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Go语言现代web开发defer 延迟执行

The defer statement will delay the execution of a function until the surrounding function is completed. Although execution is postponed, funciton arguments will be evaluated immediately.


Defer is quite useful in situations when we should execute a specific function call after the execution of the surrounding function. It is often used to close files, streams, or connections to a database because defer will be executed even if the function fails; so, we do not need to handle all situations when something goes wrong, one simple defer statement will take care of it.


In the following example, the execution of fmt.Print(2) will be postponed until main() function is concluded;


func main(){
    defer fmt.Print(2)

Value 132 will be displayed on the standard output.


We can have more than one defer statement inside a function. The function call will be pushed onto a stack. The stack can be defined as a collection of elements, where the most recently added element will be removed first. This principle is called LIFO, Last, first out.


The following code snippet will print 1342 on standard output. The first print will be executed, be second one (under defer) will be pushed onto the stack the third print will be executed, and the fourth one will be pushed onto the stack. Deferred function calls on the stack are presented in next. Since the fourth print is pushed onto the stack last, it will be executed first.


func main(){
    defer fmt.Print(2)
    defer fmt.Print(4)

If defer is declared after return, the function call will not be executed, because defer statement will not be executed, and the function call will not be pushed into the stack. In the following example, first call of the testDefer() function will execute will four calls of the Print() function, and the second call will not execute the fourth one.


func testDefer(val int){
    defer fmt.Print(2)
    if val == 5{
    defer fmt.Print(4)

func main(){

Value 1342132 will be displayed on the standard output.




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