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ARTS 打卡第一周


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class Solution {
    func mergeAlternately(_ word1: String, _ word2: String) -> String {
        var ans = ""
        var idx1 = word1.startIndex
        var inx2 = word2.startIndex
        while idx1 < word1.endIndex || idx2 < word2.endIndex {
            if idx1 != word1.endIndex {
                idx1 = word1.index(after: idx1)
            if idx2 != word2.endIndex {
                idx2 = word2.index(after: idx2)
        return ans


RN Integration with Existing Apps

  1. Set up directory structure
    To ensure a smooth experience, create a new folder for your integrated React Native project, then copy your existing iOS project to a /ios subfolder.

新建一个RN项目目录, 把iOS项目放到 RN目录中的 /iOS 子目录中

  1. Install JavaScript dependencies
    Go to the root directory for your project and create a new package.json file with the following contents:
    安装javascript依赖, 新建package.json 文件
  "name": "MyReactNativeApp",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "yarn react-native start"

运行命令: npm install react-native
安装 react-native 依赖包


分享一些好用的工具 utools, 以及iOS项目集成RN步骤


最近在读代码整洁之道,有个建议,所有的代码都要写测试用例,覆盖尽量100%, 我呆过的几家公司里, 很少有做到这样的, 大家不愿意写测试用例的原因,时间不够, 都交给专业的测试人员去做测试覆盖, 如果是每次发版本之前都跑一边测试用例最好。



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