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public class TaskVo extends Task {

    // 工单类型
    private TaskType taskType;
<resultMap type="taskVo" id="TaskVoResult">
    <result property="taskId" column="task_id"/>
    <result property="taskCode" column="task_code"/>
    <result property="taskStatus" column="task_status"/>
    <result property="createType" column="create_type"/>
    <result property="innerCode" column="inner_code"/>
    <result property="userId" column="user_id"/>
    <result property="userName" column="user_name"/>
    <result property="regionId" column="region_id"/>
    <result property="desc" column="desc"/>
    <result property="productTypeId" column="product_type_id"/>
    <result property="assignorId" column="assignor_id"/>
    <result property="addr" column="addr"/>
    <result property="createTime" column="create_time"/>
    <result property="updateTime" column="update_time"/>
    <association property="taskType" javaType="TaskType" column="product_type_id" 

<select id="selectTaskVoList" resultMap="TaskVoResult">
    <include refid="selectTaskVo"/>
        <if test="taskCode != null  and taskCode != ''">and task_code = #{taskCode}</if>

        <if test="taskStatus != null ">and task_status = #{taskStatus}</if>

        <if test="createType != null ">and create_type = #{createType}</if>

        <if test="innerCode != null  and innerCode != ''">and inner_code = #{innerCode}</if>

        <if test="userId != null ">and user_id = #{userId}</if>

        <if test="userName != null  and userName != ''">and user_name like concat('%', #{userName}, '%')</if>

        <if test="regionId != null ">and region_id = #{regionId}</if>

        <if test="desc != null  and desc != ''">and `desc` = #{desc}</if>

        <if test="productTypeId != null ">and product_type_id = #{productTypeId}</if>

        <if test="assignorId != null ">and assignor_id = #{assignorId}</if>

        <if test="addr != null  and addr != ''">and addr = #{addr}</if>

        <if test="params.isRepair != null and params.isRepair=='true'">
            and product_type_id in (1,3,4)

        <if test="params.isRepair != null and params.isRepair=='false'">
            and product_type_id =2

        order by create_time desc




private IVendingMachineService vendingMachineService;

 * 根据售货机获取运营人员列表
public AjaxResult businessList(@PathVariable("innerCode") String innerCode) {
    // 1.查询售货机信息
    VendingMachine vm = vendingMachineService.selectVendingMachineByInnerCode(innerCode);
    if (vm == null) {
        return error();
    // 2.根据区域id、角色编号、员工状态查询运营人员列表
    Emp empParam = new Emp();
    empParam.setRegionId(vm.getRegionId());// 设备所属区域
    empParam.setStatus(DkdContants.EMP_STATUS_NORMAL);// 员工启用
    empParam.setRoleCode(DkdContants.ROLE_CODE_BUSINESS);// 角色编码:运营员
    return success(empService.selectEmpList(empParam));


    public AjaxResult operationList(@PathVariable("innerCode") String innerCode) {
    // 1.查询售货机信息
    VendingMachine vendingMachine = vendingMachineService.selectVendingMachineByInnerCode(innerCode);
    if (vendingMachine == null) {
        return error("售货机不存在");
    // 2.根据区域id、角色编号、员工状态查询运维人员列表
    Emp empParam = new Emp();
    empParam.setRegionId(vendingMachine.getRegionId());// 设备所属区域
    empParam.setStatus(Math.toIntExact(DkdContants.EMP_STATUS_NORMAL));// 员工启用
    empParam.setRoleCode(DkdContants.ROLE_CODE_OPERATOR);// 角色编码:运维员
    return success(empService.selectEmpList(empParam));



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