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    In class society everyone lives as a member of a particular class, and every kind of thinking, without exception, is stamped with the brand of a class.



In class society everyone lives as a member of a particular class

- 状语 (Adverbial): In class society
- 主语 (Subject): everyone
- 谓语 (Predicate): lives

- 介词短语 (Prepositional Phrase): as a member of a particular class
    - 介词 (Preposition): as
    - 名词短语 (Noun Phrase): a member of a particular class
        - 限定词 (Determiner): a
        - 名词 (Noun): member
        - 介词短语 (Prepositional Phrase): of a particular class
            - 介词 (Preposition): of
            - 名词短语 (Noun Phrase): a particular class
                - 限定词 (Determiner): a
                - 形容词 (Adjective): particular
                - 名词 (Noun): class

    动词 “lives” 在此处是一个不及物动词,它后面接一个介词短语 (prepositional phrase) 来补充说明人们“作为”某个类别的一员生活。 


and every kind of thinking, without exception, is stamped with the brand of a class

- 连词 (Conjunction): and
- 主语 (Subject): every kind of thinking

    - 限定词 (Determiner): every
    - 名词短语 (Noun Phrase): kind of thinking
        - 名词 (Noun): kind
        - 介词短语 (Prepositional Phrase): of thinking
            - 介词 (Preposition): of
            - 名词 (Noun): thinking
- 插入语 (Parenthetical): without exception
    - 介词 (Preposition): without
    - 名词 (Noun): exception
- 谓语 (Predicate): is stamped
    - 动词 (Verb): is stamped
- 介词短语 (Prepositional Phrase): with the brand of a class
    - 介词 (Preposition): with
    - 名词短语 (Noun Phrase): the brand of a class
        - 限定词 (Determiner): the
        - 名词 (Noun): brand
        - 介词短语 (Prepositional Phrase): of a class
            - 介词 (Preposition): of
            - 名词短语 (Noun Phrase): a class
                - 限定词 (Determiner): a
                - 名词 (Noun): class



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