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在Windows Driver Kit(WDK)的根安装目录下,这些文件存储在bin子目录中。


(Platform)mk.inc File

  • Article
  • 05/04/2011

For each platform, there is a special make file:

  • i386mk.inc for an x86 platform

  • ia64mk.inc for an Itanium-based platform

  • amd64mk.inc for an x64-based platform

  • armmk.inc for the ARM platform

Under the root installation directory of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), these files are stored in the bin subdirectory.

In these files, there are optimization rules or assembler instructions that are specific for that target. There may also be extra link flags, resource compiler flags, or C preprocessor rules that are required.

In general, you should not edit the (Platform)mk.inc files, because there are macros that can be used in your Sources files to override all the (Platform)mk.inc settings. If you want to change the optimization, use MSC_OPTIMIZATION. If you want to change linker flags, use LINKER_FLAGS.



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