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Buck 变换器应用广泛,比如可以为音圈电机、直流电机以及电子设备等提供直流供电电源。更高效率和更小体积的Buck 直流调压电源一直是研究的热点。在我们日常生活中, LLC谐振变换器和Buck谐振变换器随处可见,因为其相比其他变换器而言结构相对简单,运行稳定且便于维修等优势,最重要的是Buck+LLC谐振变换器在并网方面具有很好的优势。随着自动控制技术和微电子技术的不断革新,目前的技术水平为实现Buck+LLC谐振变换器调节控制打下坚实的基础,提供扎实的理论依据。

本次设计主要以Buck+LLC谐振变换器控制系统设计应用作为研究背景,运用MATLAB/Simulink仿真工具搭建相应的仿真模型。Buck+LLC谐振变换器控制系统拥有很好的动态特性,运行稳定性高、调速的范围较大,性能可靠等,在实际生产制造中被广泛的应用。该模型仿真设计对Buck+LLC谐振变换器PWM波可逆控制方法,通过 Matlab/Simulink仿真软件搭建仿真模型,运行仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。经过对控制系统进行仿真,可以明显的看出,Buck+LLC谐振变换器控制系统响应快,没有超调量,运行稳定,抗外界干扰能力强等特点。



关键词:Buck谐振变换器,LLC谐振变换器,建模与仿真 ,PWM


Buck converters are widely used to provide DC power for voice coil motors, DC motors, and electronic equipment. The higher efficiency and smaller volume of Buck dc voltage regulating power supply is always the research hotspot. In our daily life, LLC resonant converter and Buck resonant converter can be seen everywhere, because compared with other converters, their structure is relatively simple, stable operation and easy maintenance, etc. The most important thing is that Buck+LLC resonant converter has a good advantage in connection with the grid. With the continuous innovation of automatic control technology and microelectronics technology, the current technical level lays a solid foundation and provides a solid theoretical basis for the realization of Buck+LLC resonant converter regulation control.

This design mainly Buck+LLC resonant converter control system design and application as the research background, using MATLAB/Simulink simulation tools to build the corresponding simulation model. Buck+LLC resonant converter control system has good dynamic characteristics, high operation stability, wide range of speed regulation, reliable performance, etc., has been widely used in practical production and manufacturing. The model simulation design of Buck+LLC resonant converter PWM wave reversible control method, through Matlab/Simulink simulation software to build the simulation model, run the simulation, and the simulation results are analyzed. Through the simulation of the control system, it is obvious that the Buck+LLC resonant converter control system has the characteristics of fast response, no overshoot, stable operation and strong anti-interference ability.

Deeply study the overall structure and classification of Buck+LLC resonant converter, aiming at the Buck+LLC resonant converter control system as the research object. On the basis of in-depth research on the working principle and mathematical model of the Buck+LLC resonant converter control system, the transfer principle and mathematical model of different components are deeply studied in MATLAB/SIMULINK, and the dynamic model of the Buck+LLC resonant converter control system is established. Can compare various strategies and solutions, optimize and determine the relevant parameters. Finally, the analysis methods of Buck+LLC resonant converter control system are compared and analyzed in detail to provide reliable basis for scientific decision-making.

This design through model building, simulation verification, in learning and mastering the Buck+LLC resonant converter working characteristics, reference to the simulation results, for further design and development of new products to lay a solid foundation.

Key words: Buck resonant converter, LLC resonant converter, modeling and simulation, PWM


  ................................................................................................. 1

第一章 绪论.................................................................................... 6

1.1  概述...................................................................................... 6

1.2  课题研究的现状............................................................... 7

1.3  课题研究的意义............................................................... 9

1.4  仿真工具MATLAB/Simulink简介......................... 10

1.5  课题的研究内容及章节安排...................................... 12

第二章 Buck谐振变换器........................................................ 13

2.1  Buck电路工作原理...................................................... 13

2.2  Buck变换器的工作模式............................................. 14

2.2.1  电感电流连续模式................................................ 14

2.2.2  电感电流断续模式................................................ 17

2.2.3  电感电流连续的临界条件.................................. 20

第三章 半桥LLC谐振变换器............................................... 21

3.1  半桥LLC谐振变换器的电路拓扑............................ 21

3.2  半桥LLC谐振变换器的稳态分析............................ 22

3.3  半桥LLC谐振变换器的建模...................................... 23

第四章 Buck+LLC谐振变换器系统建模仿真................. 27

4.1   Buck+LLC谐振变换器系统建模............................. 27

4.2   仿真输出波形及分析................................................... 28

4.3  本章小结........................................................................... 30

第五章  结束语.......................................................................... 31

参考文献........................................................................................ 32

致    谢........................................................................................ 34





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