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IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (TCE)投稿指南

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投稿地址:IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronic Submit System
期刊投稿guideline: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics Submission Instructions

Latex 模板投稿

  • 从期刊模版里下载的Latex模版是普通Trans模版,和多个期刊通用的,需要自己修改为相应的期刊模版
    Transaction General Template
    Common Latex
  • 双栏排版
  • Paper Head (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS) ,模版是在首页左上角,但是期刊文章是在首页右上角,修改LaTex Journal 名称为对应期刊


创建 new submission


1. Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract


1. Original Article (S1)
2. State-of-the-Art Paper (SoA) (S1)
3. Industry (S1)
4. Letter (S1)
5. Extended CTSoc Conference Paper (S1)
6. Tutorial (S1)
7. Guest Editorial (S1)
8. Special Section: Improving transport safety and operator’s situational awareness via emerging ambient intelligence and human-machine interaction using consumer electronics (S1)
9. Special Section: Edge AI Strategies for Fortifying Security and Privacy in Healthcare Devices (S1)
10. Special Section: Open Environment Data Mining in 6G Consumer Internet of Things (S1)
11. Special Section: Large-Scale Knowledge Discovery in Consumer Electronics through Computational Intelligence (S1)
12. Special Section: Consumer-centric Energy-efficient 6G Networks for Industry 5.0 (S1)
13. Special Section: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning for Autonomous Vehicles: Advances, Challenges, and Applications (S1)
14. Special Section: Large Language Models for Consumer Health (S1)
15. Special Section: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Internet of Vehicular Communications (S1)
16. Special Section: State-of-the-Art in Artificial Intelligence for Consumer Electronics (S1)
17. Special Section: When Consumer Electronics Meet Large Models: Opportunities and Challenges (S1)
18. Special Section: Integrated Bio-Consumer Electronics: Circuits, Systems, and Applications (S1)
19. Special Section: Lightweight Large Model for Edge Computing in Consumer Devices (S1)
20. Special Section: Enhancing Consumer IoT Security with Immersive Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems (S1)
21. Special Section: AIGC and multimodal vision techniques for Consumer Electronics Applications (S1)
22. Special Section: Theory and Applications of Fuzzy-based Systems (S1)
23. Special Section: Future-proofing Consumer Applications: AI-driven Predictive Security Measures (S1)
24. Special Section: Next-Gen Healthcare: Machine Learning Paradigms for Consumer-Centric Devices (S1)
25. Special Section: Human Machine Interface for Next generation Consumer Electronics (S1)
26. Special Section: Metaverse, Consumer Devices, and Internet of Things (S1)
27. Special Section: Challenges and Opportunities in Integrating IoT and Explainable AI with UAV-Assisted Consumer Electronics (S1)
28. Special Section: Split Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained Consumer Electronics: Applications and Challenges (S1)
29. Special Section: Human-Centric Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Technical Developments and User Experience (S1)
30. Special Section: Emerging Technologies in Consumer Power and Energy Management (S1)

Title (限60字)


Abstract (限200字)


Step 2: File Upload


Step 3: Attributes (关键词)

在Keywords 输入框里输入关键词逐个加入

Step 4: Authors & Institutions



Step 5: Details & Comments


  1. Cover Letter

  2. Funding

  3. IEEE Plagiarism Policy 抄袭声明政策

  4. Manuscript Scope Compliance with IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (确认所投论文符合期刊范围,否则会被拒稿),调查论文是否有补充材料

  5. Human and Animal Research Disclosure (研究是否涉及人和动物)

  6. IEEE DataPort

  7. IEEE Xplore + Code Ocean 如果有代码希望把代码上传到

Step 6: Review & Submit 回顾填写的信息,无误即可提交



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