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Mybatis 9种动态 sql 标签使用


1.if 标签

<select id="getUser">
    select * from User
        <if test=" age != null ">
            and age > #{age}
        <if test=" name != null ">
            and name like concat(#{name},'%')

2.choose 标签、when 标签、otherwise 标签

<select id="getUser">
    select * from User
            <when test=" age != null ">
                and age > #{age}
            <when test=" name != null ">
                and name like concat(#{name},'%')
                and sex = '女'

3.foreach 标签

<select id="findAll">
    select  * from user where ids in
    <foreach collection="list"
             item="item" index="index"
             open="(" separator="," close=")">

select  * from user where ids in (1,2,3,...,100);

<select id="findAll">
    select  * from user where
    <foreach collection="list"
             item="item" index="index"
             open=" " separator=" or " close=" ">
        id = #{item}

select  * from user where id =1 or id =2 or id =3  ... or id = 100;

4.where 标签、set 标签

<select id="getUser">
    select * from User
        <if test=" age != null ">
            and age > #{age}
        <if test=" name != null ">
            and name like concat(#{name},'%')
<update id="updateUser">
    update user
        <if test="age !=null">
            age = #{age},
        <if test="username !=null">
            username = #{username},
        <if test="password !=null">
            password = #{password},
    where id =#{id}

注意,set 标签之所以能够支持去除前缀逗号或者后缀逗号,
是由于其在构造 trim 标签的时候进行了前缀后缀的去除设置,而 where 标签在构造 trim 标签的时候就仅仅设置了前缀去除。

5.trim 标签

<trim prefix="SET" prefixOverrides="," >


<trim prefix="SET" suffixesToOverride="," >

由于 where 标签和 set 标签这两种 trim 标签变种方案已经足以满足我们实际开发需求,所以直接使用 trim 标签的场景实际上不太很多(其实是我自己使用的不多,基本没用过)。

6.bind 标签

平时你使用 mysql 都是如何拼接模糊查询 like 语句的 ( oracle 不支持)
select * from user where name like concat('%',#{name},'%')

<select id="selecUser">
    <bind name="myName" value="'%' + _parameter.getName() + '%'" />
    SELECT * FROM user
    WHERE name LIKE #{myName}

无论使用哪种数据库,这个模糊查询的 Like 语法都是支持的

拓展:sql标签 + include 标签

<!-- 可复用的字段语句块 -->
<sql id="userColumns">

<!-- 查询时简单复用 -->
<select id="selectUsers" resultType="map">
    <include refid="userColumns"></include>
    from user



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