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Performance Hub Active Report

Performance Hub 是 Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) 中的一项功能,可提供给定时间范围内所有性能数据的新整合视图。用户可以使用 Database Express 页面顶部的时间选择器选择时间范围,详细信息选项卡将显示所选时间范围的可用性能数据。无需登录 Database Express 即可生成此 EM Express 页面,作为名为 Performance Hub Report 的活动数据库报告。
DBA 可以生成和检查活动的实时性能中心报告,该报告将包含有关数据库的整体 IO、CPU 和内存使用情况的摘要信息,并使用 HTML 界面提供清晰的图片。


SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/perfhubrpt.sql
~		    PERFHUB ACTIVE REPORT			       ~
~  This script will generate PerfHub active report according to        ~
~  users input.  The script will prompt users for the		       ~
~  following information:					       ~
~     (1) report level: basic, typical or all			       ~
~     (2) dbid							       ~
~     (3) instance id						       ~
~     (4) selected time range					       ~

Specify the report level
*  Please enter basic, typical or all
*  Report level "basic" - include tab contents but no further details
*  Report level "typical" - include tab contents with details for top
*			    SQL statements
*  Report level "all" - include tab contents with details for all SQL
*			statements

Please enter report level [typical]: all

Using all for report level

Available Databases and Instances.
The database with * is current database

DB Id	     DB Name	  AWR Data Source	   Type
------------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------
* 3154578979 NEWPAY	  NEWPAY		   NON_CDB

Specify the database ID
Please enter database ID [3154578979]: 

Using 3154578979 for database ID

Generating report for selected data source. Please press Enter

Specify the Instance Number
Single Instance Database. Please press Enter

Default Start Time  Default End Time	Oldest Available Snapshot Time
------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------
03/21/2025 10:53:25 03/21/2025 10:58:25 03/07/2025 08:30:59

Specify selected time range
*  If the selected time range is in the past hour, report data will be
*    retrieved from V$ views.
*  If the selected time range is over 1 hour ago, report data
*    will be retrieved from AWR.
*  If the dbid selected is not for the current database, only AWR data
*    is available.
*  Valid input formats:
*      To specify absolute time:
*	 [mm/dd[/yyyy]] hh24:mi[:ss]
*	 Examples: 02/23/14 14:30:15
*		   02/23 14:30:15
*		   14:30:15
*		   14:30
*      To specify relative time: (start with '-' sign)
*	 -[hh24:]mi
*	 Examples: -1:15  (SYSDATE - 1 Hr 15 Mins)
*		   -25	  (SYSDATE - 25 Mins)

Please enter start time [03/21/2025 10:53:25]: 10:00

Please enter end time [03/21/2025 10:58:25]: 11:00

Generating report for 03/21/2025 10:00:00 - 03/21/2025 10:58:25

Specify the Report Name
Please enter report name [perfhub_rt_03211058.html]: 

Generating report perfhub_rt_03211058.html ...

Report written to perfhub_rt_03211058.html

SQL> exit





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