创投课程研报专题课 | 如何写出高质量研报
协会邀请了来自GPTDAO的分析师——Will作为VC创投课程研报专题课的嘉宾,将于北京时间12月2日(周六)晚上21:00 PM-22:00 PM,与所有对Web3投资、创业心怀热忱的朋友一同探讨《如何写出高质量的研报》这个激动人心的话题。
ZJUBCA is a blockchain community led by the School of Computer Science, School of Management, and Hangzhou Zhejiang University Alumni Association, with the mission of gathering blockchain talents, disseminating blockchain technology and culture. We are committed to integrating blockchain related resources both on and off campus, building an excellent blockchain exchange and learning platform for students on campus, accumulating talent for the development of the blockchain industry, and achieving enterprise A win-win situation for students and industry professionals.