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【daily notes on IT/AI/science】

coder, tools

  • NIL), Advance program language: node.js,
  • I) plus/extra, Database, mysql, Oracle, nosql, mongDB, ,,etc
  • II), Script: shell, .sh(many lines of Linux commands)/linux/.bash文件引入方式/, powershell/.ps (many lines of powershell commands) (Windows OS plantform), cmd, ,,,while Apple based on Unix, the script should be similar like shell or powershell,
  • III), Markup Language: HTML, XML,CSS, markdown, etc
    • 3.1) Markdown grammar
  • IV), Operation/Operators of Software: office set, Maya, CAD, 3d-Max, adobe, photoshop (art),,,
  • V), Network, Correspondence Engineering, electronic Engineering (astronaut, ocean explore, etc), Hardware, etc

NIL), Advance program language: node.js,

I) plus/extra, Database, mysql, Oracle, nosql, mongDB, ,etc

II), Script: shell, .sh(many lines of Linux commands)/linux/.bash文件引入方式/, powershell/.ps (many lines of powershell commands) (Windows OS plantform), cmd, ,while Apple based on Unix, the script should be similar like shell or powershell,

III), Markup Language: HTML, XML,CSS, markdown, etc

3.1) Markdown grammar

~~: @TOC : topic Grammar for Markdown markup language

IV), Operation/Operators of Software: office set, Maya, CAD, 3d-Max, adobe, photoshop (art),

V), Network, Correspondence Engineering, electronic Engineering (astronaut, ocean explore, etc), Hardware, etc



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  • 短视频购物系统源码:构建创新购物体验的技术深度解析
  • 【前端设计模式】之观察者模式
  • vue3+ts自定义插件
  • 智能优化算法应用:基于白冠鸡算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码