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06 MIT线性代数-线性无关,基和维数Independence, basis, and dimension

1. 线性无关 Independence

Suppose A is m by n with m<n (more unknowns than equations)

Then there are nonzero solutions to Ax=0 

Reason: there will be free variables! A中具有至少一个自由变量,那么Ax=0一定具有非零解。A的列向量可以线性组合得到零向量,所以A的列向量是线性相关的。

independence:vectors X1, X2,...,Xn are independent if no combination gives zero vectors (expect the zero comb. all Ci =0)


Repeat when v1,v2,..., vn are columns of A 

they are independent if nullspace of A is zero vector , rank=n , N(A)={0}, no free variables 若这些向量作为列向量构成矩阵A,则方程Ax=0只有零解x=0,或称矩阵A的零空间只有零向量

 they are dependent if Ac=0 for some nonzero C, rank<n , Yes free variables





2. 张成空间 Spanning a space

vectors v1, v2, v3, ..., vn span a space means: The space consists of all combs. of those vectors 

3. 基与维数Basis &Dimension

Basis for a space is a sequance of vectors v1, v2, ..., vd with 2 properties:

1. they are independent

2. they span the space


Example: Space is R3 

standard: one basis 

Rn : n vectors give basis if the nxn matrix with those cols is invertible

3.1 子空间的基 Basis for a subspace


Given a space: Every basis for the space has the same number of vectors (dimension of the space)

3.2 列空间和零空间的基 Basis of a column space and nullspace



rank矩阵的秩r=# of pivot columns 矩阵主元列的数目=dimension of C(A)列空间的维数



dim N(A)零空间的维数=自由列的数目# of free variables=n-r



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