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import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import glob

def count_type_num(indir):
    # 提取xml文件列表
    annotations = os.listdir('.')
    annotations = glob.glob(str(annotations) + '*.xml')

    dict = {}  # 新建字典,用于存放各类标签名及其对应的数目
    for i, file in enumerate(annotations):  # 遍历xml文件

        # actual parsing
        in_file = open(file, encoding='utf-8')
        tree = ET.parse(in_file)
        root = tree.getroot()

        # 遍历文件的所有标签
        for obj in root.iter('object'):
            name = obj.find('name').text
            if (name in dict.keys()):
                dict[name] += 1  # 如果标签不是第一次出现,则+1
                dict[name] = 1  # 如果标签是第一次出现,则将该标签名对应的value初始化为1

    # 打印结果
    for key in dict.keys():
        print(key + ': ' + str(dict[key]))




Steel rails are the main components of railway tracks, playing an important role in guiding train operation and directly bearing vehicle loads. With the renovation of existing railway lines and the rapid development of high-speed railways in China, the operating pressure and impact load of trains on steel rails are becoming stronger, and the probability of defects on the surface of steel rails is also increasing. Therefore, collecting data on rail surface defects and detecting them based on advanced algorithms is an important means to ensure the safety and stable operation of railways, and has extremely important significance.The main method of early rail defect detection was manual geophysical exploration, which was not only inefficient but also unable to form objective and unified detection standards. It was gradually replaced by other methods. Subsequently, the application of non-destructive testing technologies such as ultrasound, radiation, penetration, and eddy current for steel rails has promoted the relative improvement of detection accuracy and speed. Although these detection methods have strong penetration ability and safe operation, they are easily affected by external interference, The detection results are abstract and difficult to process. The machine vision based rail defect detection method collects rail surface images through advanced visual equipment and processes the images based on algorithms. It has real-time and non-contact characteristics and can be well applied in the field of rail defect detection. Min Yongzhi et al. proposed a rail surface defect detection method that combines smooth filters with threshold segmentation, reducing the impact of lighting changes and uneven rail surface on the detection results. However, this method requires too much computation for the adaptive smoothing process of background images and lacks real-time performance. Shi et al. proposed an improved rail defect detection algorithm based on edge detection operator to address the issue of degraded rail images caused by lighting and environmental changes. The improved algorithm can obtain defect contour localization with complete edge information, but the detection accuracy for complex rail images is low. Tastimur et al. proposed a railway defect detection algorithm based on morphological feature extraction, which utilizes Hough transform and image processing technology to detect real-time camera captured rail images, and extracts collected rail image features through morphological operations to achieve defect recognition. However, complex image preprocessing processes are easily affected by external factors such as uneven lighting, Causing a certain degree of missed detection. The above research combines traditional image processing techniques with machine learning methods to design rail defect detection methods suitable for specific scenarios. The detection performance of these methods is easily affected by external environments, and the detection speed is difficult to meet real-time detection requirements.



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