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Opencv 极坐标变换



#include "polar_transeforme.hpp"
#include <string>

using namespace cv;

inline float distanceEuclidean(int r, int c, const Point2d& point)
	return sqrtf(powf(point.x - c, 2) + powf(point.y - r, 2));

void magtitue_point(Size matSize, Point2d point)
	Mat mag(matSize, CV_32FC1);

	for (int r = 0; r < matSize.height; r++)
		float* pRow = (float*)mag.data + r * matSize.width;
		for (int c = 0; c < matSize.width; c++)
			float* pCur = pRow + c;
			*pCur = distanceEuclidean(r, c, point);

void calculate_map(int rouFrom, int rouTo, Point2d center, Mat& map)
	int heightDst = map.size().height;
	int widthDst = map.size().width;

	float dTheta = 2 * PAI / heightDst;

	for (int r = 0; r < heightDst; r++)
		float* pRow = (float*)map.data + r * 2 * widthDst;
		float curTheta = r * dTheta;
		float cosTheta = cos(curTheta);
		float sinTheta = sin(curTheta);
		for (int c = 0; c < widthDst; c++)
			float* pCur = pRow + c * 2;
			int rou = c + rouFrom;
			*pCur = rou * cosTheta + center.x;
			*pCur = center.y - rou * sinTheta;

Mat polar_transeforme(Mat& oriImage, int rouFrom, int rouTo, Point2d center)
	int heightDst = 2 * PAI * rouFrom;
	int widthDst = rouTo - rouFrom;
	Mat map(Size(widthDst, heightDst), CV_32FC2);
	calculate_map(rouFrom, rouTo, center, map);

	Mat dstMat;
	remap(oriImage, dstMat, map, Mat(), INTER_CUBIC, 0);
	return dstMat;

Point2d polar2Origin(Point2d p, Point2d center, int rouFrom, float dTheta)
	float theta = p.y / rouFrom;
	float rou = p.x;
	float tempX = center.x + rou * sin(theta);
	float tempY = center.y - rou * cos(theta);
	return Point2d(tempX, tempY);

int main()
	const std::string strImagePath = "示例图片.jpg";
	Mat oriImg = imread(strImagePath, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
	Point2d center(237, 237);
	int rouFrom = 110;
	int rouTo = 230;
	Mat polarImg = polar_transeforme(oriImg, rouFrom, rouTo, center);

	int test = 0;
	return 0;



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