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#经典论文 异质山坡的物理模型 2 有效导水率

Binley, A., Beven, K., & Elgy, J. (1989). A physically based model of heterogeneous hillslopes: 2. Effective hydraulic conductivities. Water Resources Research, 25(6), 1227–1233. https://doi.org/10.1029/WR025i006p01227



Using the results of a fully three-dimensional model of variably saturated flow on a heterogeneous hillslope, the concept of equivalent homogeneous hillslopes is explored. By considering single realizations of random patterns of saturated hydraulic conductivity, attempts are made to determine single effective hydraulic conductivity values capable of reproducing both subsurface and surfaceflow hydrographs. For the case of high-permeability soils, effective parameters were found to reasonably reproduce the hillslope hydrograph, although there was no consistent relationship between the effective values and the moments of the spatial distributions. For the case of low-permeability soils, characterized by surface flow domination of the runoff hydrograph, single effective parameters were not found to be capable of reproducing both subsurface and surfaceflow responses. Furthermore, the event dependency of effective conductivity values under such conditions was demonstrated


利用异质山坡上可变饱和流的全三维模型的结果,探索了等效均质山坡的概念。 通过考虑饱和导水率随机模式的单一实现,尝试确定能够再现地下和表面流过程线的单一有效导水率值。 对于高渗透性土壤的情况,尽管有效值与空间分布矩之间没有一致的关系,但找到了合理再现山坡过程线的有效参数。 对于以径流过程线的地表流主导为特征的低渗透性土壤的情况,没有发现单个有效参数能够再现地下和地表流响应。 此外,还证明了在这种条件下有效电导率值的事件依赖性



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