列名 | 类型 |
id | int |
visit_date | date |
people | int |
编写解决方案找出每行的人数大于或等于 100 且 id 连续的三行或更多行记录。
返回按 visit_date 升序排列 的结果表。
- 我的思路:首先梳理表内容,题干一共给了一张表,记录了序号id,日期和人流量。
- 其次分析需求,需要找到每行的人数大于或等于100且id连续的三行或更多的记录。
- 针对于连续出现的次数的方法,最简单的方法就是自连接,连续出现三行就自连接三次,但是不够灵活,如果需要连续出现100行以上的数据就很难去计算了,这里我们可以使用row_number()去灵活的查询,以前也做过类似的题
- 针对于这道题,我的想法是需要先找到所有>100的数据,在这里我把所有大于100的数据设置为0,方便以后
partition by
with onehund_people as (
select id,people,
case when people >=100 then 0
else people
end as peo
from Stadium
- 其次使用
id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by id)
select o.id,s.visit_date,peo,s.people,o.id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by o.id) as num
from onehund_people o
left join Stadium s
on o.id = s.id
order by o.id
- 在得到所有的差值后,我们对其分组求数量,数量>=3,便是我们需要的数据
select num
from (
select o.id,s.visit_date,peo,s.people,o.id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by o.id) as num
from onehund_people o
left join Stadium s
on o.id = s.id
order by o.id
) as a
group by peo,num
having count(*) >=3
- 现在我们已经得到了连续出现3次的num,那么现在再嵌套一层查询,使num在连续出现三次的num里面,同时注意,我们并没有筛选>100 的数据,所以末尾加个条件peo = 0
select id,visit_date,people
from (
select o.id,s.visit_date,peo,s.people,o.id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by o.id) as num
from onehund_people o
left join Stadium s
on o.id = s.id
order by o.id
) b
where num in
(select num
from (
select o.id,s.visit_date,peo,s.people,o.id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by o.id) as num
from onehund_people o
left join Stadium s
on o.id = s.id
order by o.id
) as a
group by peo,num
having count(*) >=3
and peo = 0
- 完整代码
with onehund_people as (
select id,people,
case when people >=100 then 0
else people
end as peo
from Stadium
select id,visit_date,people
from (
select o.id,s.visit_date,peo,s.people,o.id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by o.id) as num
from onehund_people o
left join Stadium s
on o.id = s.id
order by o.id
) b
where num in
(select num
from (
select o.id,s.visit_date,peo,s.people,o.id - row_number() over(partition by peo order by o.id) as num
from onehund_people o
left join Stadium s
on o.id = s.id
order by o.id
) as a
group by peo,num
having count(*) >=3
and peo = 0
- 我这个答案其实写复杂了,有更简单的写法,但是方法是一样的,这里就这样了,能运行就行。