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    [+0x0c8] cxIconSpacing    : 75 [Type: int]
    [+0x0cc] cyIconSpacing    : 75 [Type: int]
    [+0x0d0] himl             : 0x916d8 [Type: _IMAGELIST *]
    [+0x0d4] cxIcon           : 32 [Type: int]


// Get the buffer around an item for rcView calculations and slot offsets
int ListView_GetIconBufferX(LV* plv)
    if (ListView_IsIconView(plv))
        return (plv->cxIconSpacing - plv->cxIcon) / 2;
    else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv))
        return g_cxLabelMargin;
        return 0;

#define  g_cyIconOffset (g_cyBorder * 2)    // NOTE: Must be >= cyIconMargin!

1: kd> x comctl32!g_cyBorder
6f6c6560          comctl32!g_cyBorder = 0n1

int ListView_GetIconBufferY(LV* plv)
    if (ListView_IsIconView(plv))
        return g_cyIconOffset;
    else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv))
        return g_cyIconMargin;
        return 0;


1: kd> dt RECT
   +0x000 left             : Int4B
   +0x004 top              : Int4B
   +0x008 right            : Int4B
   +0x00c bottom           : Int4B

1: kd> dv

         rcIcon = {LT(304, 431) RB(357, 465)  [53 x 34]}

1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 (*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf148))
(*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf148))                 : {LT(304, 431) RB(357, 465)  [53 x 34]} [Type: tagRECT]
    [<Raw View>]     [Type: tagRECT]
1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 -nv (*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf148))
(*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf148))                 : {LT(304, 431) RB(357, 465)  [53 x 34]} [Type: tagRECT]
    [+0x000] left             : 304 [Type: long]
    [+0x004] top              : 431 [Type: long]
    [+0x008] right            : 357 [Type: long]

     rcIconReal = {LT(304, 431) RB(336, 463)  [32 x 32]}

1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 (*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf0dc))
(*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf0dc))                 : {LT(304, 431) RB(336, 463)  [32 x 32]} [Type: tagRECT]
    [<Raw View>]     [Type: tagRECT]
1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 -nv (*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf0dc))
(*((comctl32!tagRECT *)0x13bf0dc))                 : {LT(304, 431) RB(336, 463)  [32 x 32]} [Type: tagRECT]
    [+0x000] left             : 304 [Type: long]
    [+0x004] top              : 431 [Type: long]
    [+0x008] right            : 336 [Type: long]
    [+0x00c] bottom           : 463 [Type: long]

    [+0x00c] bottom           : 465 [Type: long]



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