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超声波探伤仪是目前工业制造和现代化检测的重要途径之一,广泛的应用在质量检测和产品检测中,通过使用其产品能够有效地降低产品次品的风险。尽管随着电子技术的发展, 国内出现了一些数字化的超声检测仪器,但其数据处理及扩展能力有限,缺乏足够的灵活性。本设计超声检测技术,基于AT89C52单片机开发的超声探伤仪智能系统的硬件组成、软件设计和抗干扰措施, 以脉冲反射式超声探伤仪为代表研制完成一个良好的数字化的超声检测平台,该系统具有测量、数字显示、A/D转换等功能, 并具有工作稳定、性能好等优点。为以后进一步的更深入的超声数字信号处理研究打下了良好的基础。






Ultrasonic nondestructive testing is one of the most widely used nondestructive testing methods in modern industrial production. It is of great significance to improve the quality and reliability of products.With the development of electronic technology, some digital ultrasonic testing instruments have appeared in China, but their data processing and expansion capabilities are limited and they lack sufficient flexibility.Ultrasonic testing technology, the design of ultrasonic flaw detector intelligent system based on AT89C52 single chip microcomputer development hardware composition, software design and anti-interference measures, represented by the pulse reflection type ultrasonic flaw detector was developed to complete A good platform for the digital ultrasonic testing, the system has measurement, digital display, A/D conversion, and other functions, and has the advantages of working stability, good performance.It lays a good foundation for further research on ultrasonic digital signal processing.

Ultrasonic testing is one of the main techniques of nondestructive testing. It has been widely used in online quality control, in-service equipment and safety testing of key parts.As the carrier of ultrasonic testing technology, ultrasonic flaw detector has important research significance in ultrasonic testing.In order to improve the reliability and efficiency of ultrasonic testing, it is an inevitable trend to develop a digital, intelligent, automatic and pictorial ultrasonic nondestructive testing system.

This paper mainly introduces the design of ultrasonic transmissive flaw detector, first introduces the basic principle of ultrasonic testing and its development history and present situation.Then, the overall design and functional modules of the digital ultrasonic flaw detector are discussed, the design solution of the flaw detector is determined, and the main control chip and the programmable logic control chip in the system solution are selected.Then the hardware design of the digital ultrasonic flaw detector system was studied, including the design and implementation of the transmitting circuit, the receiving circuit, the signal conditioning circuit and the data acquisition and processing system.Finally, the software design of digital ultrasonic nondestructive flaw detector system is introduced, and the overall process of system software design, the generation of ultrasonic excitation pulse signal, the logic control of data acquisition system and the data processing of echo signal are introduced.

Keywords: Nondestructive testing;Ultrasonic testing;AT89C52.Signal conditioning, high-speed data acquisition






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