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基于 NIM 建构多模态 AI-Agent (代码解析)


  • 多模态模型基于 NIM 的调用方式
  • 基于 NIM 接口实现 Phi-3-Vision 的推理实践
  • 基于 Gradio 框架建立前端互动界面

申请NIM的API Key,来调用NIM的计算资源

进入NVIDIA NIM | phi-3-vision-128k-instruct, 点击Get API Key按钮,生成一个秘钥

第一步, 导入工具包


  • langchain_nvidia_ai_endpoint: 用来调用nvidia nim的计算资源
  • langchain: 用来构建对话链, 将智能体的各个组件串联起来
  • base64: 因为本实验是构建多模态的智能体, 需要base64来对图像进行编解码

from langchain_nvidia_ai_endpoints import ChatNVIDIA
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.schema.runnable import RunnableLambda
from langchain.schema.runnable.passthrough import RunnableAssign
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableBranch
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain.chains import ConversationChain
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory

import os
import base64
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

将上面准备好的秘钥粘贴在此处, 当我们向服务器发送计算请求时, 需要用到

os.environ["NVIDIA_API_KEY"] = "nvapi-Exxxxxx"



第二步, 利用Microsoft Phi 3 vision 来解析图片数据


def image2b64(image_file):
    with open(image_file, "rb") as f:
        image_b64 = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode()
        return image_b64

image_b64 = image2b64("eco-good-bad-chart.png")


from PIL import Image

将编码后的图像按照格式给到Microsoft Phi 3 vision , 利用其强大能力解析图片中的数据

chart_reading = ChatNVIDIA(model="ai-phi-3-vision-128k-instruct")
result = chart_reading.invoke(f'Generate underlying data table of the figure below, : <img src="data:image/png;base64,{image_b64}" />')


下面的示例中, 调用Llama3 70b的模型,通过中文输入提示词,来进行工作

instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="ai-llama3-70b")
# result = instruct_chat.invoke('How to implement Fibonacci in python using dynamic programming')
result = instruct_chat.invoke('怎么用 Python 实现快速排序')

第三步, 使用 LangChain 构建多模态智能体

Agent 应用场景:将图片中的统计图表转换为可以用 python 进行分析的数据

Agent 工作流

  • 接收图片,读取图片数据
  • 对数据进行调整、分析
  • 生成能够绘制图片的代码,并执行代码
  • 根据处理后的数据绘制图表

接收图片 -> 分析数据 -> 修改数据 -> 生成绘制图片的代码 -> 执行代码 -> 展示结果


这里的函数用于显示输入, 执行代码等, 在我们执行过程中可能会用到

import re

# 将 langchain 运行状态下的表保存到全局变量中
def save_table_to_global(x):
    global table
    if 'TABLE' in x.content:
        table = x.content.split('TABLE', 1)[1].split('END_TABLE')[0]
    return x

# helper function 用于Debug
def print_and_return(x):
    return x

# 对打模型生成的代码进行处理, 将注释或解释性文字去除掉, 留下pyhon代码
def extract_python_code(text):
    pattern = r'```python\s*(.*?)\s*```'
    matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
    return [match.strip() for match in matches]

# 执行由大模型生成的代码
def execute_and_return(x):
    code = extract_python_code(x.content)[0]
        result = exec(str(code))
        #print("exec result: "+result)
    except ExceptionType:
        print("The code is not executable, don't give up, try again!")
    return x

# 将图片编码成base64格式, 以方便输入给大模型
def image2b64(image_file):
    with open(image_file, "rb") as f:
        image_b64 = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode()
        return image_b64

定义多模态数据分析 Agent

  • 这里首先定义了提示词模板, chart_reading_prompt, 我们输入的图片会边恒base64格式的string传输给它
  • 将处理好的提示词输入给char_reading, 也就是microsoft/phi-3-vision大模型来进行数据分析, 得到我们需要的表格或者说table变量
  • 将Phi3 vision处理好的table和提示词输入给另一个大模型llama3.1, 修改数据并生成代码
  • 将生成的代码通过上面的执行函数来执行python代码, 并得到结果

def chart_agent(image_b64, user_input, table):
    # Chart reading Runnable
    chart_reading = ChatNVIDIA(model="ai-phi-3-vision-128k-instruct")
    chart_reading_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        'Generate underlying data table of the figure below, : <img src="data:image/png;base64,{image_b64}" />'
    chart_chain = chart_reading_prompt | chart_reading

    # Instruct LLM Runnable
    # instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="nv-mistralai/mistral-nemo-12b-instruct")
    # instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct")
    #instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="ai-llama3-70b")
    instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="meta/llama-3.1-405b-instruct")

    instruct_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        "Do NOT repeat my requirements already stated. Based on this table {table}, {input}" \
        "If has table string, start with 'TABLE', end with 'END_TABLE'." \
        "If has code, start with '```python' and end with '```'." \
        "Do NOT include table inside code, and vice versa."
    instruct_chain = instruct_prompt | instruct_chat

    # 根据“表格”决定是否读取图表
    chart_reading_branch = RunnableBranch(
        (lambda x: x.get('table') is None, RunnableAssign({'table': chart_chain })),
        (lambda x: x.get('table') is not None, lambda x: x),
        lambda x: x
    # 根据需求更新table
    update_table = RunnableBranch(
        (lambda x: 'TABLE' in x.content, save_table_to_global),
        lambda x: x
    # 执行绘制图表的代码
    execute_code = RunnableBranch(
        (lambda x: '```python' in x.content, execute_and_return),
        lambda x: x

    chain = (
        #| RunnableLambda(print_and_return)
        | instruct_chain
        #| RunnableLambda(print_and_return)
        | update_table
        | execute_code

    return chain.invoke({"image_b64": image_b64, "input": user_input, "table": table}).content


# 使用全局变量 table 来存储数据
table = None
# 将要处理的图像转换成base64格式
image_b64 = image2b64("image.png")

from PIL import Image



user_input = "show this table in string"
chart_agent(image_b64, user_input, table)
print(table)    # let's see what 'table' looks like now

让 Agent 自己尝试修改其中的内容

比如我们这里要把所有的UK 替换成United Kingdom

user_input = "replace table string's 'UK' with 'United Kingdom'"
chart_agent(image_b64, user_input, table)
print(table)    # let's see what 'table' looks like now
用 python 绘制图表

这里会让大模型生成绘制图像的代码, 并执行生成的代码

!pip install gradio
!pip install pandas
user_input = "draw this table as stacked bar chart in python"
result = chart_agent(image_b64, user_input, table)
print("result: "+result)  # let's see what 'table' looks like now

第四步, 将多模态智能体封装进Gradio

当我们完成上述任务的时候, 就拥有了一个可以分析图片, 生成代码, 修改数据, 执行代码的智能体

接下来我们给这个智能体添加一个UI界面, 让我们可以更舒服的与之对话

我们修改一下执行代码的函数, 因为原生的Python中exec函数的返回是Nan, 所以我们给他添加一个生成图片的路径

在下面的代码中, 路径是作者的PC中的路径, 请您根据您自己的系统更换这个文件夹路径

global img_path
# img_path = '/home/nvidia/2024_summer_bootcamp/day3/'+'image.png'
img_path = 'C:\\Users\\wei\\Documents\\nvidiafiles\\day3\\'+'image.png'
def execute_and_return_gr(x):
    code = extract_python_code(x.content)[0]
        result = exec(str(code))
        #print("exec result: "+result)
    except ExceptionType:
        print("The code is not executable, don't give up, try again!")
    return img_path

这个chart_agent函数的输入原来是base64格式, 但是gradio中上传图片的格式是png或jpg等图片格式

所以我们更新了这个函数, 在最开始的步骤中加入了一个编码的过程

def chart_agent_gr(image_b64, user_input, table):

    image_b64 = image2b64(image_b64)
    # Chart reading Runnable
    chart_reading = ChatNVIDIA(model="microsoft/phi-3-vision-128k-instruct")
    chart_reading_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        'Generate underlying data table of the figure below, : <img src="data:image/png;base64,{image_b64}" />'
    chart_chain = chart_reading_prompt | chart_reading

    # Instruct LLM Runnable
    # instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="nv-mistralai/mistral-nemo-12b-instruct")
    # instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct")
    #instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="ai-llama3-70b")
    instruct_chat = ChatNVIDIA(model="meta/llama-3.1-405b-instruct")

    instruct_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        "Do NOT repeat my requirements already stated. Based on this table {table}, {input}" \
        "If has table string, start with 'TABLE', end with 'END_TABLE'." \
        "If has code, start with '```python' and end with '```'." \
        "Do NOT include table inside code, and vice versa."
    instruct_chain = instruct_prompt | instruct_chat

    # 根据“表格”决定是否读取图表
    chart_reading_branch = RunnableBranch(
        (lambda x: x.get('table') is None, RunnableAssign({'table': chart_chain })),
        (lambda x: x.get('table') is not None, lambda x: x),
        lambda x: x
    # 根据需求更新table
    update_table = RunnableBranch(
        (lambda x: 'TABLE' in x.content, save_table_to_global),
        lambda x: x

    execute_code = RunnableBranch(
        (lambda x: '```python' in x.content, execute_and_return_gr),
        lambda x: x
    # 执行绘制图表的代码
    chain = (
        | RunnableLambda(print_and_return)
        | instruct_chain
        | RunnableLambda(print_and_return)
        | update_table
        | execute_code

    return chain.invoke({"image_b64": image_b64, "input": user_input, "table": table})

这里是示意提示词, 放大家打开Gradio页面时候直接复制粘贴

user_input = "replace table string's 'UK' with 'United Kingdom', draw this table as stacked bar chart in python, and save the image in path: "+img_path

执行上述代码, 将打开一个Gradio的服务, 我们可以利用Gradio的页面与构建好的智能体对话

import gradio as gr
multi_modal_chart_agent = gr.Interface(fn=chart_agent_gr,
                    inputs=[gr.Image(label="Upload image", type="filepath"), 'text'],
                    title="Multi Modal chat agent",
                    description="Multi Modal chat agent",

multi_modal_chart_agent.launch(debug=True, share=False, show_api=False, server_port=5000, server_name="")

执行完后,可以打开 http://localhost:5000.



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