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NVMe Over Fabrics with iRDMA总结 - 1

1.0 Introduction简介

NVM Express* (NVMe*) drives are high-speed, low-latency, solid-state drives (SSDs), that connect over the server Peripheral Component Interconnect Express* (PCIe*) bus. NVM Express* (NVMe*) 硬盘是高速、低延迟的固态硬盘 (SSD),通过服务器PCIe总线连接。

The development of these high-performance drives has spurred new innovation in storage over networking protocols, which takes full advantage of the drive capabilities in data center and cloud environments. 这些高性能硬盘的开发推动了网络存储协议的创新,从而充分利用了硬盘在数据中心和云环境中的功能。

NVMe over Fabrics provides networked storage at a latency level close to locally-mounted storage through a re-architected storage protocol that combines the use of low-latency/high-efficiency fabric technologies such as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) or Fibre Channel (FC) with these high-speed NVMe drives. NVMe over Fabrics 通过重新架构的存储协议,将低延迟/高效率 Fabric 技术(如远程直接内存访问 (RDMA) 或光纤通道 (FC))与高速 NVMe 硬盘结合使用,以接近本地安装存储的延迟水平提供网络存储。

Intel supports NVMe over Fabrics on two Intel® Ethernet product lines with RDMA technology: 英特尔在两个采用 RDMA 技术的英特尔®以太网产品线上支持 NVMe over Fabrics:

  • Intel® Ethernet 800 Series英特尔®以太网 800 系列
  • Intel® Ethernet Connection X722/Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter X722. 英特尔®以太网连接 X722/英特尔®以太网网络适配器 X722。

1.1 Purpose目的

This document is a reference guide for configuring NVMe over Fabrics on Linux* operating systems using Intel® Ethernet 800 Series or Intel® Ethernet Connection X722/Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter X722. 本文档是在 Linux* 操作系统上使用英特尔®以太网 800 系列或英特尔®以太网连接 X722/Intel® 以太网网络适配器 X722 配置 NVMe over Fabrics 的参考指南。

1.2 Terminology术语

Table 1.     Terminology




Basic Input Output System


Device Under Test


Fibre Channel


Internet Protocol



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