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How to see if openAI (node js) createModeration response “flagged“ is true

题意:如何查看 OpenAI (Node.js) createModeration 响应中的 "flagged" 是否为 true


Using the OpenAI createModeration feature, I am trying to see if the string gets flagged or not.

使用 OpenAI 的 createModeration 功能,我正在尝试查看字符串是否被标记(flagged)

I request the API by using this: `

翻译:我通过使用以下代码请求 API:`

const mod = await openai.createModeration({
      input: 'Some text to be flagged', // isn't actually this that would get flagged

When I log the resposne (and it's flagged) I get this:


      hate: 0.057017914950847626,
      'hate/threatening': 0.0013999055372551084,
      'self-harm': 1.523021175842132e-8,
      sexual: 0.000011195417755516246,
      'sexual/minors': 4.2277463307982543e-8,
      violence: 0.8440001010894775,
      'violence/graphic': 1.2527605974810285e-7
    flagged: true

However, if I try to get the "flagged" option by doing mod.data.results.flagged it returns unidentified.

然而,当我尝试通过 mod.data.results.flagged 获取 "flagged" 选项时,它返回未定义(unidentified)


mod.data.results is an array of objects. To get the first flagged value specify mod.data.results[0].flagged (or mod.data.results[0]?.flagged to account for an empty array)

mod.data.results 是一个对象数组。要获取第一个 flagged 的值,可以指定 mod.data.results[0].flagged(或使用 mod.data.results[0]?.flagged 来处理空数组)

UPDATE Actually something is not correct with your example object, it is missing a curly bracket.




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