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16 Midjourney从零到商用·实战篇:产品工业设计




Minimalist, 3D rendered rice cooker with a streamlined design inspired by the work of Dieter Rams. The product has a sleek white surface and an intuitive control panel. It is a true masterpiece of modern design

Bluetooth speaker featuring minimalism and light background, captured through professional product photography, characterized by shallow depth of field, mid-area photo taken with a Hasselblad camera

Retro typewriter, gradient translucent glass melting effect, laser effect, scattering effect, Dieter Rams design, transparent glass, minimalism, high detail, glow, white background, industrial design, studio photography, C4D, OC renderer, clean shadows

industrial design Coffee machine 4k high detail Modern minimalist style white background studio lighting

Food processor Three Views, bauhaus, soft, futuristic industrial design, advanced technology, strange style, ergonomic form, continuous line sketch, line art style, high detail, wide-angle lens, 8k, industrial design, white background

detailed product design sketch of a vaccum cleaner, copic maker style

Complete product design rendering page layout, product life cycle, fashion electronic gadget sketch, projection, modern minimalist, high-end texture, streamlined, silver grey + black + round operation panel, rich details

Product Design Sketch, Orthographic, Vibrant, Clean, White Background

One page industrial design portfolio layout showing the product render of a gadget from multiple angles and sections, snippets of process, minimal, detailed






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