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  • 1. 自适应QP技术(Adaptive QP)
    • 1.2 图像纹理的检测(edgeFilter)
    • 1.3 计算AC energy(acEnergyCu)
    • 1.4 计算梯度密度(edgeDensityCu)
  • 2.宏块树(cuTree)
    • 2.1 计算帧损失(singleCost)
    • 2.2 计算传播损失(estimateCUPropagate)
    • 2.3 计算qp调整量(cuTreeFinish)
  • 3.qpOffset的使用
  • 4.AQ技术和cuTree技术之间的关联
  • 5.hevcAq模式
    • 5.1 复杂度的计算(xPreanalyze)
    • 5.2 qpOffset的计算(computeCUTreeQpOffset)


1. 自适应QP技术(Adaptive QP)


#define X265_AQ_NONE                 0	// 不使用AQ
#define X265_AQ_VARIANCE             1	// 方差模式,仅考虑当前块
#define X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE        2	// 自方差模式,考虑整帧中的块
#define X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE_BIASED 3  // 带偏置项的自方差模式,考虑整帧中的块,并且带一个可调控的偏置项
#define X265_AQ_EDGE                 4	// 边缘模式


  1. 如果使用hevcAq,则使用xPreanalyze()去分析当前帧
  2. 如果使用常规AQ
     (b)如果非X265_AQ_EDGE模式,根据AC energy计算块级qp_adj
void LookaheadTLD::calcAdaptiveQuantFrame(Frame* curFrame, x265_param* param)
	/* Actual adaptive quantization */
	int maxCol = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
	int maxRow = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight;
	int blockCount, loopIncr;
	float modeOneConst, modeTwoConst;
		qgSize表示量化组大小(quantization group size)
	if (param->rc.qgSize == 8)
		blockCount = curFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInRowFullRes * curFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInColFullRes;
		modeOneConst = 11.427f;
		modeTwoConst = 8.f;
		loopIncr = 8;
		blockCount = widthInCU * heightInCU;
		modeOneConst = 14.427f;
		modeTwoConst = 11.f;
		loopIncr = 16;

	float* quantOffsets = curFrame->m_quantOffsets;
		(2)提升编码质量,低分辨率下的Intra和Inter模式,能够良好的应用于场景检测、帧结构确定及CU Tree优化
	for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
		curFrame->m_lowres.wp_ssd[y] = 0;
		curFrame->m_lowres.wp_sum[y] = 0;
	// bStatRead表示从文件中读取信息(multi-pass)
	if (!(param->rc.bStatRead && param->rc.cuTree && IS_REFERENCED(curFrame)))
		/* Calculate Qp offset for each 16x16 or 8x8 block in the frame */
		// 为帧当中的16x16和8x8计算QP偏移量
		// 如果aq模式为NONE或aq强度为0
		if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_NONE || param->rc.aqStrength == 0) 
			if (param->rc.aqMode && param->rc.aqStrength == 0)
				if (quantOffsets)
					for (int cuxy = 0; cuxy < blockCount; cuxy++)
						curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[cuxy] = curFrame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset[cuxy] = quantOffsets[cuxy];
						curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuxy] = x265_exp2fix8(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[cuxy]);
					memset(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset, 0, blockCount * sizeof(double));
					memset(curFrame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset, 0, blockCount * sizeof(double));
					for (int cuxy = 0; cuxy < blockCount; cuxy++)
						curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuxy] = 256; // 初始化为256

			/* Need variance data for weighted prediction and dynamic refinement*/
			if (param->bEnableWeightedPred || param->bEnableWeightedBiPred) // 是否使用加权预测
				for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
					for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
						acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);
		else // 当前模式不为X265_AQ_NONE
			// 1.是否使用hevcAq,这是一种新的面向hevc的AQ模式
			if (param->rc.hevcAq)
				// New method for calculating variance and qp offset
				// 提取图像特征并计算图像内容的特性,辅助编码器进行更精确的AQ
			{	// 2.使用常规的AQ
				int blockXY = 0, inclinedEdge = 0;
				double avg_adj_pow2 = 0, avg_adj = 0, qp_adj = 0;
				double bias_strength = 0.f;
				double strength = 0.f;
				// 3.如果使用X265_AQ_EDGE模式,则对帧进行高斯滤波和sobel滤波,检测图像的纹理边界
				if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_EDGE)
					edgeFilter(curFrame, param);

					aqMode 默认为 X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE
					bHistBasedSceneCut 默认为 0
					recurisonSkipMode 默认为 1
				if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_EDGE && !param->bHistBasedSceneCut && param->recursionSkipMode == EDGE_BASED_RSKIP)
					pixel* src = curFrame->m_edgePic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
					// 对各个plane进行位移操作
					primitives.planecopy_pp_shr(src, curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride, curFrame->m_edgeBitPic,
						curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride, curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth, curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight, SHIFT_TO_BITPLANE);

				if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE || param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE_BIASED || param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_EDGE)
					double bit_depth_correction = 1.f / (1 << (2 * (X265_DEPTH - 8))); // bitdepth修正
					// 4.计算AC energy(高频信息,也可以理解为图像复杂度),随后调整avg_adj和strength
					for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
						for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
							uint32_t energy, edgeDensity, avgAngle;
							// 计算AC energy
							energy = acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);
							if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_EDGE)
								// Edge模式会计算CU的边缘密度,能够识别出图像中的高对比度区域,这些区域通常包括更多的视觉细节
								edgeDensity = edgeDensityCu(curFrame, avgAngle, blockX, blockY, param->rc.qgSize); // avgAngle是当前块中像素的角度
								if (edgeDensity)
								{	// 依据边缘密度计算qp_adj
									qp_adj = pow(edgeDensity * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1);
									//Increasing the QP of a block if its edge orientation lies around the multiples of 45 degree
									// 正负45°或者是正负90°左右
									if ((avgAngle >= EDGE_INCLINATION - 15 && avgAngle <= EDGE_INCLINATION + 15) || (avgAngle >= EDGE_INCLINATION + 75 && avgAngle <= EDGE_INCLINATION + 105))
										curFrame->m_lowres.edgeInclined[blockXY] = 1; // edgeInclined表示倾向于是edge区域
										curFrame->m_lowres.edgeInclined[blockXY] = 0;
								else // 边缘密度为0,直接使用AC来计算qp_adj
									qp_adj = pow(energy * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1);
									curFrame->m_lowres.edgeInclined[blockXY] = 0;
							else // 非edge模式
								qp_adj = pow(energy * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1);
							// 写入单个16x16块的qp调整量
							curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[blockXY] = qp_adj;
							avg_adj += qp_adj;
							avg_adj_pow2 += qp_adj * qp_adj;
					avg_adj /= blockCount;
					avg_adj_pow2 /= blockCount;
					// 根据avg_adj(一帧中平均qp调整量)调整strength,aqStrength默认为1.f
					strength = param->rc.aqStrength * avg_adj;
					// 调整avg_adj(modeTwoConst默认为11.f)
					avg_adj = avg_adj - 0.5f * (avg_adj_pow2 - modeTwoConst) / avg_adj;
					bias_strength = param->rc.aqStrength;
				else // 如果是X265_AQ_VARIANCE模式,直接计算strength
					strength = param->rc.aqStrength * 1.0397f;

				// 5.根据不同的AQ模式来调整qp
				blockXY = 0;
				for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
					for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
						if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE_BIASED) // 自方差并且携带偏置项
							qp_adj = curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[blockXY];
							// modeTwoConst = 11.f
							qp_adj = strength * (qp_adj - avg_adj) + bias_strength * (1.f - modeTwoConst / (qp_adj * qp_adj));
						else if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE) // 自方差模式
							qp_adj = curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[blockXY];
							qp_adj = strength * (qp_adj - avg_adj);
						else if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_EDGE) // 边缘模式
							inclinedEdge = curFrame->m_lowres.edgeInclined[blockXY];
							qp_adj = curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[blockXY];
							if (inclinedEdge && (qp_adj - avg_adj > 0)) 
								// 期望调整的qp量大于平均值,则加上一个EDGE_BIAS进行调整
								// AQ_EDGE_BIAS = 0.5
								qp_adj = ((strength + AQ_EDGE_BIAS) * (qp_adj - avg_adj)); 
								qp_adj = strength * (qp_adj - avg_adj);
						{	// 如果是X265_AQ_VARIANCE模式
							uint32_t energy = acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);
							qp_adj = strength * (X265_LOG2(X265_MAX(energy, 1)) - (modeOneConst + 2 * (X265_DEPTH - 8)));

						if (param->bHDR10Opt)
							uint32_t sum = lumaSumCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->rc.qgSize);
							uint32_t lumaAvg = sum / (loopIncr * loopIncr);
							if (lumaAvg < 301)
								qp_adj += 3;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 301 && lumaAvg < 367)
								qp_adj += 2;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 367 && lumaAvg < 434)
								qp_adj += 1;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 501 && lumaAvg < 567)
								qp_adj -= 1;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 567 && lumaAvg < 634)
								qp_adj -= 2;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 634 && lumaAvg < 701)
								qp_adj -= 3;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 701 && lumaAvg < 767)
								qp_adj -= 4;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 767 && lumaAvg < 834)
								qp_adj -= 5;
							else if (lumaAvg >= 834)
								qp_adj -= 6;
						if (quantOffsets != NULL)
							qp_adj += quantOffsets[blockXY];
						// 存储qp_adj
						curFrame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset[blockXY] = qp_adj;
						curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[blockXY] = qp_adj;
						curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[blockXY] = x265_exp2fix8(qp_adj);

		if (param->rc.qgSize == 8)
			for (int cuY = 0; cuY < heightInCU; cuY++)
				for (int cuX = 0; cuX < widthInCU; cuX++)
					const int cuXY = cuX + cuY * widthInCU;
					curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor8x8[cuXY] = (curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuX * 2 + cuY * widthInCU * 4] +
						curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuX * 2 + cuY * widthInCU * 4 + 1] +
						curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuX * 2 + cuY * widthInCU * 4 + curFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInRowFullRes] +
						curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuX * 2 + cuY * widthInCU * 4 + curFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInRowFullRes + 1]) / 4;
	// 是否使用加权预测
	if (param->bEnableWeightedPred || param->bEnableWeightedBiPred)
		if (param->rc.bStatRead && param->rc.cuTree && IS_REFERENCED(curFrame))
			for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
				for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
					acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);

		int hShift = CHROMA_H_SHIFT(param->internalCsp);
		int vShift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT(param->internalCsp);
		maxCol = ((maxCol + 8) >> 4) << 4;
		maxRow = ((maxRow + 8) >> 4) << 4;
		int width[3] = { maxCol, maxCol >> hShift, maxCol >> hShift };
		int height[3] = { maxRow, maxRow >> vShift, maxRow >> vShift };

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			uint64_t sum, ssd;
			sum = curFrame->m_lowres.wp_sum[i];
			ssd = curFrame->m_lowres.wp_ssd[i];
			curFrame->m_lowres.wp_ssd[i] = ssd - (sum * sum + (width[i] * height[i]) / 2) / (width[i] * height[i]);
	// 是否使用动态优化或渐入
	if (param->bDynamicRefine || param->bEnableFades)
		uint64_t blockXY = 0, rowVariance = 0;
		curFrame->m_lowres.frameVariance = 0;
		for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
			for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
				curFrame->m_lowres.blockVariance[blockXY] = acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);
				rowVariance += curFrame->m_lowres.blockVariance[blockXY];
			curFrame->m_lowres.frameVariance += (rowVariance / maxCol);
		curFrame->m_lowres.frameVariance /= maxRow;


(1)strength = param->rc.aqStrength * 1.0397f
(2)qp_adj = strength * (X265_LOG2(X265_MAX(energy, 1)) - (modeOneConst + 2 * (X265_DEPTH - 8)))

(1)qp_adj = pow(energy * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1)
(2)strength = param->rc.aqStrength * avg_adj;(avg_adj为qp_adj的均值)
(3)avg_adj = avg_adj - 0.5f * (avg_adj_pow2 - modeTwoConst) / avg_adj
(4)qp_adj = strength * (qp_adj - avg_adj)

(1)qp_adj = pow(energy * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1)
(2)strength = param->rc.aqStrength * avg_adj;(avg_adj为qp_adj的均值)
(3)avg_adj = avg_adj - 0.5f * (avg_adj_pow2 - modeTwoConst) / avg_adj
(4)bias_strength = param->rc.aqStrength;
(5)qp_adj = strength * (qp_adj - avg_adj) + bias_strength * (1.f - modeTwoConst / (qp_adj * qp_adj))

如果edgeDensity不为0:qp_adj = pow(edgeDensity * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1)
如果edgeDensity为0:qp_adj = pow(energy * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1)
如果当前块为edge块,并且qp_adj - avg_adj > 0:qp_adj = ((strength + AQ_EDGE_BIAS) * (qp_adj - avg_adj))
其他情况:qp_adj = strength * (qp_adj - avg_adj)

总体上看,X265_AQ_VARIANCE模式为aq调整的基础,如果考虑了当前帧中其他的块,变为X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE模式。如果想要更精确地调控,可以增加一些调控因子,演变为X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE_BIASED。如果考虑不局限于AC energy,增加梯度的检测,演变为X265_AQ_EDGE

1.2 图像纹理的检测(edgeFilter)


void edgeFilter(Frame *curFrame, x265_param* param)
    int height = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight;
    int width = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
    intptr_t stride = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride;
    uint32_t numCuInHeight = (height + param->maxCUSize - 1) / param->maxCUSize;
    int maxHeight = numCuInHeight * param->maxCUSize;
	// 初始化
    memset(curFrame->m_edgePic, 0, stride * (maxHeight + (curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * 2)) * sizeof(pixel));
    memset(curFrame->m_gaussianPic, 0, stride * (maxHeight + (curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * 2)) * sizeof(pixel));
    memset(curFrame->m_thetaPic, 0, stride * (maxHeight + (curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * 2)) * sizeof(pixel));

    pixel *src = (pixel*)curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picOrg[0];
    pixel *edgePic = curFrame->m_edgePic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
    pixel *refPic = curFrame->m_gaussianPic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
    pixel *edgeTheta = curFrame->m_thetaPic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        memcpy(edgePic, src, width * sizeof(pixel));
        memcpy(refPic, src, width * sizeof(pixel));
        src += stride;
        edgePic += stride;
        refPic += stride;

    //Applying Gaussian filter on the picture
	// 进行高斯滤波
    src = (pixel*)curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picOrg[0];
    refPic = curFrame->m_gaussianPic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
    edgePic = curFrame->m_edgePic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
    pixel pixelValue = 0;

    for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < height; rowNum++)
        for (int colNum = 0; colNum < width; colNum++)
            if ((rowNum >= 2) && (colNum >= 2) && (rowNum != height - 2) && (colNum != width - 2)) //Ignoring the border pixels of the picture
                /*  5x5 Gaussian filter 滤波器
                    [2   4   5   4   2]
                 1  [4   9   12  9   4]
                --- [5   12  15  12  5]
                159 [4   9   12  9   4]
                    [2   4   5   4   2]*/

                const intptr_t rowOne = (rowNum - 2)*stride, colOne = colNum - 2;
                const intptr_t rowTwo = (rowNum - 1)*stride, colTwo = colNum - 1;
                const intptr_t rowThree = rowNum * stride, colThree = colNum;
                const intptr_t rowFour = (rowNum + 1)*stride, colFour = colNum + 1;
                const intptr_t rowFive = (rowNum + 2)*stride, colFive = colNum + 2;
                const intptr_t index = (rowNum*stride) + colNum;
				// 进行高斯滤波
                pixelValue = ((2 * src[rowOne + colOne] + 4 * src[rowOne + colTwo] + 5 * src[rowOne + colThree] + 4 * src[rowOne + colFour] + 2 * src[rowOne + colFive] +
                    4 * src[rowTwo + colOne] + 9 * src[rowTwo + colTwo] + 12 * src[rowTwo + colThree] + 9 * src[rowTwo + colFour] + 4 * src[rowTwo + colFive] +
                    5 * src[rowThree + colOne] + 12 * src[rowThree + colTwo] + 15 * src[rowThree + colThree] + 12 * src[rowThree + colFour] + 5 * src[rowThree + colFive] +
                    4 * src[rowFour + colOne] + 9 * src[rowFour + colTwo] + 12 * src[rowFour + colThree] + 9 * src[rowFour + colFour] + 4 * src[rowFour + colFive] +
                    2 * src[rowFive + colOne] + 4 * src[rowFive + colTwo] + 5 * src[rowFive + colThree] + 4 * src[rowFive + colFour] + 2 * src[rowFive + colFive]) / 159);
                refPic[index] = pixelValue;
	// 对已经进行了高斯滤波的图像再进行sobel滤波
    if(!computeEdge(edgePic, refPic, edgeTheta, stride, height, width, true))
        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Failed edge computation!");


bool computeEdge(pixel* edgePic, pixel* refPic, pixel* edgeTheta, intptr_t stride, int height, int width, bool bcalcTheta, pixel whitePixel)
    intptr_t rowOne = 0, rowTwo = 0, rowThree = 0, colOne = 0, colTwo = 0, colThree = 0;
    intptr_t middle = 0, topLeft = 0, topRight = 0, bottomLeft = 0, bottomRight = 0;

    const int startIndex = 1;

    if (!edgePic || !refPic || (!edgeTheta && bcalcTheta))
        return false;
        float gradientH = 0, gradientV = 0, radians = 0, theta = 0;
        float gradientMagnitude = 0;
        pixel blackPixel = 0;

        //Applying Sobel filter expect for border pixels
		// 对于边界像素应用sobel滤波
        height = height - startIndex;
        width = width - startIndex;
        for (int rowNum = startIndex; rowNum < height; rowNum++)
            rowTwo = rowNum * stride;
            rowOne = rowTwo - stride;
            rowThree = rowTwo + stride;

            for (int colNum = startIndex; colNum < width; colNum++)
					     [-1  0  1] 	   [-1  -2  -1]
					gH = [-2  0  2]   gV = [0    0   0]
						 [-1  0  1]		   [ 1   2   1]
                 /*  Horizontal and vertical gradients
                     [ -3   0   3 ]        [-3   -10  -3 ]
                 gH =[ -10  0   10]   gV = [ 0    0    0 ]
                     [ -3   0   3 ]        [ 3    10   3 ] */

                colTwo = colNum;
                colOne = colTwo - startIndex;
                colThree = colTwo + startIndex;
                middle = rowTwo + colTwo;
                topLeft = rowOne + colOne;
                topRight = rowOne + colThree;
                bottomLeft = rowThree + colOne;
                bottomRight = rowThree + colThree;
                // 计算水平方向梯度
                gradientH = (float)(-3 * refPic[topLeft] + 3 * refPic[topRight] - 10 * refPic[rowTwo + colOne] + 10 * refPic[rowTwo + colThree] - 3 * refPic[bottomLeft] + 3 * refPic[bottomRight]);
                // 计算垂直方向梯度
                gradientV = (float)(-3 * refPic[topLeft] - 10 * refPic[rowOne + colTwo] - 3 * refPic[topRight] + 3 * refPic[bottomLeft] + 10 * refPic[rowThree + colTwo] + 3 * refPic[bottomRight]);
                // 计算总共的梯度大小,描述该位置的复杂度
                gradientMagnitude = sqrtf(gradientH * gradientH + gradientV * gradientV);
                    edgeTheta[middle] = 0;
                    radians = atan2(gradientV, gradientH);
                    theta = (float)((radians * 180) / PI);
                    if (theta < 0)
                       theta = 180 + theta;
                    edgeTheta[middle] = (pixel)theta;
				// 如果梯度幅值超出了阈值,则赋值为whitePixel,whitePixel=1表示检测到了边界
                edgePic[middle] = (pixel)(gradientMagnitude >= EDGE_THRESHOLD ? whitePixel : blackPixel);
        return true;

1.3 计算AC energy(acEnergyCu)


/* Find the total AC energy of each block in all planes */
uint32_t LookaheadTLD::acEnergyCu(Frame* curFrame, uint32_t blockX, uint32_t blockY, int csp, uint32_t qgSize)
    intptr_t stride = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride;
    intptr_t cStride = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_strideC;
    intptr_t blockOffsetLuma = blockX + (blockY * stride);
    int hShift = CHROMA_H_SHIFT(csp);
    int vShift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT(csp);
    intptr_t blockOffsetChroma = (blockX >> hShift) + ((blockY >> vShift) * cStride);

    uint32_t var;
	// 计算luma的AC分量
    var  = acEnergyPlane(curFrame, curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picOrg[0] + blockOffsetLuma, stride, 0, csp, qgSize);
	// 计算chroma的AC分量
    if (csp != X265_CSP_I400 && curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
        var += acEnergyPlane(curFrame, curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picOrg[1] + blockOffsetChroma, cStride, 1, csp, qgSize);
        var += acEnergyPlane(curFrame, curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picOrg[2] + blockOffsetChroma, cStride, 2, csp, qgSize);
    return var;

计算单通道的AC energy

/* Find the energy of each block in Y/Cb/Cr plane */
inline uint32_t acEnergyPlane(Frame *curFrame, pixel* src, intptr_t srcStride, int plane, int colorFormat, uint32_t qgSize)
	// 计算chroma
    if ((colorFormat != X265_CSP_I444) && plane)
        if (qgSize == 8) // 如果qgSize比较小,则使用4x4尺寸计算AC
            ALIGN_VAR_4(pixel, pix[4 * 4]);
            primitives.cu[BLOCK_4x4].copy_pp(pix, 4, src, srcStride);
			// primitives.cu[BLOCK_4x4].var(pix, 4)表示计算图像的方差
            return acEnergyVar(curFrame, primitives.cu[BLOCK_4x4].var(pix, 4), 4, plane);
        {	// 使用8x8尺寸计算AC
            ALIGN_VAR_8(pixel, pix[8 * 8]);
            primitives.cu[BLOCK_8x8].copy_pp(pix, 8, src, srcStride);
            return acEnergyVar(curFrame, primitives.cu[BLOCK_8x8].var(pix, 8), 6, plane);
    {	// 计算luma
        if (qgSize == 8)
            return acEnergyVar(curFrame, primitives.cu[BLOCK_8x8].var(src, srcStride), 6, plane);
            return acEnergyVar(curFrame, primitives.cu[BLOCK_16x16].var(src, srcStride), 8, plane);

acEnergyVar()的定义如下,获得每帧的AC energy

/* Compute variance to derive AC energy of each block */
inline uint32_t acEnergyVar(Frame *curFrame, uint64_t sum_ssd, int shift, int plane)
    uint32_t sum = (uint32_t)sum_ssd;
    uint32_t ssd = (uint32_t)(sum_ssd >> 32);

    curFrame->m_lowres.wp_sum[plane] += sum;
    curFrame->m_lowres.wp_ssd[plane] += ssd;
    return ssd - ((uint64_t)sum * sum >> shift);

1.4 计算梯度密度(edgeDensityCu)

如果当前的模式为X265_AQ_EDGE模式,则会计算梯度密度。具体来说,先寻找一个块的平均角度,随后计算每帧的AC energy

uint32_t LookaheadTLD::edgeDensityCu(Frame* curFrame, uint32_t &avgAngle, uint32_t blockX, uint32_t blockY, uint32_t qgSize)
    pixel *edgeImage = curFrame->m_edgePic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
    pixel *edgeTheta = curFrame->m_thetaPic + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginY * curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride + curFrame->m_fencPic->m_lumaMarginX;
    intptr_t srcStride = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride;
    intptr_t blockOffsetLuma = blockX + (blockY * srcStride);
    int plane = 0; // Sobel filter is applied only on Y component
    uint32_t var;

    if (qgSize == 8)
        findAvgAngle(edgeTheta + blockOffsetLuma, srcStride, qgSize, avgAngle);
        var = acEnergyVar(curFrame, primitives.cu[BLOCK_8x8].var(edgeImage + blockOffsetLuma, srcStride), 6, plane);
    	// 寻找块的平均角度,通过求取平均值实现,这里的edgeTheta在edgeFilter()当中计算得到
        findAvgAngle(edgeTheta + blockOffsetLuma, srcStride, 16, avgAngle);
        // 计算AC energy
        var = acEnergyVar(curFrame, primitives.cu[BLOCK_16x16].var(edgeImage + blockOffsetLuma, srcStride), 8, plane);
    return var;


//Find the angle of a block by averaging the pixel angles 
inline void findAvgAngle(const pixel* block, intptr_t stride, uint32_t size, uint32_t &angle)
    int sum = 0;
    for (uint32_t y = 0; y < size; y++)
        for (uint32_t x = 0; x < size; x++)
            sum += block[x];
        block += stride;
    angle = sum / (size*size);



	... Pn-1 -> Pn -> Pn+1 ...

(1)计算帧intra和inter cost(singleCost)

void Lookahead::cuTree(Lowres **frames, int numframes, bool bIntra)
    int idx = !bIntra;
    int lastnonb, curnonb = 1;
    int bframes = 0;

    double totalDuration = 0.0;
    for (int j = 0; j <= numframes; j++)
        totalDuration += (double)m_param->fpsDenom / m_param->fpsNum;
	// 计算平均持续时间
    double averageDuration = totalDuration / (numframes + 1);

    int i = numframes;
	// 从后向前,寻找到第一个非B帧
    while (i > 0 && frames[i]->sliceType == X265_TYPE_B)

    lastnonb = i;

    /* Lookaheadless MB-tree is not a theoretically distinct case; the same extrapolation could
     * be applied to the end of a lookahead buffer of any size.  However, it's most needed when
     * lookahead=0, so that's what's currently implemented. */
	// 如果lookahead队列为空,将propagatecost和qpCuTreeOffset都初始化为0
    if (!m_param->lookaheadDepth)
        if (bIntra)
            memset(frames[0]->propagateCost, 0, m_cuCount * sizeof(uint16_t));
            if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
                memcpy(frames[0]->qpCuTreeOffset, frames[0]->qpAqOffset, m_cuCount * 4 * sizeof(double));
                memcpy(frames[0]->qpCuTreeOffset, frames[0]->qpAqOffset, m_cuCount * sizeof(double));
        std::swap(frames[lastnonb]->propagateCost, frames[0]->propagateCost);
        memset(frames[0]->propagateCost, 0, m_cuCount * sizeof(uint16_t));
        if (lastnonb < idx)
        memset(frames[lastnonb]->propagateCost, 0, m_cuCount * sizeof(uint16_t));

    CostEstimateGroup estGroup(*this, frames);
	// 开始向前计算propagate cost
    while (i-- > idx)
        curnonb = i;
		// 查找第一个非B帧,作为当前节点
        while (frames[curnonb]->sliceType == X265_TYPE_B && curnonb > 0)

        if (curnonb < idx)
		// 1.计算intra和inter cost
        estGroup.singleCost(curnonb, lastnonb, lastnonb);

        memset(frames[curnonb]->propagateCost, 0, m_cuCount * sizeof(uint16_t));
        bframes = lastnonb - curnonb - 1;
		// 是否使用金字塔模式
        if (m_param->bBPyramid && bframes > 1) 
            int middle = (bframes + 1) / 2 + curnonb;
            estGroup.singleCost(curnonb, lastnonb, middle);
            memset(frames[middle]->propagateCost, 0, m_cuCount * sizeof(uint16_t));
            while (i > curnonb)
                int p0 = i > middle ? middle : curnonb;
                int p1 = i < middle ? middle : lastnonb;
                if (i != middle)
                    estGroup.singleCost(p0, p1, i);
                    estimateCUPropagate(frames, averageDuration, p0, p1, i, 0);

            estimateCUPropagate(frames, averageDuration, curnonb, lastnonb, middle, 1);
			// i为一个B帧
            while (i > curnonb)
                estGroup.singleCost(curnonb, lastnonb, i);
                estimateCUPropagate(frames, averageDuration, curnonb, lastnonb, i, 0);
		// 2.计算CU的传播cost
        estimateCUPropagate(frames, averageDuration, curnonb, lastnonb, lastnonb, 1);
        lastnonb = curnonb;

    if (!m_param->lookaheadDepth)
        estGroup.singleCost(0, lastnonb, lastnonb);
        estimateCUPropagate(frames, averageDuration, 0, lastnonb, lastnonb, 1);
        std::swap(frames[lastnonb]->propagateCost, frames[0]->propagateCost);
	// 3.根据前面计算的传播cost来评估qp调整量
    cuTreeFinish(frames[lastnonb], averageDuration, lastnonb);
    if (m_param->bBPyramid && bframes > 1 && !m_param->rc.vbvBufferSize)
        cuTreeFinish(frames[lastnonb + (bframes + 1) / 2], averageDuration, 0);

2.1 计算帧损失(singleCost)


int64_t CostEstimateGroup::singleCost(int p0, int p1, int b, bool intraPenalty)
    LookaheadTLD& tld = m_lookahead.m_tld[m_lookahead.m_pool ? m_lookahead.m_pool->m_numWorkers : 0];
    return estimateFrameCost(tld, p0, p1, b, intraPenalty);


	若p0 = p1 = b,则表示没有参考帧,即I帧
	若p1 = b,则表示只有前向参考帧,即P帧

	作为I帧,所有宏块的cost = intra cost
	作为P帧,所有宏块的cost = min( intra cost, inter cost)
	作为B帧,所有宏块的cost = inter cost

int64_t CostEstimateGroup::estimateFrameCost(LookaheadTLD& tld, int p0, int p1, int b, bool bIntraPenalty)
    Lowres*     fenc  = m_frames[b];
    x265_param* param = m_lookahead.m_param;
    int64_t     score = 0;

	// 是否已经存在cost
    if (fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b] >= 0 && fenc->rowSatds[b - p0][p1 - b][0] != -1)
        score = fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b];
        bool bDoSearch[2];
        bDoSearch[0] = fenc->lowresMvs[0][b - p0][0].x == 0x7FFF;			// 是否进行前向搜索
        bDoSearch[1] = p1 > b && fenc->lowresMvs[1][p1 - b][0].x == 0x7FFF; // 是否进行后向搜索

        X265_CHECK(!(p0 < b && fenc->lowresMvs[0][b - p0][0].x == 0x7FFE), "motion search batch duplication L0\n");
        X265_CHECK(!(p1 > b && fenc->lowresMvs[1][p1 - b][0].x == 0x7FFE), "motion search batch duplication L1\n");
        if (bDoSearch[0]) fenc->lowresMvs[0][b - p0][0].x = 0x7FFE;
        if (bDoSearch[1]) fenc->lowresMvs[1][p1 - b][0].x = 0x7FFE;

        fenc->weightedRef[b - p0].isWeighted = false;
		// 是否进行加权预测
        if (param->bEnableWeightedPred && bDoSearch[0])
            tld.weightsAnalyse(*m_frames[b], *m_frames[p0]);

        fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b] = 0;
        fenc->costEstAq[b - p0][p1 - b] = 0;
		// m_batchMode表示批量处理模式(即并行模式,默认会使用),这里是帧级别的并行
        if (!m_batchMode && m_lookahead.m_numCoopSlices > 1 && ((p1 > b) || bDoSearch[0] || bDoSearch[1]))
            /* Use cooperative mode if a thread pool is available and the cost estimate is
             * going to need motion searches or bidir measurements */
			// 如果线程池可用,并且成本估计将需要运动搜索或边界测量,则使用合作模式
            memset(&m_slice, 0, sizeof(Slice) * m_lookahead.m_numCoopSlices);

            X265_CHECK(!m_batchMode, "single CostEstimateGroup instance cannot mix batch modes\n");
            m_coop.p0 = p0;
            m_coop.p1 = p1;
            m_coop.b = b;
            m_coop.bDoSearch[0] = bDoSearch[0];
            m_coop.bDoSearch[1] = bDoSearch[1];
            m_jobTotal = m_lookahead.m_numCoopSlices;
            m_jobAcquired = 0;

            tryBondPeers(*m_lookahead.m_pool, m_jobTotal);



            for (int i = 0; i < m_lookahead.m_numCoopSlices; i++)
                fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b] += m_slice[i].costEst;
                fenc->costEstAq[b - p0][p1 - b] += m_slice[i].costEstAq;
                if (p1 == b) // 没有后向参考,写入Intra cost
                    fenc->intraMbs[b - p0] += m_slice[i].intraMbs;
            /* Calculate MVs for 1/16th resolution*/
            bool lastRow;
            if (param->bEnableHME)
                lastRow = true;
                for (int cuY = m_lookahead.m_4x4Height - 1; cuY >= 0; cuY--)
                    for (int cuX = m_lookahead.m_4x4Width - 1; cuX >= 0; cuX--)
                        estimateCUCost(tld, cuX, cuY, p0, p1, b, bDoSearch, lastRow, -1, 1);
                    lastRow = false;
            lastRow = true;
            for (int cuY = m_lookahead.m_8x8Height - 1; cuY >= 0; cuY--)
                fenc->rowSatds[b - p0][p1 - b][cuY] = 0;

                for (int cuX = m_lookahead.m_8x8Width - 1; cuX >= 0; cuX--)
                    estimateCUCost(tld, cuX, cuY, p0, p1, b, bDoSearch, lastRow, -1, 0);

                lastRow = false;

        score = fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b];

        if (b != p1)
            score = score * 100 / (130 + param->bFrameBias);

        fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b] = score;

    if (bIntraPenalty)
        // arbitrary penalty for I-blocks after B-frames
        score += score * fenc->intraMbs[b - p0] / (tld.ncu * 8);

    return score;


void CostEstimateGroup::estimateCUCost(LookaheadTLD& tld, int cuX, int cuY, int p0, int p1, int b, bool bDoSearch[2], bool lastRow, int slice, bool hme)
    Lowres *fref0 = m_frames[p0];
    Lowres *fref1 = m_frames[p1];
    Lowres *fenc  = m_frames[b];

    ReferencePlanes *wfref0 = fenc->weightedRef[b - p0].isWeighted && !hme ? &fenc->weightedRef[b - p0] : fref0;
	// 如果是hme,块大小为4x4,否则为8x8
    const int widthInCU = hme ? m_lookahead.m_4x4Width : m_lookahead.m_8x8Width;
    const int heightInCU = hme ? m_lookahead.m_4x4Height : m_lookahead.m_8x8Height;
    const int bBidir = (b < p1);
    const int cuXY = cuX + cuY * widthInCU;
    const int cuXY_4x4 = (cuX / 2) + (cuY / 2) * widthInCU / 2;
    const int cuSize = X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE;
    const intptr_t pelOffset = cuSize * cuX + cuSize * cuY * (hme ? fenc->lumaStride/2 : fenc->lumaStride);

    if ((bBidir || bDoSearch[0] || bDoSearch[1]) && hme)
        tld.me.setSourcePU(fenc->lowerResPlane[0], fenc->lumaStride / 2, pelOffset, cuSize, cuSize, X265_HEX_SEARCH, m_lookahead.m_param->hmeSearchMethod[0], m_lookahead.m_param->hmeSearchMethod[1], 1);
    else if((bBidir || bDoSearch[0] || bDoSearch[1]) && !hme)
        tld.me.setSourcePU(fenc->lowresPlane[0], fenc->lumaStride, pelOffset, cuSize, cuSize, X265_HEX_SEARCH, m_lookahead.m_param->hmeSearchMethod[0], m_lookahead.m_param->hmeSearchMethod[1], 1);

    /* A small, arbitrary bias to avoid VBV problems caused by zero-residual lookahead blocks. */
    int lowresPenalty = 4;
    int listDist[2] = { b - p0, p1 - b};

    MV mvmin, mvmax;
    int bcost = tld.me.COST_MAX;
    int listused = 0;

    // TODO: restrict to slices boundaries
    // establish search bounds that don't cross extended frame boundaries
    mvmin.x = (int32_t)(-cuX * cuSize - 8);
    mvmin.y = (int32_t)(-cuY * cuSize - 8);
    mvmax.x = (int32_t)((widthInCU - cuX - 1) * cuSize + 8);
    mvmax.y = (int32_t)((heightInCU - cuY - 1) * cuSize + 8);

    for (int i = 0; i < 1 + bBidir; i++)
        int& fencCost = hme ? fenc->lowerResMvCosts[i][listDist[i]][cuXY] : fenc->lowresMvCosts[i][listDist[i]][cuXY];
        int skipCost = INT_MAX;
		// 不进行搜索,直接对比cost
        if (!bDoSearch[i])
            COPY2_IF_LT(bcost, fencCost, listused, i + 1);

        int numc = 0;
        MV mvc[5], mvp;
		// 如果使用hme搜索,则使用resmvs,即残差mv
        MV* fencMV = hme ? &fenc->lowerResMvs[i][listDist[i]][cuXY] : &fenc->lowresMvs[i][listDist[i]][cuXY];
        ReferencePlanes* fref = i ? fref1 : wfref0;

        /* Reverse-order MV prediction */
#define MVC(mv) mvc[numc++] = mv;
		// 将mv填充到mvc中
        if (cuX < widthInCU - 1)
            MVC(fencMV[1]);	// 填充右侧块的MV
        if (!lastRow)
            MVC(fencMV[widthInCU]);	// 填充下方块的MV
            if (cuX > 0)
                MVC(fencMV[widthInCU - 1]);	// 填充左下方块的MV
            if (cuX < widthInCU - 1)
                MVC(fencMV[widthInCU + 1]);	// 填充右下方块的MV
        if (fenc->lowerResMvs[0][0] && !hme && fenc->lowerResMvCosts[i][listDist[i]][cuXY_4x4] > 0)
            MVC((fenc->lowerResMvs[i][listDist[i]][cuXY_4x4]) * 2);
#undef MVC
		// 如果无可用mv,则mvp设置为0
        if (!numc)
            mvp = 0;
            ALIGN_VAR_32(pixel, subpelbuf[X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE * X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE]);
            int mvpcost = MotionEstimate::COST_MAX;

            /* measure SATD cost of each neighbor MV (estimating merge analysis)
             * and use the lowest cost MV as MVP (estimating AMVP). Since all
             * mvc[] candidates are measured here, none are passed to motionEstimate */
			// 对相邻mv评估SATD的损失,最佳的mv存储到mvp中
            for (int idx = 0; idx < numc; idx++)
                intptr_t stride = X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE;
				// 低分辨率的运动补偿
                pixel *src = fref->lowresMC(pelOffset, mvc[idx], subpelbuf, stride, hme);
				// 计算SATD
                int cost = tld.me.bufSATD(src, stride);
                COPY2_IF_LT(mvpcost, cost, mvp, mvc[idx]);
                /* Except for mv0 case, everyting else is likely to have enough residual to not trigger the skip. */
                if (!mvp.notZero() && bBidir)
                    skipCost = cost;
		// 基于前面获取的最佳mv,进行运动估计
        int searchRange = m_lookahead.m_param->bEnableHME ? (hme ? m_lookahead.m_param->hmeRange[0] : m_lookahead.m_param->hmeRange[1]) : s_merange;
        /* ME will never return a cost larger than the cost @MVP, so we do not
         * have to check that ME cost is more than the estimated merge cost */
            fencCost = tld.me.motionEstimate(fref, mvmin, mvmax, mvp, 0, NULL, searchRange, *fencMV, m_lookahead.m_param->maxSlices);
            fencCost = tld.me.motionEstimate(fref, mvmin, mvmax, mvp, 0, NULL, searchRange, *fencMV, m_lookahead.m_param->maxSlices, fref->lowerResPlane[0]);
        if (skipCost < 64 && skipCost < fencCost && bBidir)
            fencCost = skipCost;
            *fencMV = 0;
        COPY2_IF_LT(bcost, fencCost, listused, i + 1);
    if (hme)

    if (bBidir) /* B, also consider bidir */
        /* NOTE: the wfref0 (weightp) is not used for BIDIR */

        /* avg(l0-mv, l1-mv) candidate */
        ALIGN_VAR_32(pixel, subpelbuf0[X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE * X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE]);
        ALIGN_VAR_32(pixel, subpelbuf1[X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE * X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE]);
        intptr_t stride0 = X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE, stride1 = X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE;
        pixel *src0 = fref0->lowresMC(pelOffset, fenc->lowresMvs[0][listDist[0]][cuXY], subpelbuf0, stride0, 0);
        pixel *src1 = fref1->lowresMC(pelOffset, fenc->lowresMvs[1][listDist[1]][cuXY], subpelbuf1, stride1, 0);
        ALIGN_VAR_32(pixel, ref[X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE * X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE]);
        primitives.pu[LUMA_8x8].pixelavg_pp[NONALIGNED](ref, X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE, src0, stride0, src1, stride1, 32);
        int bicost = tld.me.bufSATD(ref, X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE);
        COPY2_IF_LT(bcost, bicost, listused, 3);
        /* coloc candidate */
        src0 = fref0->lowresPlane[0] + pelOffset;
        src1 = fref1->lowresPlane[0] + pelOffset;
        primitives.pu[LUMA_8x8].pixelavg_pp[NONALIGNED](ref, X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE, src0, fref0->lumaStride, src1, fref1->lumaStride, 32);
        bicost = tld.me.bufSATD(ref, X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE);
        COPY2_IF_LT(bcost, bicost, listused, 3);
        bcost += lowresPenalty;
    else /* P, also consider intra */
        bcost += lowresPenalty;

        if (fenc->intraCost[cuXY] < bcost)
            bcost = fenc->intraCost[cuXY];
            listused = 0;

    /* do not include edge blocks in the frame cost estimates, they are not very accurate */
	// 不能将边界块纳入计算,因为不准确
    const bool bFrameScoreCU = (cuX > 0 && cuX < widthInCU - 1 &&
                                cuY > 0 && cuY < heightInCU - 1) || widthInCU <= 2 || heightInCU <= 2;
    int bcostAq;
    if (m_lookahead.m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
        bcostAq = (bFrameScoreCU && fenc->invQscaleFactor) ? ((bcost * fenc->invQscaleFactor8x8[cuXY] + 128) >> 8) : bcost;
        bcostAq = (bFrameScoreCU && fenc->invQscaleFactor) ? ((bcost * fenc->invQscaleFactor[cuXY] +128) >> 8) : bcost;

    if (bFrameScoreCU)
        if (slice < 0)
            fenc->costEst[b - p0][p1 - b] += bcost;
            fenc->costEstAq[b - p0][p1 - b] += bcostAq;
            if (!listused && !bBidir)
                fenc->intraMbs[b - p0]++;
            m_slice[slice].costEst += bcost;
            m_slice[slice].costEstAq += bcostAq;
            if (!listused && !bBidir)

    fenc->rowSatds[b - p0][p1 - b][cuY] += bcostAq;
    fenc->lowresCosts[b - p0][p1 - b][cuXY] = (uint16_t)(X265_MIN(bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK) | (listused << LOWRES_COST_SHIFT));

2.2 计算传播损失(estimateCUPropagate)

函数的主要功能是根据前面获得的inter与intra cost来计算传播损失,传播损失计算的公式为
c o s t = ( p r o p a g a t e I n + i n t r a C o s t ∗ i n v q s c a l e ∗ f p s F a c t o r > > 8 ) ∗ ( 1 − i n t e r C o s t i n t r a C o s t ) cost = (propagateIn + intraCost * invqscale * fpsFactor >> 8) * (1-\frac{ interCost}{intraCost}) cost=(propagateIn+intraCostinvqscalefpsFactor>>8)(1intraCostinterCost)





// 根据前面获得的inter 和 intra cost,计算CU级的传播cost
void Lookahead::estimateCUPropagate(Lowres **frames, double averageDuration, int p0, int p1, int b, int referenced)
	// 在lookahead当中进行帧计算时,使用的是经过下采样的低分辨率图像Lowres
    uint16_t *refCosts[2] = { frames[p0]->propagateCost, frames[p1]->propagateCost };
    int32_t distScaleFactor = (((b - p0) << 8) + ((p1 - p0) >> 1)) / (p1 - p0);
    int32_t bipredWeight = m_param->bEnableWeightedBiPred ? 64 - (distScaleFactor >> 2) : 32;
    int32_t bipredWeights[2] = { bipredWeight, 64 - bipredWeight };
    int listDist[2] = { b - p0, p1 - b };

    memset(m_scratch, 0, m_8x8Width * sizeof(int));

    uint16_t *propagateCost = frames[b]->propagateCost;

    double fpsFactor = CLIP_DURATION((double)m_param->fpsDenom / m_param->fpsNum) / CLIP_DURATION(averageDuration);

    /* For non-referred frames the source costs are always zero, so just memset one row and re-use it. */
    if (!referenced) // 如果当前帧没有被参考,则inter cost为0
        memset(frames[b]->propagateCost, 0, m_8x8Width * sizeof(uint16_t));

    int32_t strideInCU = m_8x8Width;
    for (uint16_t blocky = 0; blocky < m_8x8Height; blocky++)
        int cuIndex = blocky * strideInCU;
			逐行计算propagate cost,计算的结果存储在m_scratch中,这是一个并行操作,每次都会计算一行
			(2)frames[b]->intraCost表示当前帧的intra cost
			(3)frames[b]->lowresCosts[b - p0][p1 - b]表示前一个参考帧传递给后一个参考帧的inter cost
        if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
            primitives.propagateCost(m_scratch, propagateCost,
                       frames[b]->intraCost + cuIndex, frames[b]->lowresCosts[b - p0][p1 - b] + cuIndex,
                       frames[b]->invQscaleFactor8x8 + cuIndex, &fpsFactor, m_8x8Width);
        else // 使用x265_mbtree_propagate_cost_avx2实现行级计算
            primitives.propagateCost(m_scratch, propagateCost,
                       frames[b]->intraCost + cuIndex, frames[b]->lowresCosts[b - p0][p1 - b] + cuIndex,
                       frames[b]->invQscaleFactor + cuIndex, &fpsFactor, m_8x8Width);

        if (referenced)
            propagateCost += m_8x8Width;

        for (uint16_t blockx = 0; blockx < m_8x8Width; blockx++, cuIndex++)
            int32_t propagate_amount = m_scratch[blockx]; // 这里的propagate_amount就代表了cost
            /* Don't propagate for an intra block. */
            if (propagate_amount > 0) // intra block不传播
                /* Access width-2 bitfield. */
                int32_t lists_used = frames[b]->lowresCosts[b - p0][p1 - b][cuIndex] >> LOWRES_COST_SHIFT;
                /* Follow the MVs to the previous frame(s). */
                for (uint16_t list = 0; list < 2; list++)
                    if ((lists_used >> list) & 1)
#define CLIP_ADD(s, x) (s) = (uint16_t)X265_MIN((s) + (x), (1 << 16) - 1) // 两个数字相加并返回给s,并检查是否上溢
                        int32_t listamount = propagate_amount;
                        /* Apply bipred weighting. */
                        if (lists_used == 3)
                            listamount = (listamount * bipredWeights[list] + 32) >> 6;

                        MV *mvs = frames[b]->lowresMvs[list][listDist[list]];

                        /* Early termination for simple case of mv0. */
                        if (!mvs[cuIndex].word) // mv为零,直接将cost写入
                            CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][cuIndex], listamount);

							+ ---- + ---- +
							|	0  |   1  |
							+ ---- + ---- +
							|   2  |   3  |
							+ ---- + ---- +

							(1)x >> 2 表示将1/4像素转换成整像素
							(2)x >> 3 表示将整像素转换成为以8x8为单位的坐标
                        int32_t x = mvs[cuIndex].x;
                        int32_t y = mvs[cuIndex].y;
                        int32_t cux = (x >> 5) + blockx;		// 以8x8为单位块的横坐标
                        int32_t cuy = (y >> 5) + blocky;		// 以8x8为单位块的纵坐标
                        int32_t idx0 = cux + cuy * strideInCU;	// 0号块位置
                        int32_t idx1 = idx0 + 1;				// 1号块位置
                        int32_t idx2 = idx0 + strideInCU;		// 2号块位置
                        int32_t idx3 = idx0 + strideInCU + 1;	// 3号块位置
                        x &= 31;
                        y &= 31;
                        int32_t idx0weight = (32 - y) * (32 - x);	// 0号块权重
                        int32_t idx1weight = (32 - y) * x;			// 1号块权重
                        int32_t idx2weight = y * (32 - x);			// 2号块权重
                        int32_t idx3weight = y * x;					// 3号块权重

                        /* We could just clip the MVs, but pixels that lie outside the frame probably shouldn't
                         * be counted. */
                        if (cux < m_8x8Width - 1 && cuy < m_8x8Height - 1 && cux >= 0 && cuy >= 0) // 所有块都没有超出边界
                            CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx0], (listamount * idx0weight + 512) >> 10);
                            CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx1], (listamount * idx1weight + 512) >> 10);
                            CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx2], (listamount * idx2weight + 512) >> 10);
                            CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx3], (listamount * idx3weight + 512) >> 10);
                        else /* Check offsets individually */
							// 可能有部分块超出了边界
                            if (cux < m_8x8Width && cuy < m_8x8Height && cux >= 0 && cuy >= 0)					// idx0可用
                                CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx0], (listamount * idx0weight + 512) >> 10);
                            if (cux + 1 < m_8x8Width && cuy < m_8x8Height && cux + 1 >= 0 && cuy >= 0)			// idx1可用
                                CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx1], (listamount * idx1weight + 512) >> 10);
                            if (cux < m_8x8Width && cuy + 1 < m_8x8Height && cux >= 0 && cuy + 1 >= 0)			// idx2可用
                                CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx2], (listamount * idx2weight + 512) >> 10);
                            if (cux + 1 < m_8x8Width && cuy + 1 < m_8x8Height && cux + 1 >= 0 && cuy + 1 >= 0)	// idx3可用
                                CLIP_ADD(refCosts[list][idx3], (listamount * idx3weight + 512) >> 10);	

    if (m_param->rc.vbvBufferSize && m_param->lookaheadDepth && referenced)
        cuTreeFinish(frames[b], averageDuration, b == p1 ? b - p0 : 0);

2.3 计算qp调整量(cuTreeFinish)


void Lookahead::cuTreeFinish(Lowres *frame, double averageDuration, int ref0Distance)
	// 是否使用hevcAq模式
    if (m_param->rc.hevcAq)
        computeCUTreeQpOffset(frame, averageDuration, ref0Distance);
    {	// 不使用hevcAq模式
        int fpsFactor = (int)(CLIP_DURATION(averageDuration) / CLIP_DURATION((double)m_param->fpsDenom / m_param->fpsNum) * 256);
        double weightdelta = 0.0;

        if (ref0Distance && frame->weightedCostDelta[ref0Distance - 1] > 0)
            weightdelta = (1.0 - frame->weightedCostDelta[ref0Distance - 1]);

        if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
            for (int cuY = 0; cuY < m_8x8Height; cuY++)
                for (int cuX = 0; cuX < m_8x8Width; cuX++)
                    const int cuXY = cuX + cuY * m_8x8Width;
                    int intracost = ((frame->intraCost[cuXY]) / 4 * frame->invQscaleFactor8x8[cuXY] + 128) >> 8;
                    if (intracost)
                        int propagateCost = ((frame->propagateCost[cuXY]) / 4 * fpsFactor + 128) >> 8;
                        double log2_ratio = X265_LOG2(intracost + propagateCost) - X265_LOG2(intracost) + weightdelta;
                        frame->qpCuTreeOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4] = frame->qpAqOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4] - m_cuTreeStrength * (log2_ratio);
                        frame->qpCuTreeOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4 + 1] = frame->qpAqOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4 + 1] - m_cuTreeStrength * (log2_ratio);
                        frame->qpCuTreeOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4 + frame->maxBlocksInRowFullRes] = frame->qpAqOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4 + frame->maxBlocksInRowFullRes] - m_cuTreeStrength * (log2_ratio);
                        frame->qpCuTreeOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4 + frame->maxBlocksInRowFullRes + 1] = frame->qpAqOffset[cuX * 2 + cuY * m_8x8Width * 4 + frame->maxBlocksInRowFullRes + 1] - m_cuTreeStrength * (log2_ratio);
            for (int cuIndex = 0; cuIndex < m_cuCount; cuIndex++)
                int intracost = (frame->intraCost[cuIndex] * frame->invQscaleFactor[cuIndex] + 128) >> 8;
				// 当前CU纹理值得被参考时(intracost不为0),才计算传播cost
                if (intracost)
					// 为每个cu块(以16x16为尺寸)赋值qpOffset
                    int propagateCost = (frame->propagateCost[cuIndex] * fpsFactor + 128) >> 8;
                    double log2_ratio = X265_LOG2(intracost + propagateCost) - X265_LOG2(intracost) + weightdelta;
						m_cuTreeStrength = (m_param->rc.hevcAq ? 6.0 : 5.0) * (1.0 - m_param->rc.qCompress);
						PS: qpAqOffset的值可以为负,log2_ratio的值越大,则负的越多;如果qpAqOffset为正,log2_ratio的值越大,
                    frame->qpCuTreeOffset[cuIndex] = frame->qpAqOffset[cuIndex] - m_cuTreeStrength * log2_ratio;




int Analysis::calculateQpforCuSize(const CUData& ctu, const CUGeom& cuGeom, int32_t complexCheck, double baseQp)
    FrameData& curEncData = *m_frame->m_encData;
    double qp = baseQp >= 0 ? baseQp : curEncData.m_cuStat[ctu.m_cuAddr].baseQp;
    bool bCuTreeOffset = IS_REFERENCED(m_frame) && m_param->rc.cuTree && !complexCheck;

    if ((m_param->analysisMultiPassDistortion && m_param->rc.bStatRead) || (m_param->ctuDistortionRefine && m_param->analysisLoad))
        x265_analysis_distortion_data* distortionData = m_frame->m_analysisData.distortionData;
        if ((distortionData->threshold[ctu.m_cuAddr] < 0.9 || distortionData->threshold[ctu.m_cuAddr] > 1.1)
            && distortionData->highDistortionCtuCount && distortionData->lowDistortionCtuCount)
            qp += distortionData->offset[ctu.m_cuAddr];
	// analysisLoadReuseLevel默认为0
    if (m_param->analysisLoadReuseLevel >= 2 && m_param->rc.cuTree)
        int cuIdx = (ctu.m_cuAddr * ctu.m_numPartitions) + cuGeom.absPartIdx;
        if (ctu.m_slice->m_sliceType == I_SLICE)
            return x265_clip3(m_param->rc.qpMin, m_param->rc.qpMax, (int32_t)(qp + 0.5 + ((x265_analysis_intra_data*)m_frame->m_analysisData.intraData)->cuQPOff[cuIdx]));
            return x265_clip3(m_param->rc.qpMin, m_param->rc.qpMax, (int32_t)(qp + 0.5 + ((x265_analysis_inter_data*)m_frame->m_analysisData.interData)->cuQPOff[cuIdx]));
	// 是否使用hevcAq
    if (m_param->rc.hevcAq)
        /* Use cuTree offsets if cuTree enabled and frame is referenced, else use AQ offsets */
        double dQpOffset = 0;
        if (bCuTreeOffset)
            dQpOffset = cuTreeQPOffset(ctu, cuGeom);
            dQpOffset = aqQPOffset(ctu, cuGeom);
            if (complexCheck)
                int32_t offset = (int32_t)(dQpOffset * 100 + .5);
                double threshold = (1 - ((x265_ADAPT_RD_STRENGTH - m_param->dynamicRd) * 0.5));
                int32_t max_threshold = (int32_t)(threshold * 100 + .5);
                return (offset < max_threshold);
        qp += dQpOffset;
        int loopIncr = (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8) ? 8 : 16;
        /* Use cuTree offsets if cuTree enabled and frame is referenced, else use AQ offsets */
        double *qpoffs = bCuTreeOffset ? m_frame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset : m_frame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset;
        if (qpoffs)
            uint32_t width = m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
            uint32_t height = m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight;
            uint32_t block_x = ctu.m_cuPelX + g_zscanToPelX[cuGeom.absPartIdx];
            uint32_t block_y = ctu.m_cuPelY + g_zscanToPelY[cuGeom.absPartIdx];
            uint32_t maxCols = (m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth + (loopIncr - 1)) / loopIncr;
            uint32_t blockSize = m_param->maxCUSize >> cuGeom.depth;
            double dQpOffset = 0;
            uint32_t cnt = 0;
            // 遍历16x16小块,从中取出原先计算好的qpOffset
            for (uint32_t block_yy = block_y; block_yy < block_y + blockSize && block_yy < height; block_yy += loopIncr)
                for (uint32_t block_xx = block_x; block_xx < block_x + blockSize && block_xx < width; block_xx += loopIncr)
                    uint32_t idx = ((block_yy / loopIncr) * (maxCols)) + (block_xx / loopIncr);
                    dQpOffset += qpoffs[idx];
            dQpOffset /= cnt;
            qp += dQpOffset; // 进行qp的调整
			// complexCheck默认为 -1
            if (complexCheck)	
                int32_t offset = (int32_t)(dQpOffset * 100 + .5);
                double threshold = (1 - ((x265_ADAPT_RD_STRENGTH - m_param->dynamicRd) * 0.5));
                int32_t max_threshold = (int32_t)(threshold * 100 + .5);
                return (offset < max_threshold);
	// 对qp进行clip,防止溢出
    return x265_clip3(m_param->rc.qpMin, m_param->rc.qpMax, (int)(qp + 0.5));



	(1)如果不启用aq,但启用了cuTree,则会强制设置aqMode = X265_AQ_VARIANCE
	(2)如果aqStrength为0,同时不启用cuTree,则aqMode = X265_AQ_NONE
	(3)如果不启用aq和cuTree,则aqStrength = 0
if (p->rc.aqMode == 0 && p->rc.cuTree)
    p->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_VARIANCE;
    p->rc.aqStrength = 0.0;

if (p->rc.aqStrength == 0 && p->rc.cuTree == 0)
    p->rc.aqMode = X265_AQ_NONE;
    p->rc.hevcAq = 0;

if (p->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_NONE && p->rc.cuTree == 0)
    p->rc.aqStrength = 0;



5.1 复杂度的计算(xPreanalyze)


void LookaheadTLD::xPreanalyze(Frame* curFrame)
    const uint32_t width = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
    const uint32_t height = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight;
    const intptr_t stride = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_stride;
	// 1.按照不同的粒度,计算方差(或者说纹理复杂度)
    for (uint32_t d = 0; d < 4; d++)
		// maxCUSize默认为64,ctuSizeIdx为0
        int ctuSizeIdx = 6 - g_log2Size[curFrame->m_param->maxCUSize];
		// qgSize默认为32,aqDepth为1
        int aqDepth = g_log2Size[curFrame->m_param->maxCUSize] - g_log2Size[curFrame->m_param->rc.qgSize];
			static const uint32_t aqLayerDepth[3][4][4] = 
				{  // ctu size 64
					{ 1, 0, 1, 0 },	aqDepth = 0
					{ 1, 1, 1, 0 }, aqDepth = 1
					{ 1, 1, 1, 0 }, aqDepth = 2
					{ 1, 1, 1, 1 }	aqDepth = 3
				{  // ctu size 32
					{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
					{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
					{ 1, 1, 1, 0 },
					{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
				{  // ctu size 16
					{ 1, 0, 0, 0 },
					{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
					{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
					{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
				(a)ctuSizeIdx = 0,表示maxCUSize为64
				(b)aqDepth = 1,表示qgSize为32
				(c)d = 0,表示当前执行第0个级别粒度的分析

				aqLayerDepth[0][1] = {1, 1, 1, 0}表示允许进行第0,1,2级别粒度的分析,每种粒度会对应不同
        if (!aqLayerDepth[ctuSizeIdx][aqDepth][d])
        const pixel* src = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picOrg[0];; // 0表示luma分量
        PicQPAdaptationLayer* pQPLayer = &curFrame->m_lowres.pAQLayer[d]; // 获取当前粒度下的layer
        const uint32_t aqPartWidth = pQPLayer->aqPartWidth;		// 3种粒度,分别是{64, 32, 16}
        const uint32_t aqPartHeight = pQPLayer->aqPartHeight;	// 3种粒度,分别是{64, 32, 16}
        double* pcAQU = pQPLayer->dActivity;

        double dSumAct = 0.0;
		// 按照不同的粒度,来遍历一帧当中所有的块
        for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y += aqPartHeight)
            const uint32_t currAQPartHeight = X265_MIN(aqPartHeight, height - y);
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x += aqPartWidth, pcAQU++)
                const uint32_t currAQPartWidth = X265_MIN(aqPartWidth, width - x);
                const pixel* pBlkY = &src[x];
                uint64_t sum[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                uint64_t sumSq[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                uint32_t by = 0;
					| 0 | 1 |
					| 2 | 3 |
                for (; by < currAQPartHeight >> 1; by++)
                    uint32_t bx = 0;
                    for (; bx < currAQPartWidth >> 1; bx++)
                        sum[0] += pBlkY[bx];
                        sumSq[0] += pBlkY[bx] * pBlkY[bx];
                    for (; bx < currAQPartWidth; bx++)
                        sum[1] += pBlkY[bx];
                        sumSq[1] += pBlkY[bx] * pBlkY[bx];
                    pBlkY += stride;
                for (; by < currAQPartHeight; by++)
                    uint32_t bx = 0;
                    for (; bx < currAQPartWidth >> 1; bx++)
                        sum[2] += pBlkY[bx];
                        sumSq[2] += pBlkY[bx] * pBlkY[bx];
                    for (; bx < currAQPartWidth; bx++)
                        sum[3] += pBlkY[bx];
                        sumSq[3] += pBlkY[bx] * pBlkY[bx];
                    pBlkY += stride;

                assert((currAQPartWidth & 1) == 0);
                assert((currAQPartHeight & 1) == 0);
                const uint32_t pixelWidthOfQuadrants = currAQPartWidth >> 1;
                const uint32_t pixelHeightOfQuadrants = currAQPartHeight >> 1;
				// 计算每个子块中像素的数量
                const uint32_t numPixInAQPart = pixelWidthOfQuadrants * pixelHeightOfQuadrants;

                double dMinVar = MAX_DOUBLE;
				// 求每个子块均值和方差
                if (numPixInAQPart != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        const double dAverage = double(sum[i]) / numPixInAQPart;
                        const double dVariance = double(sumSq[i]) / numPixInAQPart - dAverage * dAverage;
                        dMinVar = X265_MIN(dMinVar, dVariance);
                    dMinVar = 0.0;
                double dActivity = 1.0 + dMinVar;
				// 存储方差
                *pcAQU = dActivity;	// CU级方差
                dSumAct += dActivity;
            src += stride * currAQPartHeight;
		// 计算当前粒度下的均值方差
        const double dAvgAct = dSumAct / (pQPLayer->numAQPartInWidth * pQPLayer->numAQPartInHeight);
        pQPLayer->dAvgActivity = dAvgAct;
	// 2.按照不同的粒度,去分析QP
	// 最小AQDepth(最细粒度)
    int minAQDepth = curFrame->m_lowres.pAQLayer->minAQDepth;

    PicQPAdaptationLayer* pQPLayer = &curFrame->m_lowres.pAQLayer[minAQDepth];
    const uint32_t aqPartWidth = pQPLayer->aqPartWidth;
    const uint32_t aqPartHeight = pQPLayer->aqPartHeight;
    double* pcQP = pQPLayer->dQpOffset;

    // Use new qp offset values for qpAqOffset, qpCuTreeOffset and invQscaleFactor buffer
	// 使用从最细粒度获取的pcQP值,来计算invQscaleFactor
	// 这里似乎没有计算qpAqOffset和qpCuTreeOffset?
    int blockXY = 0;
    for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y += aqPartHeight)
        for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x += aqPartWidth, pcQP++)
            curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[blockXY] = x265_exp2fix8(*pcQP);

            acEnergyCu(curFrame, x, y, curFrame->m_param->internalCsp, curFrame->m_param->rc.qgSize);


void LookaheadTLD::xPreanalyzeQp(Frame* curFrame)
    const uint32_t width = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
    const uint32_t height = curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight;

    for (uint32_t d = 0; d < 4; d++)
        int ctuSizeIdx = 6 - g_log2Size[curFrame->m_param->maxCUSize];
        int aqDepth = g_log2Size[curFrame->m_param->maxCUSize] - g_log2Size[curFrame->m_param->rc.qgSize];
        if (!aqLayerDepth[ctuSizeIdx][aqDepth][d])

        PicQPAdaptationLayer* pcAQLayer = &curFrame->m_lowres.pAQLayer[d];
        const uint32_t aqPartWidth = pcAQLayer->aqPartWidth;
        const uint32_t aqPartHeight = pcAQLayer->aqPartHeight;
        double* pcAQU = pcAQLayer->dActivity;
        double* pcQP = pcAQLayer->dQpOffset;
        double* pcCuTree = pcAQLayer->dCuTreeOffset;
		// 分析每个粒度下的qpOffset
        for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y += aqPartHeight)
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x += aqPartWidth, pcAQU++, pcQP++, pcCuTree++)
				// param->rc.qpAdaptationRange = 1.0;
                double dMaxQScale = pow(2.0, curFrame->m_param->rc.qpAdaptationRange / 6.0);
				// CU级别的方差
                double dCUAct = *pcAQU;
				// 粒度级别的方差(或者说CU级别的平均方差)
                double dAvgAct = pcAQLayer->dAvgActivity;
						(a)已知 dMaxQScale = pow(2, 1/6) = 1.1224
						(b)假设dCUAct = 10,dAvgAct = 5,表明当前CU的方差比较大,此时
							dNormAct = (1.124 * 10 + 5) / (1.124 * 5 + 10) = 1.040
						(c)假设dCUAct = 5,dAvgAct = 10, 表明当前CU的方差比较小,此时
							dNormAct = (1.124 * 5 + 10) / (1.124 * 10 + 5) = 0.962
                double dNormAct = (dMaxQScale*dCUAct + dAvgAct) / (dCUAct + dMaxQScale*dAvgAct);
                double dQpOffset = (X265_LOG2(dNormAct) / X265_LOG2(2.0)) * 6.0;
				// 存储qpOffset
                *pcQP = dQpOffset;
                *pcCuTree = dQpOffset;

5.2 qpOffset的计算(computeCUTreeQpOffset)


void Lookahead::computeCUTreeQpOffset(Lowres *frame, double averageDuration, int ref0Distance)
    int fpsFactor = (int)(CLIP_DURATION(averageDuration) / CLIP_DURATION((double)m_param->fpsDenom / m_param->fpsNum) * 256);
    uint32_t loopIncr = (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8) ? 8 : 16;

    double weightdelta = 0.0;
    if (ref0Distance && frame->weightedCostDelta[ref0Distance - 1] > 0)
        weightdelta = (1.0 - frame->weightedCostDelta[ref0Distance - 1]);

    uint32_t widthFullRes = frame->widthFullRes;
    uint32_t heightFullRes = frame->heightFullRes;

    if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
        // ... 
    {	// 遍历每个粒度
        for (uint32_t d = 0; d < 4; d++)
            int ctuSizeIdx = 6 - g_log2Size[m_param->maxCUSize];
            int aqDepth = g_log2Size[m_param->maxCUSize] - g_log2Size[m_param->rc.qgSize];
            if (!aqLayerDepth[ctuSizeIdx][aqDepth][d])

            PicQPAdaptationLayer* pQPLayer = &frame->pAQLayer[d];
            const uint32_t aqPartWidth = pQPLayer->aqPartWidth;
            const uint32_t aqPartHeight = pQPLayer->aqPartHeight;

            const uint32_t numAQPartInWidth = pQPLayer->numAQPartInWidth;
            const uint32_t numAQPartInHeight = pQPLayer->numAQPartInHeight;

            double* pcQP = pQPLayer->dQpOffset;
            double* pcCuTree = pQPLayer->dCuTreeOffset;

            uint32_t maxCols = frame->maxBlocksInRow;

            for (uint32_t y = 0; y < numAQPartInHeight; y++)
                for (uint32_t x = 0; x < numAQPartInWidth; x++, pcQP++, pcCuTree++)
                    uint32_t block_x = x * aqPartWidth;
                    uint32_t block_y = y * aqPartHeight;

                    uint32_t blockXY = 0;
                    double log2_ratio = 0;
                    for (uint32_t block_yy = block_y; block_yy < block_y + aqPartHeight && block_yy < heightFullRes; block_yy += loopIncr)
                        for (uint32_t block_xx = block_x; block_xx < block_x + aqPartWidth && block_xx < widthFullRes; block_xx += loopIncr)
                            uint32_t idx = ((block_yy / loopIncr) * (maxCols)) + (block_xx / loopIncr);

                            int intraCost = (frame->intraCost[idx] * frame->invQscaleFactor[idx] + 128) >> 8;
                            int propagateCost = (frame->propagateCost[idx] * fpsFactor + 128) >> 8;

                            log2_ratio += (X265_LOG2(intraCost + propagateCost) - X265_LOG2(intraCost) + weightdelta);

					// 计算qpOffset
                    double qp_offset = (m_cuTreeStrength * log2_ratio) / blockXY;

                    *pcCuTree = *pcQP - qp_offset;




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