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        See Annex A for an example of a requirement specification for a payment metering system based on an existing system using one-way token carriers and transferring energy credit units.

        In this example, the functions, processes and data elements are kept together in order to retain the context with the devices or entities at the point where these are specified. The example is an outline of requirements only and serves to illustrate the principles of using the framework for
standardization as defined in this technical report.

        Clauses A.3, A.4 and A.5 merely give the essence of the CIS, POS and interface functions with some essential data elements.

        Clauses A.6, A.7 and A.8 give a fairly comprehensive example for the interface between the point of sale, the token carrier and the meter. The example given is based on a current implementation for one-way token carriers using the IEC/PAS 62055-41 protocol.
        A.6、A.7 和 A.8 条款给出了介于售电系统、介质和表计之间的所有接口的整套实例。该实例是基于对应用 IEC/PAS 62055-41 协议的存储介质的统一应用。

        Clause A.9 gives a fairly comprehensive example of a single-part payment meter installation.Because of the fragmented nature of the relevant reference specifications, these have not been reproduced, but are merely referenced from within the text.
        第 A.9 条款给出了一整套付费单表安装的实例。因为相关规范的分散性这些规范尚未被复制,而是仅仅在相关文本中参考使用。



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