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Chapter 7. Congestion Management in Ethernet Storage Networks以太网存储网络的拥塞管理 - 1

This chapter covers the following topics. 本章涵盖以下主题

 Ethernet flow control. 以太网流量控制

 Priority-based Flow Control at layer 2 and layer 3 of the OSI model. OSI 模型第 2 层和第 3 层基于优先级的流量控制。

 Congestion spreading in lossless Ethernet networks. 无损以太网网络中的拥塞扩散。

 Detecting congestion in lossless Ethernet networks. 检测无损以太网网络中的拥塞情况

 Preventing congestion in lossless Ethernet networks. 防止无损以太网网络拥塞

 RoCEv2 Congestion Management (RCM). RoCEv2 拥塞管理 (RCM)

 Congestion management of lossless traffic with VXLAN. 利用 VXLAN 对无损流量进行拥塞管理

This chapter focuses on the storage protocols that use lossless Ethernet networks without TCP, such as FCoE, RoCE, and RoCEv2. Chapter 8, “Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks,” focuses on storage protocols that use TCP transport in a lossy Ethernet network, such as iSCSI and NVMe/TCP. 本章重点介绍不使用 TCP 而使用无损以太网网络的存储协议,如 FCoERoCE RoCEv2。第 8 "TCP 存储网络中的拥塞管理 "主要介绍在有损以太网网络中使用 TCP 传输的存储协议,如 iSCSI NVMe/TCP

Ethernet Flow Control以太网流量控制

Ethernet flow control comes in two flavors. 以太网流量控制有两种类型

1. Link-Level Flow Control (LLFC): LLFC enables flow control between directly connected devices for all the traffic on a link. LLFC is an IEEE standard (IEEE 802.3x) 链路级流量控制(LLFC):LLFC 可在直接连接的设备之间对链路上的所有流量进行流量控制。LLFC 是一项 IEEE 标准(IEEE 802.3x)。

2. Priority-based Flow Control (PFC): PFC enables flow control between directly connected devices for specific traffic classes, while other traffic classes continue to operate without flow control. PFC is also an IEEE standard (IEEE 802.1Qbb). 基于优先级的流量控制 (PFC)PFC 可在直接连接的设备之间对特定流量类别进行流量控制,而其他流量类别则在无流量控制的情况下继续运行。PFC 也是 IEEE 标准(IEEE 802.1Qbb)。

LLFC is similar to the Fibre Channel B2B flow-control mechanism, which flow controls all traffic on a link (Chapter 2, “



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