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参考:Choosing The Perfect Python Testing Framework: Unittest Vs. Pytest Vs.

UnitTest vs Nose2 vs Pytest

FeatureUnittest   Pytest Nose2
Test DiscoveryYesYesYes
Fixture SupportYesYesYes
Plugin EcosystemLimitedExtensiveLimited
Test Naming ConventionClass/MethodFunctionClass/Method
Assertion MethodsYesYesYes
ConfigurationManual AutomaticAutomatic

Unittest: The Built-in Testing Framework

Unittest is a built-in testing framework in Python, inspired by the testing frameworks available in other programming languages like Java.

It follows a traditional xUnit-style approach, where tests are organized into classes and methods. Unittest provides a rich set of assertion methods to validate the expected behavior of code.

Key Features of Unittest
  • Supports test automation and discovery
  • Provides a rich set of assertion methods for accurate test validation
  • Enables test case customization through subclassing
  • Supports fixtures for test setup and teardown
  • Generates test reports and statistics
  • Integrates with other testing tools and libraries

Pytest: The Powerful and Flexible Testing Framework

Now let’s talk about Pytest, another popular testing framework that developers adore for its simplicity. Pytest takes a more flexible and intuitive approach compared to Unittest. Its main goal is to make testing easy and straightforward.

Unlike Unittest, you don’t have to write test classes with Pytest. Instead, you can write simple test functions, just like jotting down your tests on sticky notes.

Pytest also embraces the principle of “convention over configuration” and offers powerful features such as fixtures, parameterization, and advanced test selection.

By leveraging Pytest, developers can focus on writing tests without being overwhelmed by complex setup and configurations. It’s all about making testing a breeze!

Key Features of Pytest
  • Supports test discovery and execution without the need for boilerplate code
  • Offers a wide range of powerful plugins for extended functionality
  • Simplifies test writing with intuitive and expressive syntax
  • Provides fixtures for test setup and teardown
  • Supports parallel test execution
  • Generates detailed test reports and code coverage analysis





pip install -U pytest-html


py.test test_pyexample.py --html=report.html

安装 pytest-cov:

pip install pytest-cov 


py.test --cov-report=html --cov=./ test_code_target_dir
--cov=[path], measure coverage for filesystem path (multi-allowed), 指定被测试对象,用于计算测试覆盖率
--cov-report=type, type of report to generate: term, term-missing, annotate, html, xml (multi-allowed), 测试报告的类型
--cov-config=path, config file for coverage, default: .coveragerc, coverage配置文件
--no-cov-on-fail, do not report coverage if test run fails, default: False,如果测试失败,不生成测试报告
--cov-fail-under=MIN, Fail if the total coverage is less than MIN. 如果测试覆盖率低于MIN,则认为失败


pip install -U pytest-xdist


py.test test_pyexample.py -n NUM


import pytest

def test_eval(self,test_input, expected):
    # eval 将字符串str当成有效的表达式来求值,并返回结果
    assert eval(test_input) == expected

Nose2: The Simplified and Extensible Testing Framework

参考:Note to Users — nose 1.3.7 documentation

Last but not least, let’s talk about Nose2. Nose2 is a testing framework that builds upon Unittest’s foundation. It aims to enhance the test discovery and execution process by providing a more user-friendly interface and additional functionalities.

Nose2 can automatically discover and run your tests, generate detailed reports, and handle test fixtures and plugins efficiently.

Key Features of Nose2
  • Test Discovery: Automatically finds and runs test cases across modules and directories.
  • Test Execution: Runs tests selectively at the case, method, or class level.
  • Test Fixtures: Supports setup and teardown functions/methods for test environment management.
  • Test Runner: Generates detailed reports in various formats (console, XML, HTML).
  • Plugin System: Extensible with plugins for coverage analysis, test isolation, etc.
  • Parallel Execution: Runs tests concurrently for faster execution.
  • Test Configuration: Customizable options for test directories, exclusions, and discovery behavior.

  1. nosetests -h 查看所有nose命令与说明
  2. nosetests  查看是否安装nose成功
  3. nosetests -with-xunit输出xml结果报告
  4. nosetests -v 查看运行信息和调试信息,例如会给出当前正在运行哪个测试。
  5. nosetests -w 目录:指定一个目录运行测试,目录可以是相对路径或绝对路径。
  6. nosetests -f 执行测试
  7. nosttests -p 查看可用plugins信息
  8. nosetests --tests=NAMES 执行这些测试
  9. nosetests -s,不捕获输出,会让你的程序里面的一些命令行上的输出显示出来。例如print所输出的内容。

  10. nosetests -a: -a myTag TestClass

from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
    def test_func2(self):
        print ("this is test_func2")
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class

    def test_func2(self, param):
        print ("this is test_func2 " + param)



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