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  • 写在最前面
  • Paper Format 纸张格式
  • Length 长度
  • Call for Regular Papers 常规论文征集
  • 论文提交的多媒体/多模态政策
  • Policy on authorship and generative AI tools 关于作者身份和生成式 AI 工具的政策
  • Blinding 致 盲
  • Originality 创意
  • Author list 作者列表
  • Paper title 论文标题
  • Proofreading 校对
  • ArXiv/Archive Policy ArXiv/Archive 策略
  • Rebuttal Policies 反驳政策
  • Contacts 接触


🌈你好呀!我是 是Yu欸
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版权声明:本文为原创,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 协议。转载请注明出处。


摘要截止 3.11-4.4
正文截止 4.12
Sat Apr 12th 2025 19:59:59 CST (2025-04-11 23:59:59 UTC-12)
Reproducibility companion paper submission 可重复性伴侣论文提交 4.18



注意,去年有人收到邮件说不要移除左下角的块。In the latex template, please leave the block in the bottom left corner of page 1 as is. Do not remove it - preserving this space will allow you to more easily prepare the camera-ready paper.


Paper Format 纸张格式

Submitted papers (.pdf format) must use the ACM Article Template (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). Please remember to add Concepts and Keywords. Please use the template in traditional double-column format to prepare your submissions. For example, word users may use Word Interim Template, and latex users may use sample-sigconf-authordraft template. When using sample-sigconf-authordraft template, please comment all the author information for submission and review of manuscript, instead of changing the documentclass command to ‘\documentclass[manuscript, screen, review]{acmart}’ as told by instructions.
提交的论文(.pdf格式)必须使用 ACM 文章模板 (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template)。

请记得添加 Concepts 和 Keywords

  • 例如,word 用户可以使用 Word 临时模板,
  • 而 latex 用户可以使用 sample-sigconf-authordraft 模板
    当使用 sample-sigconf-authordraft 模板时,请注释所有作者信息以提交和审阅手稿
    而不是按照说明将 documentclass 命令更改为 ‘\documentclass[manuscript, screen, review]{acmart}’。

Please ensure that you submit your papers subscribing to this format for full consideration during the review process.



Length 长度

Submitted papers may consist of up to 8 pages. Up to two additional pages may be added for references. The reference pages must only contain references. Overlength papers will be rejected without review. Optionally, you may upload supplementary material that complements your submission (50Mb limit).
提交的论文最多可包含 8 页。
或者,您可以上传补充材料作为对提交内容的补充(50Mb 限制)。

All the content other than that in the main paper should be written in the separate supplementary material. We do not allow appendix that follow right after the main paper in the main submission file.

Call for Regular Papers 常规论文征集

ACM Multimedia is the premier conference in multimedia, a research field that discusses emerging computing methods from a perspective in which each medium — e.g. images, text, audio — is a strong component of the complete, integrated exchange of information. The multimedia community has a tradition of being able to handle big data, has been a pioneer in large-scale evaluations and dataset creations, and is uniquely angled towards novel applications and cutting-edge industrial challenges. As such the conference openly embraces new intellectual angles from both industry as well as academia and welcomes submissions from related fields, such as data science, HCI, and signal processing.
ACM Multimedia 是多媒体领域的顶级会议,该研究领域从每种媒体(例如图像、文本、音频)都是完整、集成信息交换的重要组成部分的角度讨论新兴的计算方法。多媒体社区具有能够处理大数据的传统,一直是大规模评估和数据集创建的先驱,并且对新颖的应用程序和尖端的工业挑战具有独特的视角。因此,该会议公开接受了来自工业界和学术界的新知识角度,并欢迎来自数据科学、人机交互和信号处理等相关领域的提交。

ACM Multimedia 2025 calls for research papers presenting novel theoretical and algorithmic solutions to address problems across multimedia and related application fields. The conference also calls for papers presenting novel, thought-provoking ideas, and promising (preliminary) results in realising these ideas, especially surrounding multimodal AI, such as multi-agent, real-time human and machine intelligence working collaboratively. The conference invites papers in five major themes of multimedia: Generative AI, Engagement, Experience, Systems and Understanding, as described here.
ACM Multimedia 2025 征集研究论文,提出新颖的理论和算法解决方案,以解决多媒体和相关应用领域的问题。会议还征集论文,提出新颖、发人深省的想法,并在实现这些想法方面取得有希望的(初步)结果,特别是围绕多模态人工智能,例如多代理、实时人类和机器智能协同工作。会议邀请了多媒体五大主题的论文:生成式 AI、参与、体验、系统和理解,如此处所述。

The conference invites research papers of varying lengths from 6 to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the reference pages; i.e., the reference page(s) are not counted towards the page limit of 6 to 8 pages. Please note that there is no longer a distinction between long and short papers, but the authors may themselves decide on the appropriate length of the paper. All papers will undergo the same review process and review period.
会议邀请 6 到 8 页不等长度的研究论文,外加参考页的额外页面;即,参考页面不计入 6 到 8 页的页面限制。请注意,长篇论文和短篇论文之间不再有区别,但作者可以自己决定论文的适当长度。所有论文都将经历相同的审查过程和审查期。

Submit your paper to Open Review.
将您的论文提交到 Open Review。

Please note: The submission deadline is at 23:59 of the stated deadline date Anywhere on Earth. See the full list of Important Dates.
请注意:提交截止日期为规定的截止日期 Anywhere on Earth 的 23:59。查看重要日期的完整列表 。


Submission system: 提交系统:

ACM MM’25 uses OpenReview for paper submission and peer review. Submissions will not be made public on OpenReview during the reviewing period.
ACM MM’25 使用 OpenReview 进行论文提交和同行评审。在审核期间,提交的内容不会在 OpenReview 上公开。

All listed authors must have an up-to-date OpenReview profile. The following page contains information on how to create an OpenReview profile. Note OpenReview’s moderation policy for newly created profiles:
所有列出的作者都必须具有最新的OpenReview 个人资料。以下页面包含有关如何创建 OpenReview 配置文件的信息。注意 OpenReview 对新创建个人资料的审核策略:

  • New profiles created without an institutional email will go through a moderation process that can take up to two weeks.
  • New profiles created with an institutional email will (normally) be activated automatically.
  • The OpenReview profile will be used to handle conflicts of interest and paper matching. An incomplete OpenReview profile of any co-author is sufficient ground for desk rejection.
    OpenReview 配置文件将用于处理利益冲突和论文匹配。任何合著者的不完整 OpenReview 个人资料都足以成为拒绝的理由。

To be considered complete, each author profile must be properly attributed with the following mandatory fields: current and past institutional affiliation (going back at least 5 years), homepage, DBLP (if there is prior publication), ORCID, Advisors and Recent Publications (if any). In addition, other fields such as Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Semantic Scholar, Advisees and Other Relations should be entered wherever applicable.
要被视为完整,每个作者简介都必须正确注明以下必填字段:当前和过去的机构隶属关系(至少可以追溯到 5 年前)、主页、DBLP(如果之前有出版物)、ORCID、顾问和最近出版物(如果有)。此外,应在适用的情况下输入 Google Scholar、LinkedIn、Semantic Scholar、Advises 和 Other Relations 等其他字段。

Please note that we may ask any author to also serve as a reviewer. Authors who are also serving as reviewers will not be able to see the reviews on their own paper until they complete the reviews assigned to them in a proper and timely manner.

For any question or inquiry, please contact tpc@acmmm2025.org
如有任何问题或查询,请联系 tpc@acmmm2025.org

Multimedia/multimodality policy for paper submissions


As the volume of submissions to the MM conference continues to grow annually, the SIGMM community seeks to distinguish itself from other communities such as NeurIPS, CVPR, and ECCV. Our focus lies in promoting research that is inherently multimedia or multimodal in nature. While papers that involve unimedia/unimodal processing will not necessarily be rejected, papers that make multimedia/multimodal research contributions will be preferred for publication in the conference proceedings. Out-of-scope submissions may be desk-rejected.
随着 MM 会议的提交量每年持续增长,SIGMM 社区寻求将自己与 NeurIPS、CVPR 和 ECCV 等其他社区区分开来。我们的重点在于促进本质上是多媒体或多模态的研究。虽然涉及单媒体/单模态处理的论文不一定会被拒绝,但对多媒体/多模态研究做出贡献的论文将优先在会议论文集中发表。 超出范围的提交可能会被案头拒绝。

Policy on authorship and generative AI tools 关于作者身份和生成式 AI 工具的政策

Generative AI tools and technologies, such as ChatGPT, may not be listed as authors of an ACM published Work. The use of generative AI tools and technologies to create content is permitted but must be fully disclosed in the Work. If generative AI language tools generate inappropriate language, plagiarized content, errors, mistakes, incorrect references, or misleading content, and that output is included in scientific works, author(s) will take full responsibility for the same. For details and more polices, please see here.
生成式 AI 工具和技术(例如 ChatGPT)不得列为 ACM 出版作品的作者。允许使用生成式 AI 工具和技术来创建内容,但必须在本作品中充分披露。如果生成式 AI 语言工具生成了不适当的语言、抄袭内容、错误、错误、不正确的引用或误导性内容,并且该输出包含在科学作品中,作者将对此承担全部责任。有关详细信息和更多政策,请参阅此处。

Blinding 致 盲

Paper submissions must conform with the “double-blind” review policy. This means that the authors should not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers should not know the names of the authors. Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves anonymity of the authors. For reviewer assignment, the technical program chairs may employ local LLM instances or similar technologies to process your submissions. No information will be shared with third parties.
提交的论文必须符合 “双盲” 审查政策。这意味着作者不应该知道他们论文的审稿人的名字,审稿人也不应该知道作者的名字。请以保持作者匿名的方式准备您的论文。对于审稿人任务,技术项目主席可能会使用本地LLM实例或类似技术来处理您的提交。不会与第三方共享任何信息。

Do not put the authors’ names under the title.
Avoid using phrases such as “our previous work” when referring to earlier publications by the authors.
Remove information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs).
删除可能在致谢中识别作者的信息(例如,同事和授权 ID)。
Check supplemental material (e.g., titles in the video clips, or supplementary documents) for information that may identify the authors’ identities.
Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors.
Papers without appropriate blinding will be rejected without review.

Originality 创意

Papers submitted to ACM Multimedia must be the original work of the authors. The may not be simultaneously under review elsewhere. Publications that have been peer-reviewed and have appeared at other conferences or workshops may not be submitted to ACM Multimedia (see also the arXiv/Archive policy below). Authors should be aware that ACM has a strict policy with regard to plagiarism and self-plagiarism (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism). The authors’ prior work must be cited appropriately.
提交给 ACM Multimedia 的论文必须是作者的原创作品。可能不会同时在其他地方进行审查。经过同行评审并出现在其他会议或研讨会上的出版物不得提交给 ACM Multimedia(另请参阅下面的 arXiv/Archive 政策)。作者应该知道 ACM 对剽窃和自我剽窃 (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism) 有严格的政策。必须适当引用作者以前的工作。

Author list 作者列表

Please ensure that you submit your papers with the full and final list of authors in the correct order. The author list registered for each submission is not allowed to change in any way after the full paper submission deadline. (Note that this rule regards the identity of authors, e.g., typos are correctable.)

Paper title 论文标题

As per MM Policy, paper titles should remain the same between the camera-ready version and submission.
根据 MM 政策,可供拍照版本和提交的论文标题应保持不变。

Proofreading 校对

Please proofread your submission carefully. It is essential that the language used in the paper is clear and correct so that it is easily understandable. (Either US English or UK English spelling conventions are acceptable.)

ArXiv/Archive Policy ArXiv/Archive 策略

In accordance with ACM guidelines, all SIGMM-sponsored conferences adhere to the following policy regarding arXiv papers:
根据 ACM 指南,所有 SIGMM 赞助的会议都遵守以下有关 arXiv 论文的政策:

We define a publication as a written piece documenting scientific work that was submitted for review by peers for either acceptance or rejection, and, after review, has been accepted. Documentation of scientific work that is published in a not-for-profit archive without any form of peer-review (departmental Technical Report, arXiv.org, etc.) is not considered a publication. However, this definition of publication does include peer-reviewed workshop papers, even if they do not appear in formal proceedings. Any submission to ACM Multimedia must not have substantial overlap with prior publications or other work currently undergoing peer review anywhere. Note that documents published on website archives are subject to change. Citing such documents is discouraged. Furthermore, ACM Multimedia will review the documents formally submitted and any additional information in a web archive version will not affect the review.
我们将出版物定义为记录科学工作的书面作品,该作品已提交同行审查以供接受或拒绝,并且经过审查后已被接受。 在非营利档案中发表的科学工作文件,未经任何形式的同行评审(部门技术报告、arXiv.org 等)不被视为出版物。 然而,这个出版物的定义确实包括同行评审的研讨会论文,即使它们没有出现在正式的会议记录中。向 ACM Multimedia 提交的任何材料不得与先前的出版物或当前在任何地方进行同行评审的其他工作有实质性重叠。 请注意,在网站档案中发布的文件可能会发生变化。不鼓励引用此类文档。此外,ACM Multimedia 将审查正式提交的文件,Web 存档版本中的任何其他信息都不会影响审查。

Rebuttal Policies 反驳政策

After receiving the reviews, the authors may optionally submit a rebuttal to address the reviewers’ comments. The rebuttal is limited to a One page PDF file using the rebuttal template. Responses longer than one page will simply not be reviewed. This includes responses where the margins and formatting are deemed to have been significantly altered from those specified by the style guide (deleting the title to get some space is acceptable).
收到评论后,作者可以选择提交反驳以解决评论员的评论。反驳仅限于使用反驳模板的单页 PDF 文件。超过一页的回复将不会被审核。这包括那些边距和格式被认为与样式指南指定的内容有重大变化的响应(删除标题以获得一些空间是可以接受的)。
The rebuttal must maintain anonymity. It cannot include links to external material such as code, videos, etc.
Authors may optionally contact the Author’s Advocate, whose role is to listen to the authors, and to help them if reviews are clearly below average quality. The Author’s Advocate operates independently from the Technical Program Committee.

Contacts 接触

For any questions, please contact the Technical Program Chairs: tpc@acmmm2025.org

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