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Easysearch 使用 AWS S3 进行快照备份与还原:完整指南及常见错误排查

Easysearch 可以使用 AWS S3 作为远程存储库,进行索引的快照(Snapshot)备份和恢复。同时,Easysearch 内置了 S3 插件,无需额外安装。以下是完整的配置和操作步骤。

1. 在 AWS S3 上创建存储桶

  1. 登录 AWS 控制台,进入 S3 服务。
  2. 创建一个新存储桶(例如 easysearch-backups)。
  3. 启用版本控制(可选,但推荐)。
  4. 权限配置:确保 IAM 角色具有访问 S3 的权限。
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": [
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": [

2. 在 Console 上注册 S3 作为快照存储库

使用 Console DevTools 或 API

在 Easysearch 的 DevTools 执行:

PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "easysearch-backups",
    "base_path": ""


  • bucket 需要填写你的 S3 存储桶名称。
  • region 需要替换成你的 AWS S3 所在区域,SDK 默认美东区。
  • 如果 Bucket 在中国区,还需添加 endpoint: https://s3.<region>.amazonaws.com.cn 参数。

3. 创建快照

一旦 my_s3_repository 注册完成,就可以创建快照:

PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository/my_snapshot_001
  "indices": "my_index",
  "include_global_state": false


GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository/_all


4. 从 AWS S3 还原快照


POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/my_snapshot_001/_restore
  "indices": "my_index",
  "rename_pattern": "my_index",
  "rename_replacement": "restored_my_index"

说明:这会从 my_snapshot_001 还原 my_index,但以 restored_my_index 命名,避免与现有索引冲突。

如果要直接覆盖原索引(确保 my_index 为空或已删除):

POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/my_snapshot_001/_restore
  "indices": "my_index",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false

5. 可能的错误与解决方案

repository_s3 plugin not installed没有安装 repository-s3 插件运行 bin/elasticsearch-plugin install repository-s3 并重启
NoSuchBucketS3 存储桶不存在确保 S3 存储桶名称正确
AccessDenied权限不足确保 S3 存储桶策略正确,检查 IAM 角色
index_closed_exception目标索引已关闭POST my_index/_open 再恢复
index_already_exists_exception目标索引已存在DELETE my_index 再恢复

6. 快照恢复常见错误排查

报错 1:无法连接到 S3

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "repository_verification_exception",
        "reason": "[my_s3_repository] path [/] is not accessible on master node"
    "type": "repository_verification_exception",
    "reason": "[my_s3_repository] path [/] is not accessible on master node",
    "caused_by": {
      "type": "i_o_exception",
      "reason": "Unable to upload object [//tests-sXkmh3q5ThCCIX2VJp609g/master.dat] using a single upload",
      "caused_by": {
        "type": "sdk_client_exception",
        "reason": "Failed to connect to service endpoint: ",
        "caused_by": {
          "type": "socket_timeout_exception",
          "reason": "Connect timed out"
  "status": 500
  1. 在 keystore 中添加 AWS 凭证:
    sudo ./bin/easysearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
    sudo ./bin/easysearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
  2. 如果运行在 EC2 上,确保实例挂载了 IAM Role。
  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "repository_verification_exception",
        "reason": "[my_s3_repositor1] path  is not accessible on master node"
    "type": "repository_verification_exception",
    "reason": "[my_s3_repositor1] path  is not accessible on master node",
    "caused_by": {
      "type": "i_o_exception",
      "reason": "Unable to upload object [tests-sUUzs-mTSZeYw1qk372DkQ/master.dat] using a single upload",
      "caused_by": {
        "type": "sdk_client_exception",
        "reason": "The requested metadata is not found at"
  "status": 500

报错 2:索引已存在,无法恢复

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "snapshot_restore_exception",
        "reason": "[my_s3_repository:1/9gIDCgSySwKzQqEYvaGM_w] cannot restore index [my_index] because an open index with same name already exists in the cluster. Either close or delete the existing index or restore the index under a different name by providing a rename pattern and replacement name"
    "type": "snapshot_restore_exception",
    "reason": "[my_s3_repository:1/9gIDCgSySwKzQqEYvaGM_w] cannot restore index [my_index] because an open index with same name already exists in the cluster. Either close or delete the existing index or restore the index under a different name by providing a rename pattern and replacement name"
  "status": 500
  1. 删除现有索引后恢复
    DELETE /my_index
  2. 关闭索引后恢复
    POST /my_index/_close
  3. 恢复为新的索引名称
    POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/1/_restore
      "indices": "my_index",
      "rename_pattern": "my_index",
      "rename_replacement": "restored_my_index"

报错 3:权限错误

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "security_exception",
        "reason": "no permissions for [] and User [name=admin, external_roles=[admin]]"
    "type": "security_exception",
    "reason": "no permissions for [] and User [name=admin, external_roles=[admin]]"
  "status": 403
  1. 确保用户有 manage_snapshots 角色权限
  2. 排除 .security 索引或全局状态,否则无法恢复。


POST _snapshot/my_s3_repositor1/snapshot_002/_restore
  "indices": "-.security",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false

📌 存储库(Repository)管理 API

存储库用于存储快照,Elasticsearch 支持 AWS S3、GCS、本地等存储。

1️⃣ 查看所有已注册的存储库

GET _snapshot/_all


  "my_s3_repository": {
    "type": "s3",
    "settings": {
      "bucket": "es-snapshots-bucket",
      "region": "us-east-1"

2️⃣ 查看特定存储库信息

GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository

3️⃣ 创建存储库(AWS S3 示例)

PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "es-snapshots-bucket",

4️⃣ 删除存储库

DELETE _snapshot/my_s3_repository

⚠ 删除存储库不会删除快照,需要手动删除快照!

📌 快照(Snapshot)管理 API


1️⃣ 创建快照


PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001
  "indices": "my_index",
  "include_global_state": false


PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_002
  "include_global_state": true

2️⃣ 查看所有快照

GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository/_all

3️⃣ 查看特定快照信息

GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001

4️⃣ 删除快照

DELETE _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001

📌 快照恢复(Restore)API


1️⃣ 还原单个索引

POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001/_restore
  "indices": "my_index",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false

2️⃣ 还原索引并重命名

POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001/_restore
  "indices": "my_index",
  "rename_pattern": "my_index",
  "rename_replacement": "restored_my_index"

3️⃣ 还原所有索引

POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_002/_restore

📌 快照状态 API


1️⃣ 查看当前快照任务

GET _snapshot/_status

2️⃣ 查看特定快照状态

GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001/_status

GET _snapshot/_all查看所有存储库
GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository查看特定存储库
PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository创建存储库
DELETE _snapshot/my_s3_repository删除存储库
PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001创建快照
GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository/_all查看所有快照
GET _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001查看快照详情
DELETE _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001删除快照
POST _snapshot/my_s3_repository/snapshot_001/_restore还原快照
GET _snapshot/_status查看快照状态

🚀 通过本文,你可以高效地使用 AWS S3 进行 Easysearch 快照备份和恢复,并排查可能的错误,确保集群数据安全无忧!



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