Android Studio执行Run操作报Couldn‘t terminate previous instance of app错误
tasks.register('assembleAndInstall', Exec.class, new Action<Exec>() {
void execute(Exec exec) {
exec.setGroup('custom task')
boolean isBuildRelease = false
String buildType = 'Debug'
if (isBuildRelease) {
buildType = 'Release'
List<String> typeList = new ArrayList<>()
for (final def aaa in project(':app').android.productFlavors) {
String name = aaa['name']
typeList.add(new String(name.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1))
println 'typeList: ' + typeList.size()
println 'typeList: ' + typeList
if (typeList.size() > 0) {
//假设定义了两个 productFlavors,一个 phone,一个 tablet
//默认选中第一个 tablet
int index = 1
exec.dependsOn('app:assemble' + typeList[index] + buildType, 'app:install' + typeList[index] + buildType)
} else {
exec.dependsOn('app:assemble' + buildType, 'app:install' + buildType)
//exec.setCommandLine('adb', 'devices')
//exec.setCommandLine('adb', 'shell', 'am', 'force-stop', 'com.example.myapplication3')
exec.setCommandLine('adb', 'shell', 'am', 'start', 'com.example.myapplication3/.MainActivity')
步骤2、修改代码同时执行该任务,gradle将会自动执行编译,编译完成后会自动将编译出来的apk安装到设备中,如果要调试的话,使用Attach Debugger to Android Process的方式即可