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05 MIT线性代数-转置,置换,向量空间Transposes, permutations, spaces

1. Permutations P:

execute row exchanges

becomes PA = LU for any invertible A

Permutations P = identity matrix with reordered rows

m=n (n-1) ... (3) (2) (1) counts recordings, counts all nxn permuations



2. Transpose:


2.1 Symmetric matrices

对称矩阵 A^{T}=A

2.2 矩阵乘积的转置


2.3 R^{T}R is always symmetric

why? take transpose (R^{T}R)^{T}=R^{T}(R^{T})^{T}=R^{T}R

3. 向量空间 Vector spaces


example: R^{2}= all 2-dim real vectors=x-y plane

first component, second component

 R^{3} = all vectors with 3 components

 R^{m} = all column vectors with m real components


反例 not a vector space: 

 R^{2} 中的第一象限则不是一个向量空间, 加法数乘不封闭

4. 子空间 Subspaces

a vector space inside R^{2}, subspace of R^{2}

line in R^{2} through zero vector



subspaces of R^{2}:

1. all of R^{2}

2. any line through \begin{vmatrix} 0\\ 0 \end{vmatrix}  L(line)

3. zero vector only z(zero)

subspaces of R^{3}:

1. all of R^{3}

2. any plane through \begin{vmatrix} 0\\ 0 \\0 \end{vmatrix} P(plane)

2. any line through \begin{vmatrix} 0\\ 0 \\0 \end{vmatrix}  L(line)

3. zero vector only z(zero) = \left \{\begin{vmatrix} 0\\ 0 \\0 \end{vmatrix} \right \}

5. 列空间 Column spaces

Columns in R^{3}: all their combinations from a subspace called column space C(A)




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