    if (s->handler && s->handler->parse_packet) {
        rv = s->handler->parse_packet(s->ic, s->dynamic_protocol_context,
                                      s->st, pkt, &timestamp, buf, len, seq,




// return 0 on packet, no more left, 1 on packet, 1 on partial packet
static int h264_handle_packet(AVFormatContext *ctx, PayloadContext *data,
                              AVStream *st, AVPacket *pkt, uint32_t *timestamp,
                              const uint8_t *buf, int len, uint16_t seq,
                              int flags)
    uint8_t nal;
    uint8_t type;
    int result = 0;

    if (!len) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Empty H.264 RTP packet\n");
    nal  = buf[0];
    type = nal & 0x1f;

    /* Simplify the case (these are all the NAL types used internally by
     * the H.264 codec). */
    if (type >= 1 && type <= 23)
        type = 1;
    switch (type) {
    case 0:                    // undefined, but pass them through
    case 1:
        if ((result = av_new_packet(pkt, len + sizeof(start_sequence))) < 0)
            return result;
        memcpy(pkt->data, start_sequence, sizeof(start_sequence));
        memcpy(pkt->data + sizeof(start_sequence), buf, len);
        COUNT_NAL_TYPE(data, nal);

    case 24:                   // STAP-A (one packet, multiple nals)
        // consume the STAP-A NAL
        result = ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet(ctx, data, pkt, buf, len, 0,
                                                  NAL_COUNTERS, NAL_MASK);

    case 25:                   // STAP-B
    case 26:                   // MTAP-16
    case 27:                   // MTAP-24
    case 29:                   // FU-B
        avpriv_report_missing_feature(ctx, "RTP H.264 NAL unit type %d", type);
        result = AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;

    case 28:                   // FU-A (fragmented nal)
        result = h264_handle_packet_fu_a(ctx, data, pkt, buf, len,
                                         NAL_COUNTERS, NAL_MASK);

    case 30:                   // undefined
    case 31:                   // undefined
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Undefined type (%d)\n", type);
        result = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

    pkt->stream_index = st->index;

    return result;

该函数的作用是:对H.264格式的RTP payload(有效载荷)进行解析。H.264格式的RTP的payload有三种不同的有效载荷结构:Single NAL Unit Packet、Aggregation Packet(STAP-A、STAP-B、MTAP16、MTAP24)和Fragmentation Unit(FU-A、FU-B)。在h264_handle_packet函数中对这些有效载荷结构进行统一解析处理。




形参pkt:输出型参数。执行h264_handle_packet函数后,pkt会得到从该RTP packet的payload中得到的信息。

形参timestamp:输入型参数,其指向的变量的值为该RTP packet的RTP header中的timestamp(时间戳)。

形参buf:输入型参数,指针buf指向该RTP packet的RTP payload的第一个字节,即RTP payload header。

形参len:输入型参数,为该RTP packet的RTP payload的大小(以字节为单位)。

形参seq:输入型参数,为该RTP packet的RTP header中的sequence number(序列号)。

形参flags:输入型参数,表示该RTP packet的RTP header中的marker字段的值是否为1。



(一)解析RTP payload header 

h264_handle_packet函数内部,首先判断变量len(该RTP packet的RTP payload的大小)是否为0,如果为0,表示是空的H.264 RTP数据包,打印错误日志:“Empty H.264 RTP packet”:

    uint8_t nal;
    uint8_t type;
    int result = 0;

    if (!len) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Empty H.264 RTP packet\n");

由《音视频入门基础:RTP专题(12)——RTP封装H.264时,RTP中的NAL Unit Type》可以知道,如果RTP payload为H.264格式,那RTP payload的第一个字节就是RTP payload header,RTP payload header的结构就是NALU Header(包含forbidden_zero_bit、nal_ref_idc、nal_unit_type)。h264_handle_packet函数内部通过下面语句将RTP payload header的nal_unit_type读取出来,赋值给变量type:

    nal  = buf[0];
    type = nal & 0x1f;

    /* Simplify the case (these are all the NAL types used internally by
     * the H.264 codec). */
    if (type >= 1 && type <= 23)
        type = 1;


(二)解析Single NAL Unit Packet

当nal_unit_type范围在1至 23(含 23)之间时,有效载荷结构为Single NAL Unit Packet,此时该RTP packet的有效载荷中只包含一个NALU,h264_handle_packet函数中会执行下面代码块来处理Single NAL Unit Packet:

    case 0:                    // undefined, but pass them through
    case 1:
        if ((result = av_new_packet(pkt, len + sizeof(start_sequence))) < 0)
            return result;
        memcpy(pkt->data, start_sequence, sizeof(start_sequence));
        memcpy(pkt->data + sizeof(start_sequence), buf, len);
        COUNT_NAL_TYPE(data, nal);

上面的代码块中,首先通过av_new_packet函数给pkt->data分配内存(关于av_new_packet函数用法可以参考:《FFmpeg源码:packet_alloc、av_new_packet、av_shrink_packet、av_grow_packet函数分析》),然后把该RTP packet的payload数据提取出来,加上值为“0001”(四字节)的起始码,存到pkt->data中:


static const uint8_t start_sequence[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };


当nal_unit_type值为24时,有效载荷结构为STAP-A,此时该RTP packet的有效载荷中可能包含多个NALU,h264_handle_packet函数中会执行下面代码块来处理STAP-A。

    case 24:                   // STAP-A (one packet, multiple nals)
        // consume the STAP-A NAL
        result = ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet(ctx, data, pkt, buf, len, 0,
                                                  NAL_COUNTERS, NAL_MASK);

上面的代码块中,首先会执行语句:“buf++;len--;”让指针buf指向RTP payload header之后的数据,让len的值等于该RTP packet的RTP payload去掉RTP payload header之后的大小(以字节为单位)。然后会执行ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet函数处理STAP-A。


int ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet(AVFormatContext *ctx, PayloadContext *data, AVPacket *pkt,
                                     const uint8_t *buf, int len,
                                     int skip_between, int *nal_counters,
                                     int nal_mask)
    int pass         = 0;
    int total_length = 0;
    uint8_t *dst     = NULL;
    int ret;

    // first we are going to figure out the total size
    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
        const uint8_t *src = buf;
        int src_len        = len;

        while (src_len > 2) {
            uint16_t nal_size = AV_RB16(src);

            // consume the length of the aggregate
            src     += 2;
            src_len -= 2;

            if (nal_size <= src_len) {
                if (pass == 0) {
                    // counting
                    total_length += sizeof(start_sequence) + nal_size;
                } else {
                    // copying
                    memcpy(dst, start_sequence, sizeof(start_sequence));
                    dst += sizeof(start_sequence);
                    memcpy(dst, src, nal_size);
                    if (nal_counters)
                        nal_counters[(*src) & nal_mask]++;
                    dst += nal_size;
            } else {
                av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                       "nal size exceeds length: %d %d\n", nal_size, src_len);
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

            // eat what we handled
            src     += nal_size + skip_between;
            src_len -= nal_size + skip_between;

        if (pass == 0) {
            /* now we know the total size of the packet (with the
             * start sequences added) */
            if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, total_length)) < 0)
                return ret;
            dst = pkt->data;

    return 0;


当有效载荷结构(即RTP layload)为STAP-A时,此时:

该RTP数据包(RTP packet) = RTP header + STAP-A

一个STAP-A = RTP payload header(此时为STAP-A NAL HDR) + 若干个single-time aggregation units

一个single-time aggregation units = NAL unit size(固定占2字节) + NAL unit(包含NALU Header)

ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet函数中,首先会通过AV_RB16宏定义将single-time aggregation unit的NAL unit size读取出来,存入变量nal_size中。关于AV_RB16宏定义的用法可以参考:《FFmpeg源码:AV_RB32、AV_RB16、AV_RB8宏定义分析》

 uint16_t nal_size = AV_RB16(src);


        if (pass == 0) {
            /* now we know the total size of the packet (with the
             * start sequences added) */
            if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, total_length)) < 0)
                return ret;
            dst = pkt->data;

如果NAL unit size超过剩下的RTP payload的大小,表示出错了,打印错误日志:"nal size exceeds length: %d %d\n"。如果没超过,根据NAL unit size的值把该RTP packet的payload中的每个NALU提取出来,每个NALU前都加上值为“0001”(四字节)的起始码,存到dst(即pkt->data)中:

            if (nal_size <= src_len) {
                if (pass == 0) {
                    // counting
                    total_length += sizeof(start_sequence) + nal_size;
                } else {
                    // copying
                    memcpy(dst, start_sequence, sizeof(start_sequence));
                    dst += sizeof(start_sequence);
                    memcpy(dst, src, nal_size);
                    if (nal_counters)
                        nal_counters[(*src) & nal_mask]++;
                    dst += nal_size;
            } else {
                av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                       "nal size exceeds length: %d %d\n", nal_size, src_len);
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

执行ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet函数后,pkt->data指向的缓冲区会得到该RTP packet的payload中的每个NALU的数据(可能包含多个NALU,每个NALU的数据之间以“0001”分隔)。


当nal_unit_type值为28时,有效载荷结构为FU-A,此时一个NALU可能会被分割成多个RTP  Packet,h264_handle_packet函数中会执行下面代码块来处理FU-A:

    case 28:                   // FU-A (fragmented nal)
        result = h264_handle_packet_fu_a(ctx, data, pkt, buf, len,
                                         NAL_COUNTERS, NAL_MASK);


static int h264_handle_packet_fu_a(AVFormatContext *ctx, PayloadContext *data, AVPacket *pkt,
                                   const uint8_t *buf, int len,
                                   int *nal_counters, int nal_mask)
    uint8_t fu_indicator, fu_header, start_bit, nal_type, nal;

    if (len < 3) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too short data for FU-A H.264 RTP packet\n");

    fu_indicator = buf[0];
    fu_header    = buf[1];
    start_bit    = fu_header >> 7;
    nal_type     = fu_header & 0x1f;
    nal          = fu_indicator & 0xe0 | nal_type;

    // skip the fu_indicator and fu_header
    buf += 2;
    len -= 2;

    if (start_bit && nal_counters)
        nal_counters[nal_type & nal_mask]++;
    return ff_h264_handle_frag_packet(pkt, buf, len, start_bit, &nal, 1);

由《音视频入门基础:RTP专题(12)——RTP封装H.264时,视频的有效载荷结构》可以知道,FU-A 由一个8位的碎片单元指示符(FU indicator,又称FU identifier,其实就是RTP payload header)、一个8位组的碎片单元报头(FU header)和一个碎片单元有效载荷(FU payload,又称fragmentation unit  payload,H264 NAL Unit Payload)组成。

h264_handle_packet_fu_a函数中,通过下面代码将FU indicator读取出来,存到变量fu_indicator中;将FU header读取出来,存到变量fu_header中;把fu_header的S位(起始位)读取出来,存到变量start_bit中;把fu_header的Type字段(表示NAL单元有效载荷类型)读取出来,存到变量nal_type中;变量nal相当于存贮该NALU的NALU Header:

    fu_indicator = buf[0];
    fu_header    = buf[1];
    start_bit    = fu_header >> 7;
    nal_type     = fu_header & 0x1f;
    nal          = fu_indicator & 0xe0 | nal_type;

让指针buf指向FU indicator和FU header之后的数据,即指向FU-A的FU payload。让变量len的值变为该FU payload的大小(以字节为单位):

    // skip the fu_indicator and fu_header
    buf += 2;
    len -= 2;

然后h264_handle_packet_fu_a函数中会调用ff_h264_handle_frag_packet函数处理该FU-A的FU payload:

    return ff_h264_handle_frag_packet(pkt, buf, len, start_bit, &nal, 1);

ff_h264_handle_frag_packet函数定义在libavformat/rtpdec_h264.c中。可以看到,执行ff_h264_handle_frag_packet函数后,pkt->data会得到该FU-A的FU payload(前面加上“0001”的起始码)中的数据,即得到该NALU在该RTP  Packet中的分片数据:

int ff_h264_handle_frag_packet(AVPacket *pkt, const uint8_t *buf, int len,
                               int start_bit, const uint8_t *nal_header,
                               int nal_header_len)
    int ret;
    int tot_len = len;
    int pos = 0;
    if (start_bit)
        tot_len += sizeof(start_sequence) + nal_header_len;
    if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, tot_len)) < 0)
        return ret;
    if (start_bit) {
        memcpy(pkt->data + pos, start_sequence, sizeof(start_sequence));
        pos += sizeof(start_sequence);
        memcpy(pkt->data + pos, nal_header, nal_header_len);
        pos += nal_header_len;
    memcpy(pkt->data + pos, buf, len);
    return 0;


当nal_unit_type值为25、26、27、29时,有效载荷结构分别为STAP-B、MTAP-16、MTAP-24、FU-B。由于FFmpeg目前(截止7.0.1版本)还不支持这几种有效载荷结构,所以h264_handle_packet函数中会通过avpriv_report_missing_feature函数打印错误日志:"RTP H.264 NAL unit type %d":

    case 25:                   // STAP-B
    case 26:                   // MTAP-16
    case 27:                   // MTAP-24
    case 29:                   // FU-B
        avpriv_report_missing_feature(ctx, "RTP H.264 NAL unit type %d", type);
        result = AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;






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