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文献笔记 - A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics


3-D Flow and Swarm Autonomy:   Motion planning and con trol methods for aerial swarms rely on autonomously generated 3-D traffic flows that do not have fixed edges or roads. Real time flight control and swarm operation must also take into account high-fidelity six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) flight dy namicmodels,trafficvariations,weather,andothertime-varying operational conditions found in crowded urban environments.

Scalability Through Hierarchy and Multimodality: 

Hierarchical approaches are pervasive in both the machine learning and con trol fields for dealing with complexity and high dimensionality (e.g., hierarchical task networks [11], hierarchical tree or lattice networks employed in sequential game theory [12], and sin gular perturbation theory [13], [14]). They are also especially well-suited for aerial robots due to the inherent diversity of time scales in the system.


A. Types of Multiagent Systems

In a team, the behavior and strategies of each individual agent seek to explicitly maximize a local objective.


In contrast to a team, a formation almost always consists of cooperative interactions, and the relationship between the states of the agents is well-defined for objectives such as energy efficiency (e.g., flocks of birds in an aerodynamically optimum V-formation [17]).


A swarm generally refers to a group of sim ilar agents that displays emergent behavior arising from local interactions among the agents


B. Models for Swarm Dynamical Systems







  • 物理意义:每个无人机 i 的状态变化(比如位置或速度)取决于它和邻居无人机 j 的状态差异。
  • 符号解释
    • xi​:无人机 i 的状态(如位置坐标)。
    • x˙i​:状态随时间的变化率(如速度)。
    • Ni​:无人机 i 的邻居集合(通过传感器或通信能感知到的其他无人机)。
    • wij​:权重(表示对邻居 j 的信任程度或通信强度)。

假设无人机 i 发现自己右边的邻居 j 离自己太远(即 xj​−xi​>0),它会加速向右移动(x˙i​>0),反之则减速。通过这种局部调整,整个集群会逐渐趋于一致(比如保持相同速度或间距)。

二、拉普拉斯矩阵(Laplacian Matrix)



其中 L 是拉普拉斯矩阵,它的作用是描述无人机之间的连接关系

  • 矩阵构造
    • 对角线元素 Lii​=∑j​wij​(所有邻居权重之和)。
    • 非对角线元素 Lij​=−wij​(如果 j 是 i 的邻居,否则为0)。
  • 关键性质:L1n​=0,即所有无人机状态相同时(x=c1n​),状态不再变化(x˙=0),系统达到稳态。


  1. 固定拓扑(L 是常数矩阵)​
    无人机之间的通信关系固定(比如始终与固定几个邻居通信)。此时系统收敛性取决于 L 的特征值(需满足稳定性条件)。

  2. 动态拓扑(L(t) 随时间变化)​
    通信关系可能因障碍物、信号中断等变化(比如邻居集合 Ni​(t) 随时间改变)。此时需要分析时变系统的稳定性。

  1. 编队控制
    通过调整权重 wij​ 和通信拓扑,可以让无人机集群形成特定队形(如三角形、雁阵)。例如,权重大的邻居对当前无人机影响更大。

  2. 避障与一致性
    如果某个无人机检测到障碍物,可以通过临时改变邻居集合 Ni​ 或权重 wij​ 实现避障,同时保持整体稳定。

  3. 收敛性分析


这段描述的是如何将复杂环境划分成多个“功能区域”​​(functional bins),并基于这些区域设计无人机集群的任务分配和路径规划策略。类似快递分拣仓库划分不同区域,每个区域只能容纳有限机器人。

1. ​Functional Bins(功能区域)​
  • 定义:将任务环境划分为多个逻辑区域(例如:战区中的关键据点、仓库中的货架区、城市中的充电站)。
  • 作用
    • 每个区域(bin)有最大容量限制(比如区域1最多容纳3架无人机,区域2最多容纳5架)。
    • 简化路径规划和任务分配的复杂度(只需关注区域间的转移,而非具体坐标)。


C. Physics-Based Models for Robotic Agents


1. ​广义状态 qi​
  • 定义:描述机器人i位姿的广义坐标,可以是:
    • 机械臂的关节角度(如θ1​,θ2​,...)
    • 无人机的位置+姿态(如x,y,z,ϕ,θ,ψ)
    • 轮式机器人的轮子转角+车身位置
  • 举例🌰:

2. ​惯性矩阵 Mi​(qi​)
  • 物理意义:描述机器人在当前位姿下的“惯性”(质量分布+转动惯量)。
    • 类似牛顿定律中的质量m,但扩展到高维(矩阵形式)。
  • 举例🌰:

3. ​科里奥利力与离心力项 Ci​(qi​,q˙​i​)q˙​i​
  • 物理意义:由机器人运动产生的“虚拟力”:
    • 离心力​(旋转时向外甩的力,如旋转的摩天轮)
    • 科里奥利力​(非惯性系中的偏转力,如北半球的台风旋转方向)
  • 举例🌰:

4. ​重力项 gi​(qi​)
  • 物理意义:重力对机器人的作用(如机械臂下垂趋势)。
    • 与位姿相关(例如机械臂抬高时重力势能大)。
  • 举例🌰:

5. ​外部力矩 τi​
  • 定义:控制输入(如电机力矩、推力)和外部耦合力的总和。
    • 包含两部分:
      1. 自身控制输入:电机/执行器提供的力或力矩。
      2. 邻居耦合项:来自其他机器人j∈Ni​的影响(如集群协同中的交互力)。
  • 公式右侧
    • qd​:期望轨迹(如目标位置/姿态)
    • qj∈Ni​​:邻居机器人的状态(用于协同控制)



惯性力 + 离心力 + 重力=电机出力 + 邻居交互力

  • 惯性矩阵Mi​:车+人的质量越大,加速越难。
  • 离心力项Ci​:转弯时感觉被甩向外侧。
  • 重力项gi​:上坡时需要额外用力。
  • 外部力矩τi​:你踩踏板的力 + 同伴推你的力(协同控制)。

  1. 耦合项:邻居状态qj∈Ni​​通过τi​影响当前机器人,类似之前提到的拉普拉斯矩阵中的邻居交互。
  2. 一致性目标:若所有机器人收敛到相同状态(qi​=qd​且q˙​i​=0),系统达到平衡。



  1. 机器人如何运动​(左边描述运动惯性、离心效应、重力)。
  2. 需要施加多少力​(右边包括控制输入和邻居影响)。
  3. 如何设计控制器:通过调整τi​中的控制项(如PID或协同算法),让机器人跟踪期望轨迹qd​或与邻居同步。

如果有具体应用场景(比如无人机编队或机械臂控制),可以进一步解释如何设计τi​! 🚀


1. 完全独立的两架无人机


  • 无人机1和无人机2之间无物理连接和通信耦合,各自独立跟踪期望轨迹 qd​(t)。
  • 每架无人机的动力学方程互不影响,耦合项为零。

对每架无人机 i=1,2:


  • 参数说明
    • qi​∈Rn:无人机i的广义状态(如位置+姿态)。
    • τicontrol​:仅包含自身控制输入(如电机推力/力矩)。
    • 无耦合项:τi​中不包含邻居状态 qj​ 或 q˙​j​。

假设使用PD控制器跟踪期望轨迹 qd​(t):


  • Kp​,Kd​:比例和微分增益矩阵。
  • 物理意义:无人机仅根据自身与期望轨迹的误差调整推力。

假设无人机在二维平面运动,状态为 qi​=[xi​,yi​]T(位置):

  • 惯性矩阵:Mi​=[mi​0​0mi​​](质量矩阵)。
  • 科里奥利力:若忽略空气阻力,Ci​=0。
  • 重力:平面运动时 gi​=0。
  • 方程简化为:mi​[x¨i​y¨​i​​]=−Kp​[xi​−xd​yi​−yd​​]−Kd​[x˙i​−x˙d​y˙​i​−y˙​d​​]每架无人机独立跟踪目标轨迹,互不影响。

2. 刚性链接的两架无人机


  • 无人机1和2通过刚性杆连接(类似双足机器人的双腿),形成协同系统
  • 两架无人机的状态通过耦合项相互影响。





  • 耦合项 τicoupling​:来自刚性连接的相互作用力(如杆的拉力/力矩)。



  • k:耦合强度(类似弹簧刚度)。
  • 物理意义:两无人机倾向于保持相对位置一致(类似用弹簧连接)。


  • 广义状态:q1​=[x1​,y1​]T, q2​=[x2​,y2​]T。
  • 刚性杆约束:两无人机间距固定(∣∣q1​−q2​∣∣=L),但这里用弹性耦合近似表示。
  • 耦合项:τ1coupling​=−k[x1​−x2​y1​−y2​​],τ2coupling​=−k[x2​−x1​y2​−y1​​]
  • 完整方程​(以无人机1为例):m1​[x¨1​y¨​1​​]=−Kp​[x1​−xd​y1​−yd​​]−Kd​[x˙1​−x˙d​y˙​1​−y˙​d​​]−k[x1​−x2​y1​−y2​​]无人机1的推力需同时抵抗自身轨迹误差和来自无人机2的拉力。

耦合项无 (τicoupling​=0)有 (τicoupling​=−k(qi​−qj​))

  1. 完全独立:无人机之间没有“弹簧”连接,各自为战。
  2. 刚性链接:无人机之间通过“弹簧”产生拉力,迫使它们同步运动。若一架偏离,另一架会通过耦合项将其拉回。


如果需要更具体的参数数值或仿真代码,可以进一步补充细节! 🚁

D. Synchronization With Leader Following

To control a swarm, it is useful at times to define a physi cal or virtual leader that the rest of swarm agents then follow (see Fig. 2). The motion of the leader can be given apriori or controlled directly by separate dynamics. Alternatively, a desired trajectory (i.e., the path of a virtual leader) can be com puted using optimal control or motion planning algorithms (see Section III).

E. Leader Selection and Sensor Placemen

When the dynamics of the aerial swarm agents are identical, controllability from agivensetofleadernodes(equivalently,ob servability from a given set of sensors) depends on the topology of the graph as well as the individual edge weights. A system defined on a graph is said to be structurally controllable when it is controllable for almost all edge weights, and strongly struc tural controllable when it is controllable for all edge weights.

F. Synchronization and Hierarchical Stability for Swarms


Consider (4) with diffusive couplings. It is well-known that the matrix L gives rise to a stable system under the following conditions on the underlying graph: 1) Undirected time-invariant graph: the graph is con nected [56]. 2) Directed time-invariant graph: consensus to the average value if and only if the graph is balanced and weakly con nected [57]. Existence of a rooted tree guarantees consen sus, though not necessarily to the average value [58]. 3) Time-varying undirected/directed graph: satisfies a gen eralized strong connectivity condition [58, Propositions 1 and 2], [59]

1) 无向时不变图:图是连通的[56]。
2) 有向时不变图:当且仅当图是平衡且弱连接时,对平均值的共识[57]。有根树的存在保证了共识,尽管不一定达到平均值[58]。
3) 时变无向/有向图:满足广义强连通性条件[58,命题1和2],[59]


集群适合的任务包括分散感知 搜救 稀疏分离图像 

可以分为两大类 一个是环境有待探索的(覆盖 建图) 一个是环境只是在完成其他任务时被经过和利用的(穿越障碍)

A. Trajectory Generation and Motion Planning for Swarms

Trajectories generated independently of the task assignment al gorithmcanbethoughtofinthesamelightastraditionaloptimal motion planning or boundary value problems

Popular random ized algorithms, such as PRM [81], rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) [82], and RRT*[83],maynotbeeffective forobtain ing optimal and safe flight of multiple 6-DOF aerial robots; not only cantheynoteffectively handle 6-DOFnonlinear dynamics, but they also use a finite set of primitives predicated on asymp totic optimality without using higher fidelity dynamic models, which could preclude a large set of otherwise flyable trajec tories in a high-dimensional space.

The rapid advancement in computing capacity combined with algorithmic improvements has enabled the development of tools that are capable of solv ing constrained optimization problems in real-time, which can better provide explicit or approximate solutions to an optimal control problem of the form

Direct optimal control approaches [25], [85] [87] cast the dynamics into equality constraints between the states in successive time steps for optimization (e.g., iterative linearization of dynamics in sequential convex programming (SCP) [25], [87]).


Alternately, the control design can be separated from optimal trajectory design by treating the optimized state trajectory for each robot, obtained from (7), as a desired trajec tory for the tracking controller [25], [28], [87], [93], [94]. This approach has the benefit of setting up the control design problem in the traditional input-tracking or model reference setting with guaranteed closed-loop stability. It is particularly suitable for robotic systems, such as aerial robots, whose physical models are complex but well-understood from the point of view of con trol design. Alternately, control laws designed without virtual leaders typically consist of a sum of terms that represent the multiple objectives: trajectory-following, coordination with neigh bors, and collision-avoidance. As explained above, trajectory following laws can be derived readily using a physical model of the robots. Terms for coordination and collision-avoidance require sensing and communication with other agents in the formation.


Trajectory generation occasionally requires a hierarchical “model-based” approach when motion requirements stem from specific tasks that the swarm needs to perform, or from needing to deal with exigencies. For instance, cooperative construction [98], [99] requires formation-like motion as well as special ized low-level motions for stabilizing and manipulating objects. In such cases, physics-based models for manipulation can be solved to find a relative motion plan for the robots, while aglobal path plan can be constructed using any of the well-known path planning algorithms [98].


Specialized controllers must be designed to allow aerial robots flying in an energy-efficient formation to deal with ac tuator failures in individual aircraft and enable them to hold their formation [100]. These controllers benefit from aerody namic models that help estimate the influence of neighboring aircraft on the controllability of a given aircraft. As pointed out in Section II-B, aerial swarms differ from ground-based robots in that the individual aircraft are coupled aerodynamically, due to the flow induced by one vehicle affecting its neighbors. The team may also generate trajectories that account for these aero dynamic effects and plan trajectories that minimize disturbance [101]. Alternately, the team can reconstruct the wake profile, as demonstrated in [102], although it requires that the aircraft per form cross-track motion to ensure the stability of the estimator.


Looking at constraints beyond collision avoidance and dynamic feasibility, one key factor with UAVs is their lim ited battery life. To extend the mission life, a cooperative team of ground vehicles may be used as mobile recharging stations [103]. The UAVs then plan paths to ensure that they are able to accomplish their missions while maintaining power.


B. Simultaneous Planning With Distributed Assignment

In a homogeneous swarm of robots, it does not matter which agent completes a given task. This fact may be exploited to do simultaneous task assignment and trajectory planning for teams of 100’s of agents in a centralized or decentralized formula tion [80]. This decentralized formulation is suboptimal com pared to the centralized solution, but it is still complete. For example, simultaneous optimal assignment and trajectory plan ning computes an optimal terminal point constraint of (7) for shape reconfiguration control [25], [87].


A special case of assignment is cooperative pursuit, wherein multiple pursuers seek a single target. A pursuit strategy and conditions for a successful pursuit in a bounded domain were determined in [104]. The conditions for a successful pursuit link the relative speeds of the pursuers and the evader, the turning radius of the pursuer (assuming an arbitrarily agile evader),and the total number of pursuers. More realistic, physics-based scenar ios have been investigated in the context of missile interception, wherein multiple defensive missiles are used to intercept one or more incoming (target) missiles, which are assumed to use a standard optimal guidance and evasion law. Estimating the states and guidance laws of the target missiles is a significant challenge, compounded by the fact that the time delay involved in estimating the states can have a severely adverse effect on the pursuit [105]. In [106], cooperative estimation of the target states (compared to each missile using solely its own estimates) was shown to improve the likelihood of success significantly. Information sharing between the missiles can also be used to directly tune their navigation law, as demonstrated in [107], to achieve a synchronized hit on the target.


A scenario related to cooperative pursuit is that of multiple UAVs tracking a single target. From the point of view of trajec tory generation, it is of interest to consider scenarios wherein the environment is populated with no-go areas and with ter rain features that may sporadically occlude the pursuers’ view of the target, such as a typical urban neighborhood. In order to facilitate the generation of trajectories that minimize occlu sion, it is beneficial to develop adequate models of the sensors, such as gimbaled cameras, that are used to track the target. The constraints of the tracking system can then be added to the dy namic limitations of each UAV to generate guidance laws for the complete team of UAVs [108].


The simplest task assignment problem is the following static, symmetric problem: given a set of n agents, n bins, and a ma trix of rewards P ∈ Rn×n (or, equivalently, a matrix of costs C ∈Rn×n),wherePi,j (resp. Ci,j) denotes the reward derived (resp. cost incurred) by agent i from being assigned to bin j and Pi,j = −∞(resp. Ci,j = ∞) denotes an infeasible assign ment, determine the map A : i→ j = A(i) which assigns to each agent a unique bin while maximizing the collective reward i Pi,A(i) (resp. minimizing the equivalent collective cost). Parallel or distributed algorithms to solve target assignment in clude manyvariants of distributed auction algorithms [16], [25], [109]–[111] and decentralized hierarchical strategies [112] that approximate true optimality of Kuhn’s centralized Hungarian method. As an illustration of the computational complexity of auction algorithms, the number of computations required for the distributed algorithm from [16] to converge is O(Δn2), where Δis the diameter of the communication graph underlying the network of agents participating in the auction.

An elementary auction algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm1. This algorithm is centralized, and requires a central register where information about the bids and assignments is maintained. Incontrast,distribute dalgorithms distribute computation as well as communication among the agents. Forinstance,the algorithm in [25] adjusts the number of targets based on the number of agents available at aspecific stage.This is accomplished through bidding, rather than a consensus-like process, which is useful in large swarms with agents that may drop out spontaneously. This distributed target assignment can be solved simultaneously to provide goal states of real-time optimal trajectory generation, thereby, effectively solving (7) [25], [80], [113].


An equivalent geometric problem involves partitioning a physical volume into portions that are then assigned to each agent inside the volume. A well-known result is that the optimal partition corresponds to the generation of Voronoi cells using a suitable metric function [114]. This approach was introduced in [114] for sensor coverage, and generalized in [115] and [116] to cover learning (of the task distribution) and decentralized information sharing.


Assignment can be obtained as the solution to an optimal transport problem [117] when the transition between bins is modeled in a probabilistic framework through homogeneous Markov matrices. An improved approach has been proposed in [23] using time-inhomogeneous Markov chains that allow for the inclusion of feedback terms, thereby, solving both bin-to-bin swarm shape control and stochastic target assignment.


C. Collision Avoidance and Collision-Free Motions

The problem of collision avoidance becomes particularly challenging in swarms because the obstacles encountered by a robot include other members of its swarm, and collision avoid ance has to factor in the need to maximize the performance of the swarm(e.g.,avoidincreasing thetimetocompleteanassign ment). The most intuitive techniques for avoiding collisions are speedadjustment[118]andsequentially replanning thetrajecto ries [87] without changing the assignment in an optimal control framework (7). In particular, mixed-integer linear programming has been successfully derived for optimal collision-free mo tions and applied to mobile robots, spacecraft, and UAVs [85], [86], [119]. More recently, SCP has been used to approximate collision-free regions by incrementally drawing hyperplanes and has been demonstrated in simulation and experiments on swarms [25], [87]. The conservatism of hyperplane-based con vexification of collision-free regions has been relaxed by ex panding convex spherical regions along graph-based primitive paths in [120]. An alternate approach to replanning just the tra jectories involves reassigning the goals as shown in [80]. The reassignment is purely local and need not affect the criteria used for the assignment in the first place.


Amore direct approach to collision avoidance in swarms in volves the use of artificial potential fields [121]–[124] or barrier functions [125], [126]. It must be noted that Reynolds’ model (1) also includes the gradient of a potential function. Potential f ields are computationally easy to implement for the purpose of collision avoidance, but not necessarily for path planning. Furthermore, artificial potential fields directly couple the dy namics of the individual robots and this can adversely affect the stability of the swarm if the communication topology is not selected properly. Connectivity is not enough to guarantee sta bility in directed graphs (see Section II-F). An approach similar to potential fields involves using the gradient of a Lyapunov function, which implicitly takes into account the possibility of collisions. Such control laws have been constructed using a dif ferential game approach [127], [128] and simultaneously solve a greedy optimization problem. The difficulty lies in solving the optimal control problem in the presence of nonlinearities and local communication.


D. Aerial Manipulation

Aerial robotic swarms have the ability to transport objects in two ways, where each individual robot is capable of carrying an object or where multiple robots are required to lift a single object. Ineitherscenario,theobjectmaybesuspendedviacables attached to the robots [129]–[133] or may be rigidly attached to the robots [134]–[138]. UAVs that are rigidly attached to the objects use a variety of grippers, including friction-based [134], penetration-based [135], or magnetic [137].


When each individual robot is capable of grasping an object, having a swarm of robots allows a large number of objects to be moved more quickly. This can be used for tasks, such as package delivery [133], [138] and construction [134].


When multiple robots are required to move a single object, small teams of robots may be used to cooperatively transport a single object [129]–[132], [135]–[137]. This task requires some type of communication between the robots. This is typically done in an explicit manner, but can also be done implicitly by sensing the internal forces of the robots acting onthetransported object [132]. The swarm also seeks to minimize these internal forces, as these represent wasted energy usage [136].


E. External Control of Aerial Swarms

External control of swarms refers to one of the following two situations:

1) The swarm is assigned objectives in real time by an exter nal user, especially a human operator.

2) Some or all members of the swarm interact with an adver sary or a hostile agent which, in turn, is within a human user’s control.

1) 群体由外部用户,特别是人类操作员实时分配目标。
2) 群体中的一些或所有成员与一个攻击者或敌对代理进行交互,而这反过来又在人类用户的控制范围内。

At the simplest level,a human teleoperator sends motion commands to the swarm.

In order to reduce the cognitive load on the operator, it is desirable to minimize the number of inputs that the operator must provide and manage. To this end, it is possi ble to control the bulk motion of the swarm by guiding a single virtual leader and controlling the size and shape of the swarm with respect to this virtual leader [139], [140]. An alternative to using a virtual leader is to use the virtual rigid body framework, developed and demonstrated in [141] and [142]. The human could also issue a command in a language that the swarm is de signed to understand. This is no different conceptually from the usual setting of an autonomous swarm, since it involves the hu man acting essentially outside the algorithmic loop. It has been argued that humans are able to guide a swarm better using a dy namic set of leaders [143], as compared to manipulating a fixed leader. There is also evidence which suggests that human oper ators can adapt their handling of (virtual) leaders to guide large swarms through obstacle-rich environments in a better manner than built-in, standard flocking rules [144]. The next level of sophistication involves the human issuing commands using nat ural language, while still staying outside the algorithmic loop that controls the swarm. Here, the challenge is the one of in ferring a specific command from the operator’s verbiage [145]. The highest explored level of sophistication is using computer to infer humanintent. Here, the humanisverymuchapartofthe algorithmic loop: the algorithm that controls the swarm actively seeks input from the human about its performance. Kim and Coleman [146] proposes a framework to extend this idea to a team of robotic agents (including UAVs).


The concept of adversarial control addresses the case where there is no direct way of tapping into a swarm’s command and control algorithm.


An example of adversarial control is the family containment and herding strategies modeled after dolphins [21], sheep-dogs [147]–[152] and birds of prey used to herd a flock of birds [153]. Paranjape et al. [153] examined the use of arobotic UAV,possibly one built to resemble a bird of prey like a falcon, to herd flocks of birds away from sensitive areas like airports and solar farms.The UAV interacts with the flockby engaging birds located on the boundary of the flock.The herding algorithm makes use of the flock’s inherent tendency to maintain a cohesive structure to reduce the number of robotic agents required to achieve herding. The perturbation in the velocity of the birds on the boundary of the flock diffuses through the swarm and causes the flock to alter its heading and speed. It has been shownin[153]that asingle robotic agent suffices to herd a flock of birds, while related work [150] suggests that the quality of the herding can be improved substantially by using multiple UAVs.


One particular problem of interest in the context of adver sarial control is inferring the model underlying the swarm’s motion. If the model is known, together with the response of the swarm to an adversary, it would be possible to not just design optimal strategies to divert or control the swarm, but also de rive guarantees on the performance of such strategies. In [153], experimental data was used to identify a model, based on [154] and [155], for the response of a flock of birds to a UAV located within a certain range of the flock. The approach adopted in [153] works for flocks whose response to perturbations is based on a static, deterministic law. When the response takes a more strategic, dynamic form, it is necessary to use learning-based techniques that expressly account for this behavior [156], [157]. A filter-based technique lies midway between the two sets of aforementioned approaches.Consider the case of missiles where it is known that a target missile follows one of a well-defined set of navigation laws at all times. The exact law and its pa rameters are unknown. Such problems can be solved efficiently using a bank of filters to determine the most likely model, as demonstrated in [158].



A. Target Search and Tracking

1) Single, Dynamic Target Estimation:

2) Estimation of Multiple Targets of Known Number:

3) Multiple Targets of Unknown Number:

As mentioned above, when the number of targets is unknown, the search prob lem becomes much more difficult and the team must always ex plore the entire environment in order to complete the task. The standard method used to solve this task is to utilize a quadtree representation to adaptively refine the environment in areas that are likely to contain targets [167]–[169].


Perhaps the mostchallenging target search and tracking prob lem is when the number of targets is unknown and dynamically changes over time, e.g., due to targets entering and leaving the area of interest. The tool most commonly used in this scenario is the PHDfilter [170], which allows the team to simultaneously estimate the number of targets and the dynamic state of each target. This has been used by a small team of fixed-wing UAVs to track vehicles on roadways using an information-based tech nique [172] and by a large team of multirotor UAVs to track ground robots using a Voronoi-based controller [173].


B. Surveillance and Monitoring

Target tracking, as the name implies, takes a target-centric approach. The alternative is to take an area-centered approach, where the team of robots focuses on covering an area of interest.

A是关注对象(跟踪/抓捕)  B是关注区域 (监视区域)

1) Persistent Monitoring:

2) Surveillance:

The primary distinction between persistent monitoring and surveillance is that in surveillance there is no hard requirement that each area be visited with a certain fre quency.

C. Cooperative Aerial Mapping

In contrast to surveillance and monitoring tasks, where the goal is to only observe the environment, mapping is the pro cess of acquiring a globally consistent representation of an environment.

1) Visual Sparse Mapping: Visual sparse representation consists of points and lines, which are extracted and tracked from images.

2) Visual Dense Mapping:Dense mapping systems describe the environment using a dense collection of points or planes.

3) Lidar-Based Mapping:


A. Platforms

B. Vehicle Power Management

C. Pose and State Estimation

1) Pose Estimation Using External Sensors:

real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS, optical motion capture systems, and ultrawideband (UWB)

2) Pose Estimation Using On-board Sensors:

cameras, lidars, and inertial measurement units (IMUs).

D. Communication Infrastructure

Bluetooth, UWB,orstandardWi-Fi

Researchers are looking into possible alternatives that demonstrate low latency, high reliability, and high bandwidth, such as URLLC [227].


In the near future, our airspace will be populated by swarms of aerial robots, performing complex tasks that would be impos sible for a single vehicle. This papers reviews work that could provide the fundamental algorithmic, analytic, perceptive, and technological building blocks necessary to realize this future. The research issues discussed in this survey paper span hierar chical integration of swarm synchronization control with safe trajectory optimization and assignment, and cooperative estima tion and control with perception in the loop, offering the readers a broad perspective on aerial swarm robotics.


In addition, we emphasize the importance of the three-way tradeoff between computational efficiency, stability and robust ness, and optimal system performance. To truly address this tradeoff, we argue that it is imperative to advance beyond meth ods that are currently being used in autonomous drones and general swarm robotics in order to realize long-term autonomy of aerial swarm systems.


One important area of further study is to develop learning and decision-making architectures that will endow swarms of aerial robots with high levels of autonomy and flexibility. We argue that such architectures will ultimately lead to reduced risk and cost as well as long-term autonomous operations. To be successful, any such architecture must provide the framework for reasoning about the wide-ranging nature of uncertainties and modeling errors, ranging from known unknowns (e.g., sensor and actuator noise) to unknown unknowns (e.g., wind disturbance, hardware failures). All of these impact the safety and robustness of algo rithms and system-level functions of swarm behaviors. Further more, computation and communication within a swarm must be fast enough toensure stability under model changes andmission specifications at the various timescales and bandwidths within the system.


For aerial swarm systems with highly uncertain environmen tal models, the role of high-level planning, decision making, and classification in flight in conjunction with low-level swarm con trol and estimation systems can be characterized mathematically through the properties of stability, convergence, and robustness. Various aspects of the swarm decision-making, control, and es timation should come in different timescales and hierarchical levels to exploit scalability and computational efficiency. An example of such characterization on stability would be a mathematical theorem correlating desired models and parameters to be updated online as well as their update or learning rates, to func tions of various system features, such as sampling rate, swarm control law update rate, bandwidth of dynamics and communi cation, dimensions of dynamic systems, and properties of envi ronmental uncertainties. This should also provide a guideline as to gauge how efficient and robust a particular swarm algorithm or system-level architecture is at achieving autonomy in aerial swarms. For example, distributed optimal planning (e.g., [25], [87]) requires robots to share their optimal solutions with their neighbors, up to a certain time horizon. Adding simultaneous target or task allocation to this problem further increases the required size of communicated information. It would be bene f icial to combine such methods with online adaptation methods that can forecast the neighbors’ future behavior and would, in turn, effectively reduce communication requirements. The key idea is again combining formal mathematical analysis with the hierarchical and multimodal decomposition discussed earlier. Another important area is to establish rigorous methodologies for fault detection, isolation, and recovery to handle various po tential faults occurring at subsystem levels, individual system levels, and swarm levels.


As swarms are deployed to a greater extent for aggressive or agile autonomous missions, it will become necessary to cre ate the means to exert some form of adversarial control on swarms. Such counter-swarm techniques can also be used for civilian purposes, such as maintaining law and order and herd ing birds and animals away from environmental hazards, such as floods or wildfires. The work reported in Section III-E is a good starting point for these techniques. Key open questions include the type of maneuvers that need to be performed to rapidly estimate a swarm’s location and intent; assess an aerial swarm’s internal dynamics; identify the task and role assign ment within a given swarm; and identify the primary leader and sensing nodes. The next level of questions pertain to identify ing ways of defeating these types of probing maneuvers from an adversarial swarm, which is a direct analogue of the usual minimax paradigm for games. It is interesting to note the simi larities exhibited in the case of social networks, which suggests that an adoption of the tools from that literature may provide early breakthroughs for counter-swarm development. Yet, even by adopting well-established tools from the theory of social networks and games, an important and significant challenge at both levels is identifying the role of the aerial vehicle dynamics in enabling, and defeating, the probing operations. A cleverly executed set of maneuvers could help identify, and equally pro vide deceptive leads about, a swarm’s intent, organization and capabilities.


In summary,manyopen problems and research issues in aerial swarm robotics involve the characterization of the interdepen dencies between the properties of swarm vehicle dynamics, the properties of uncertainties, and different swarm learning/control methods employed.Only by understanding these inter dependencies, either through careful system identification or integrated system design, can fully autonomous aerial swarms be proven to operate in complex, real-world environments.





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