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virtuoso 后仿 ADE L error


 ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 299: The instance `_57_D32_noxref' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `parasitic_nwd'. Either include the file containing the definition of `parasitic_nwd', or define `parasitic_nwd' before running the simulation.
    ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 301: The instance `D36_noxref' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `parasitic_nwd'. Either include the file containing the definition of `parasitic_nwd', or define `parasitic_nwd' before running the simulation.
Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening.

原因:model library 没设置二极管的model

解决办法:在model library添加dio_tt的model



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